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2020-05-14 06:42:38
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2024-01-08 07:01:43
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2022-07-28 13:22:07
game doesn't work for me
started happening for me too as of today exactly the same as the others and happens across all browsers "The webpage at ..........= might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address."
Bugs & Support
Tachibana Saeko
2020-07-22 22:47:31
Madara Jinchu Breakthrough!
ALL characters that are even remotely worthwhile to sb are 4 star here if they are 3 star in china, they are 4 star here. if they are reasonably priced in china they cost thousands of dollars here if there is a break that could possibly be worth pursuing for non whale appealing characters we might get it 2 years after that character has become redundant when, not if, when oasis mess up because despite the fact they do no real work, just pay to use assets created by chinese devs and hike the prices up by roughly 1500%, you can guarantee they wont even acknowledge it and their lap dogs will censor you in a humming birds heartbeat if you dare to ask common sense questions, because the mods in layman's terms are overly sensitive whales who sell their integrity and actively help destroy this game for 30k coupons a month. These are not opinions, these are facts of how this company operates, as dissapointing as it is. Because its a good game but is in literally the worst imaginable hands unfortunately
General Discussion
2020-07-11 23:33:38
Killer Bee 8 tails
so thats the end of the matter? oasis made yet another mistake that is so amateur start up companies wouldn't even make, they give away a product they charged players hundreds of dollars for and their company stance on the issue is to * the people who paid them? Not surprised, but even after all these years oasis still finds new ways to spit in the faces of the people paying their bills, not even a small token like some vials/advanced protection as some gesture of caring about their customers? just a literal "f3ck you" money cant buy class as they say
General Discussion
2020-07-09 02:29:16
Event Cycle 9th July
3rd ino's flower event in 4 weeks, is that a record?
2020-07-15 18:20:22
Training grounds
this is a weird message to try to reply to, you simultaneously agree with my statements whilst also insulting my opinion. odd where in my post did I say i dont use the retreat *on? my post was about the fact that people dont seem to realize how important speed is, so as always the most blase gamers in the entire solar system all use the same stall teams, people here are either too *, too lazy or have such little brain capacity that they dont realize that removing kushi from their lineup for 40 minutes a week, would put them in a better position to get more rewards from an event. That was my point, if they dont want to lose because it will hurt their fee fees they can rely on kushi in other game modes, but using stall characters here is a double-edged sword because it lets them win more matches, but drains so much time from a time sensitive event that they miss out. kakuzu *can* be a blitz, it isnt a guarantee that he is, if you run anyone like sasuke rinne/kurenai summer/edo release madara/ minato with bond barrier/madara 5 kage/itachi kimono/nagato sb say goodbye to all of kakuzus damage ouput leaving the match in a weird stalemate where the opponent has more power but isnt fully able to apply it and because kakuzu heals/removes debuffs and is often teamed with shield generators also means it would be slow to take him down either. you mentioned kushi and dodgers, so you admit that stall teams are a problem here, so I am not sure where to go with that statement. we are in very very different training grounds, in the past 2 weeks, maybe 3, but I can confidently say at least 2 the only kimimaro user i have faced is darken
General Discussion
2020-06-28 17:49:39
Training grounds
from the fact you have literally not a single thing to say it is safe to assume you are such a player who needs meta to hold your hand. thank you for your input
General Discussion
2020-06-28 17:49:39
so...about the FUKU ninja (GNW madara)
his breaks probably will come soon, this is the 3rd time he has been in fuku, more times than any other ninja bar that disease edo minato. That isnt proof of anything ofcourse, but it would stand to reason that he is back again to give us a chance to prepare him
General Discussion
2020-06-27 04:20:02
more ways to make the game better
novel idea but since all the programming, modelling, animation, sound, cutscenes would need to be done by the chinese because oasis genuinely arent capable of anything like that, I doubt we will see any changes as dramatic as that, unfortunately I would love it if they stopped rigging every single event ( i know, this comment will get deleted even though ex moderators have proven that this is true and not mere rumour, but it is an honest idea to improve the game at no cost to oasis) casinos are bad right? they are always in the houses favour and the odds of winning are astronomically low, but the odds still exist, whereas here there are no odds, because the events are legitimately rigged so you cannot win. Oasis charge thousands of dollars for characters like naruto ronin that china players could get for about $50, they already have an utterly gigantic profit margin and do none of the work themselves, they could absolutely let players win in *some* events and still rake in the big bucks
General Discussion
2020-06-23 21:34:33
Event Cycle June 18th
doesnt matter, you wouldnt get rewards anyway. this cycle has 3 "luck" based events, all of which have shisui susanoo as potential prizes, but the people recharging and using hundreds of spins in all 3 events on a daily basis get a couple of refines for their money and maybe a 3rd place prize. A server with multiple guys whose power is over 1million, and even with one of them having recharged enough ingots to get ashura already, none of them have pulled a shisui despite spinning shinobi feast wheel, crazy slot machine and throwing thousands upon thousands of coupons in stars wheel. The people "winning" are the people with inactive accounts logging in for the first time in literal years and getting him with a free spin, just like every other lucky stars wheel that has ever been in the game. Your server is new, so there wont be long inactive accounts yet, but the method still stands, IF you recharge you CANNOT win, oasis locks your account, they ONLY give the top prizes to lagging accounts and plants, to make it appear as though it is possible to win to trick people into spending, learn from long time players, you can spend all you want you are a free person, but please never, I mean NEVER rely on "random" number generator events in this game,
2020-06-23 21:16:28
Do not play this game its a scam
thats an over simplistic definition, the actual definition of a scam is "a *ulent or deceptive act or operation" a company claiming events are fair, that all players have equal chances of "winning" when in fact they dont- that is *ulent, a scam a company having plant accounts to try and fool people into spending money to "compete" with admin accounts - that is deceptive, a scam a company silencing any possibly negative word said about their operation - deceptive, a scam a company hiring people from the game to serve as "mods" and "game liasons" but instead of doing those roles, those lapdogs are paid to lurk in the forums and defend oasis, block people for being honest and are given free coupons to outright lie and mislead the players - that is deceptive, a scam
Bugs & Support
2020-06-23 12:33:58
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