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2020-05-14 06:42:38
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2024-01-08 07:01:43
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2022-07-28 13:22:07
Event Cycle - May 21st
oh boy, another news thread for a game with over 1500 servers, that gets next to no exposure because the company is so dumb they cant even begin to try and comprehend the concept of PR and of maintaining a good relationship with those that pay their wages, and the exposure it does get are people correctly pointing out obvious shortfalls, meaning before we know it this thread will be full of " this comment was deleted" and kagari or annie can toddle along like good little mutts with their free coupons feeling all proud of themselves as they actively take part in killing the game they play don't worry guys, its only the worst company in gaming, giving back to back recharge events on a dead insecure platform, and now dont even try to pretend they put effort into events amd give us idiotic things like 30k fuku with literally nothing worth spending coupons on. Nothing at all to worry about, just sit back, relax, let the mods censor anybody having an opinion of their own, swallow oasis' bull*, throw your hard earned money at a dying game and an absolute abortion of a company, everything is a-okay, nothing to see here
2020-05-26 15:15:14
Level freezing?
this guy is right, even if you level freeze now it wont make a difference, because you will just face against the cowards that have been level freezing for a long time. my server is one of the earliest and a certain group, run by a certain level freezing mod has guys with over 400k power that are sitting at level 80 or below, so at this point whether you decide to freeze or not you will still be facing whales, the only decision is do you want to be fodder for guys with huge wallets but no guts who level freeze because they are too scared of the competition from other whales OR do you want to simply level up and be fodder to whales who will still crush you, but atleast they aren't hiding in the shallow waters as a way to feel good about themsleves
General Discussion
2020-05-22 19:33:15
Gaara kk sb
thank you, so im not the only who thinks that giving a character a skill he has no reason to possess and giving *ready strong shield giving super armor support ninja the most broken and op self heal in the game is nothing short of tarded. 6p and kushi were the pinnacle of boring, but every single player in all 1500+ servers facing each other with inexplicably medical master gaara goes beyond the word boring and since in practically every lineup he is used with one of the formers there is literally no gameplay left to be had facing those teams. You may aswell take up a hobby, learn to play an instrument, learn to crochet, learn a new language, because you absolutely have the time while waiting for 10 spam rounds to pass by
General Discussion
2020-05-19 20:56:29
Event Cycle - May 14th
kagari is a mod now? so the guy who has been in a 69-ing circle * with loco from day one and getting free wins in space time is now also getting free in game stuff, he didnt have enough advantages having his sugar daddy paying for stuff and bending over for him to let him win?. Great job oasis, you really are skilled at choosing the best people. also, this will undoubtedly be deleted and I will be messaged about "inciting drama", but really kagari? censoring all of our comments? even Danzo's, who has a reputation for defending your dog * company here? oasis really do think they operate in china dont they?? say what they want you to or be silenced, no exceptions
uzitzgo hij ,zh
2020-05-20 15:27:28
welcoming spring does not work
so since you locked your own thread qv, in classic oasis fashion, we can now summarize the situation by saying in 3 years oasis finally added a good event that players like, bugs developed after a mere 2 days, and the devs are not capable and are too lazy to fix it, so they come up with an excuse saying it was always intended to be a one time participation, even though they added it this cycle for the full week which would make no sense if they wanted it to be a time sensitive one and done event
General Discussion
2020-05-17 18:16:51
Welcoming Spring
same across all servers it appears , 3 days into this event cycle and so far there have been 3 glaring, amateur issues. good job staff, keep it up
Bugs & Support
2020-05-17 03:15:17
Event Cycle - May 14th
you are not wrong in saying people need to learn to temper their expectations from this, truly awful company, but at the same time I dont think arguing against your fellow gamers points of view is the right approach either. if your words are true, then you understand that this company is literally the worst company that could be handling this game and that wont change, but that doesnt necessarily mean people should "adjust" , in effect, keep quiet. oasis may never change, but that doesnt mean that as customers/paying customers we cant vent our frustrations, even if we know they wont ever read our words, it can still be cathartic, if you are a long time player and you have witnessed some of the most illogical, idiotic and consistently poor decisions that this company makes, sometimes just voicing your opinion into the void that is oasis forum can help
uzitzgo hij ,zh
2020-05-20 15:27:28
Event Cycle - May 14th
"game liason" a player that has been offered a "job" from oasis they get free stuff in game each month in exchange for telling oasis what they want to hear and defending them in forums such as this. it *should* be a game liason's job to be a conduit between us players and the company. paying attention to problems,bugs, criticisms and relaying useful information back to the company so they can make changes that keeps the players happy which in turn keeps the money rolling in for them . But this is no normal company, this is oasis, they dont accept criticism, no matter how factually accurate they may be, and if you say anything that could even potentailly be seen as negative, they treat it like we all live in china, they silence you. Thread locked, comments deleted, mods send you pm's for "inciting drama" ................which is why GL's around here arent exactly seen in a positive light, they exchange their honesty to tell bare face lies defending a company despite literally thousands of bad decisions and shady business tactics. and they effectively cheat, by playing alongside us, but with free stuff and inside knowledge
uzitzgo hij ,zh
2020-05-20 15:27:28
Event Cycle - May 14th
holy crap, that manifesto. it is no secret that this company is * through and through, but reading that stuff is still surprising. the people behind the scenes arent out of touch money hungry morons, they are adults acting like hormone riddled teens thinking with their *, with relationship drama and talk of "tell me who you love" "I can destroy your account", an account in a video game. like I said, nobody is blind to to what a joke of a company this is, but the stuff in the manifesto reads like a really bad student-project attempt at making a telenovela. its dramatic and whiny and self serving and just utterly utterly pathetic.... and that is without even commenting on confirmation of the underhanded business practices and rigged system that we all already know this game is
uzitzgo hij ,zh
2020-05-20 15:27:28
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