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2019-09-10 00:57:15
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2020-07-22 00:10:34
[Scavenger's Hunt - Celebrating Naruto Online EN's 4th Anniversary]
Clues I think: 1. General Section - Choji 3. Fanfiction Section - Minato 3. Strategy Section - Akamaru 4. Bugs and Support Section - Naruto 5. Group Section - Orochimaru Answer: Akamaru and Naruto UID : 300006542681558 Server: 1330 IGN: AktAeolia (first three letters stylized)
hayate chibakut
2020-07-23 15:25:31
A wonderful day to celebrate our Foundation: Naruto Online 4th Anniversary Event
category: Creative Arts UID : 300006542681558 Server: 1330 IGN: AktAeolia (first three letters stylized) Hope this drawing makes you smile! Minato, Kushina and their genin squad are in a festive mood.
2020-07-23 04:36:00
[Advanced Master]
4th Year Anniversary - Creative Festivity of Shinobi Years
UID : 300006542681558 Server: 1330 IGN: AktAeolia (first three letters stylized) Submission: This is my handmade Leaf Art Bookmark! I went with a leaf theme since Konoha is the Village Hidden in the Leaves.. The material is a passionflower leaf from my garden, so it’s eco-friendly and recyclable. I designed and drew a Kurama Kyuubi pattern on it with ink. When you press it between the pages of a book to dry and flatten it, it can become a cool and unique bookmark. I may not have a magical jutsu like Sai to bring art to life, but I hope this gift can still make the anniversary celebration lively!
2020-07-23 02:30:02
Bonds forged through the Years - Celebrating Naruto Online EN's 4th Anniversary
UID: 300006542681558 Server: 1330 IGN: AktAeolia (first three letters stylized) Story: As the current group leader of Element, I'm proud to say that on our merged server of 1318-1322-1330, Element is a cozy inclusive home for everyone. I myself started out as a lost inexperienced player from a dissolved group, and Element took me in and helped me grow. Now, I am delighted to be in the position to be able to help others in turn. We come from all time zones, so it's not easy to gather everyone for a group picture, so this is just a small slice of our group at a particular moment in the peaceful afternoon of Monday. (Perhaps we aren't so coordinated, but our style is casual fun!) We're easygoing, peaceful, and supportive of one another, so there's always friends around for events like Decisive Bonds, Arena 3v3, Team Instance and Strong Approaching. and Thanks to members' generous donations and frequent activity, we're the top group in our merge. I've learned a lot from the other members of my group, and I look forward to joint adventures in the months to come!
2020-07-23 08:34:15
4th Year Anniversary - Shinobi Adventure Collage Event
UID: 30000654268155 Server: 1330 IGN: AktAeolia (First three letters stylized) Story- Finding Fun in Details: The more I play Naruto Online, the more I discover the intricacies, whether they are little jokes, artwork details, or gameplay options. I like sharing these observations with my friends in my group, and it is a blast becoming more immersed in this world. 1. One of my favorite details is the Swimsuit Chiyo joke. When I first got "Swimsuit Chiyo" raffled through the random title spin, I was confused and searched everywhere for more information. If it's mentioned in-game, surely there's more to it? No luck, but my interest was piqued. So I was astounded when I gained the "Blossoming Limited Ninja Poster" depicting young Swimsuit Chiyo in eye-catching lavender. The game sure has a sense of humor! It quickly became my prized possession because it made me laugh. Please, future mine-plunderers, gift me more of these posters, haha (I don't know if she will ever be a real ninja, but if she does I will fully welcome her) 2. I also really like the various clothing options in game. My favorite one is the "This Is Youth!" tights. When I assemble Guy and Lee in a team filled with tights-wearing clones, I can make a forest of green latex and really celebrate the spirit of hard work! Like Lee, if you persevere, you can shine in this game, and I love this clothing for its reminder of that for me. I am the only person on my server with this clothing option currently, though I wish more would join me in the Spirit of Youth! 3. A third detail I appreciate is the little speech bubbles that appear when your character goes into the hot springs. I like this "rotten egg/papaya" one because it is memorable. I think the female characters also say amusing things like "being skinny saves fabric for Konoha". Male characters, step up your game in quips! There's nothing quite like juicy hot springs gossip. 4. Finally, I enjoy the details in the background artwork that makes the game feel more fully multidimensional. Some of the landscapes are breathtaking! I love exploring and finding funny poses. This one is of the interior design of the group base, which at level 10+ has mysterious statues. In the picture, is the monster about to kiss me? Or whisper a secret? Or just plain old blasting terrible breath? Up to you to interpret, haha! I hope these 4 can highlight how appreciating small things has become a recurring theme in my gaming journey.
General Discussion
Lord HTT
2020-07-22 02:30:48
Aburame Clan's Buggy Challenge - Celebrating Naruto Online EN's 4th Anniversary
I spot 9 bugs! UID : 300006542681558 Server: 1330 IGN: AktAeolia (first three letters stylized)
Bugs & Support
2020-07-22 18:15:21