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2020-03-20 20:50:57
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2021-06-17 08:55:05
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2020-12-31 02:54:56
Rainbow Six Siege R6S
some one delete this post please
General Discussion
2020-12-27 09:29:26
Top 100 in EN NO?
player in my server emmar is 1045000 and hes not in the list
General Discussion
2020-12-26 01:34:35
Wow the audacity of this guy, you can actually work as a scammer based on how well you took the whole situation out of context I am from the same group as that guy named Lanaya (the author of this thread), I may not be part of the group's upper echelon but I was there when the argument happened. FIRST OF ALL The group leader did not kick you out, Rex (Group leader) actually left from the group because of how hurt he was because your toxicity, you made him feel like he does not do * to deserve the packs he is getting for himself. When from my perspective it is well deserved since he works his ass off and helps everyone in everything when he can, and I bet most leader make their group in order to secure a pack for themselves which is nothing wrong at all. SECONDLY You were told off by Assasimora (Anbu position in group) to tone it down and cut you off since you were being a bit aggressive in your statements, then you started calling him out calling him an idiot with too low IQ to understand your argument, IN FACT you called everyone dumb for not understanding your point according to you. THIRDLY You were being told to calm down since you are trying to actually escalate things which could be done in a simple calm manner of talking, instead even going as far as instigating other players in the group to oust the leader for the packs he is getting, Even KidoUchiha (Group Senior) tried to talk to you calmly but you repeatedly told him that he should shut the frick up because he is a top uppper and he does not understand your struggle of wanting a legendary pack. TomatoGod (Group Senior) also tried to reason with you calmly this was also the time the Group leader REX left the group because he can't handle your bantering, and you will not even listen to reason. FOURTH The hell are you to say that everyone was unsatisfied of the pack distribution? you were the only one who kept saying that while the others and myself kept on saying that we do not think the same, everyone knows that whoever gets the legendary packs deserved it and leader actually tries to distribute evenly, and its not like you never got any for the past weeks either, AND THE SERVER IS THREE WEEKS OLD, what were you expecting to circulate 3 legendary packs on 50+ players in the group? FIFTH The Group upper echelons are very close, and TomatoGod upon learning that Rex left the group because of how you spent 30 minutes of everyone's lives talking how he did not deserve the legendary packs that he is getting when he has the most contributions since day one became really furious and responded to your toxicity with his own, it might not have been the right thing to do but I was actually surprise it took long enough for them to snap back at you. The moment you got kicked is when you challenged TomatoGod and you said "Tomato you are testing my patience" (Sorry can't provide ss of conversation) and he snapped booting you out of the group immediately. OFFENSES YOU MADE 1. You kept talking for 30 mins straight without even hearing reasons from others 2. You called most of us Dumb, an Idiot and * for not being able to comprehend your argument, even going as far as referring to them as uneducated. that was all actually, and you even brought it out in the world chat, not surprised why you did not screenshot ALL of the conversation as well as the Group conversation and only captured the moment Tomato cursed at you. Cunning of you but you are too dumb to think that no one from the group would actually call you out on it. You even threatened of posting in forum of the injustice you were given when from my perspective it was well deserved. A WORD OF ADVICE If the Majority of the group thinks you were very toxic and deserved to be kicked out due to inappropriate approaches, and you still think you were in the right, you need help, go see a doctor :) I am so sorry if I cannot provide any substantial evidence since this happened a few days ago, but I can call on all the group to grace this post their presence and validate my whole account of what happened I would gladly do so if someone wished it. Please do not embarrass yourself further, I do not want to actually put someone to shame even if they were in the wrong but this post just struck my nerve so much that I typed this long * that I am not even used to. It is drama you want, it is drama you get. Have a good day and Happy holidays everyone :D
2020-12-28 23:33:17
i like how he said in the start that no one kicked him and hes lying and in the end he said evrey one agreed and found it appropriate to be kicked out of the groupe , lmao god even liars put effort these days to sound cool ,
2020-12-28 23:33:17
no one belive you for *ing up to ur leader bec we saw how tomato god talked to him about the justice point in all chat in the screen shots so you cant hide the truth and the facts that we saw in the screen shots so stop trying so hard to get a role in groupe , you should all * together as members against abusive and greedy leaders
2020-12-28 23:33:17
Christmas Event – Day 6 of Forum's Christmas Specials
Merry Christmas Evrey One ! Let me first start by saying that NakaNoJinja is the most supportive informative sociale helpful groupe i encountered in playing naruto online since release bec i have been in 2 other servers before uk one and la one , i khnow i might sound cliche here but trust me these silly amazing pieces of human beeings are more then freinds to me then irl freinds these people (some of them ) Even helped me financialy when i got the covid-19 and if u dont belive god works in mysterious ways by now trust me you should , the mental positivity i got from them helped me alot to stay positive to overcome my trouble , not to mention The daily topics and the conctant concern and msgs always make me feel warm and loved the little games we play for fun around the map like the hide and seek or fetch the leader its all been fun , we have been together with the leader since day 1 of the server now its been a year and we still together growing and improving and learning from one another and my only wish is for us to keep together and bond even more strongly with the time goes by , SHOUT OUT TO MY BEST GROUPE MEMBER FREINDS THANK YOU ALL UID: 300015053820664 SERVER: S1488 :Mirror world NAME: TiTan
2020-12-25 10:45:45
Christmas Event – Day 5 of Forum's Christmas Specials
Merry Christmas Evrey One ! PS : First of all iam not very good with photoshop but i tried to do my best with it so i dont just submit somthing lazy so i hope you guys love it because i spent some time working on it ^^First pic : Clear version Second pic : Bluur Version UID: 300015053820664 SERVER: S1488 :Mirror world NAME: TiTan
2020-12-25 00:52:05
New Events Cycle - 24th of December
so what do we use christmas hearts for ?
2020-12-26 17:54:29
Christmas Event - Day 3 of Forum's Christams Specials
Merry christmas evreyone ! Difficulty : EXPERT Team Run Time To defeat the christmas thief : 5 ROUNDSTeam Power : 150 KPS : Tthese are the only 2 new year / christmas Ninjas i have So i done my best to fit them together ! Team And Combos TalentsPs : you must use the dear summon for the christmas spirit ^^Good amount of ignition from naruto and fire main with naruto chase / fire main chase and fire main standard to deal bonus damage evrey round , firemain ninjustsu urge to buff ninjutsu of the team since its based more on nin damage then tai dmg , also with sai giving you 20 chakara before hes action and the bani chakara usage from firemain when activating hes 0 chakara consumption mystery you get above 50 chakara + which will activate tenten passive and she wont consume chakara to use her mystery , also naruto mystery giving you extra standard for 2 rounds is a very helpful damage input , and of course leaving the best for the end we cant forget sai second passive which increase your luck massively this year and thats the most important of all , so what can go wrong right ? Merry christmas and may you all get sai's luck this year UID: 300015053820664 SERVER: S1488 :Mirror world NAME: TiTan
2020-12-25 02:48:01
Day 2 of Forum's Christmas Specials - "Shinobi Christmas Gimmicks and Get-ups"
I participated in : Create your own Christmas Themed NinjaBefore i start i want to say merry christmas for all of you and naruto online and thank you mods for giving us the opportunity to participate in your generous forum games . Ninja : Uchiha Madara [Christmas] 3 stars : Element: Fire spec : male, uchiha , senjustsu , konoha , rinnengan , jinchuruki Role : Support ninja Mystery: Infinite Tsukuyomi christmas fortune prompt :launch a barrier that lasts 1 round and it will prevent both ally and enemy team from using standard attacks and mysteries ( chases are allowed ) when it comes to attacking phase each ninja from the ally team will roll a dice ( if its heads he gets to use standard attack if its tails cause paralyize for 2 rounds to the unit with the misfortune ) and when it comes to the enemy team attacking phase each ninja will roll a dice ( if its heads he get to use 1 attack cost him -10 chakara drain and if its tails cause empriosn debuff for 2 rounds ) this skill cannot be canceled , Chakra: 40 Battlefield cooldown: 0 Cooldown: 4 Standard: Susano'o jingle bell : summon susano giant jingle bell causes all enemy team units paralyze and reduce their critical hit by 45% ( not stackable ) while causing them slight dmg ( if the unit that got hit is immune to debuff give +1 standard attack for another random konoha unit in ur lineup ' stackable ' 'max is 4 attacks granted ' ) . Chase: Kamui christmas dimension : chase and attack low float enemy cause knock down , units affected by this skill will have their mystery colldown increased by 1 for each 10 chakara the enemy team have , causing irremovable ignite for 2 rounds , units defeated by the burn of this chase will revive on ur side as a clone with 40% base attributes . Chase 2 : Gift storm ; triggers with at least 10 combos summon heavy gift boxes that cause dmg to 4 enemy units and causes immobile to a random enemy unit Passive 1: Big daddy santa : this unit is immune to low float hight float knock down repulse additionaly this unit reflects 1 debuff for each konoha unit in ur line up evrey round . Passive 2: At your service : at the beginning of evrey round madara choses 2 random konoha units on the field and increase their ninjutsu / attack by 60% . UID: 300015053820664 SERVER: S1488 :Mirror world NAME: TiTan
2020-12-24 23:19:43