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2022-06-09 23:02:29
Misbehavior Report - Official Thread
"I'm proudly Portuguese and I often make fun of my own country and my culture, among my friends." Get it? "Among my friends"? Hm? Cuz I'm not going to do that to people I don't know or don't trust. Can u see the difference? So please don't be ashamed anymore cuz u're only burying urself with ur own words....
Bugs & Support
2024-04-04 17:27:26
Misbehavior Report - Official Thread
LMAO. Sorry but I can't say anything else but laugh after reading this... To have a debate like this, my 4y old nephew leans u in a corner... I even thought that someone would be able to reply and have an adult and serious conversation but I've seen that for these sides it's impossible. U guys always end up with insults. U don't know how to defend ur little friend and u had to resort to screenshots that have nothing to do with this matter. I'm proudly Portuguese and I often make fun of my own country and my culture, among my friends. Nothing u say makes sense, nothing u try to prove makes sense. U don't make sense at all and u don't even think about that u're writing. The report is about ur friend's in-game behavior and u took this issue out of the game. How mature.. But if u calling me hypocrite and tell EVERYONE they're all russophobe makes u happy.. lol "Then why don't you see Bunta's words as a joke?" This is already a joke...........
Bugs & Support
2024-04-04 17:27:26
Misbehavior Report - Official Thread
U're aware that this is nothing more than a joke between them, right? If u want to take prints or continue with this shame, at least share ir properly. There are russians there who speak of themselves, all in a joke on the GROUP DISCORD. In other words, as u can see that u can no longer defend Bunta's case, u're trying to get more evidence where there is none...
Bugs & Support
2024-04-04 17:27:26
Misbehavior Report - Official Thread
U'll defend him with tooth and nail and it's not worth continuing this sadness. Even if he was disrespectful on different levels, u'll always find some excuse or mention russophobia. I'm done with this.
Bugs & Support
2024-04-04 17:27:26
Misbehavior Report - Official Thread
Making the mistakes of others..? First of all, u're not the one who has to speak in place of Bunta, If he's free to offend and threaten people on the server then he could also write here. Second, he could even have been president or governor of the entire world, I still have the right to give my opinion, be critical and defend myself. Understood? So don't try to put me down and I'll tell u something else: Is he a genius? I don't know what image u've of a genius but I know some and they don't go down even a third of the level that this bunta does. Not to mention that I consider myself a very knowledgeable person, not intelligent but very knowledgeable. For me they are 2 completely different things. However, it genuinely doesn't interest me whether or not he belonged to the staff, which he did years ago, whether he banned someone or not. To end this conversation, who has to decide the end of this report is not u, much less him or me. Have a nice day. PS: Culture doesn't matter here, what matters are the rules. Do u know the rules? Whatever the reason, he doesn't have to threaten someone with death. Is this from someone who is apparently a genius, etc? And if there have been several cases where apparently the whole group bullied him, I think u can see where the problem comes from... As far as I know and from the conversations in the game, the group and discord, the people are all calm and always at peace and there is no racism whatsoever and much less Russophobia since we have several Russians there. I think u should improve ur level of argumentation. And maybe people talk about his country cuz he talks bad about everyone else, like mine. Portugal. Not to mention what he said, right? "A good portuguese is a dead portuguese" Clap, clap, clap.
Bugs & Support
2024-04-04 17:27:26
Misbehavior Report - Official Thread
So, they only have to lose in keeping a person like that on the server or even in the community..Oh, and it's a shame that someone like that belonged to the staff, it only brings a bad image to the company.And I repeat for the last time: I'm not the only one and there are not few who are tired of this person called Bunta.And one more thing: In this report I admitted the way I faced this situation and these threats and it wasn't the most correct.And that if I had to, as long as Bunta was punished too, I wouldn't mind being punished too.
Bugs & Support
2024-04-04 17:27:26
Misbehavior Report - Official Thread
And he continues... and says that he was part of the staff and even the game's development itself... xD Even if that were the case, does it give the right to treat anyone on the server like that? Not to mention threats again, of course. Every time I go online or someone in my group goes online he always finds a way to reach us, battle chat, whatever
Bugs & Support
2024-04-04 17:27:26
Misbehavior Report - Official Thread
- Name of offender: Bunta - Offender’s Server ID: S1932 - Short description of the situation: He's been threatening the people on the server and my group and he's been aggressive, very aggressive and I've reached my limit. Yes I could have blocked it and continued with my life but unfortunately I exploded and I was also not right in what I said.. Anyway I think this should not continue... I feel uncomfortable, me and the rest of the portuguese people for being threatened in this way and IT IS NOT THE FIRST time he has threatened me but unfortunately only now I took advantage of taking screenshots. If I have to be punished as well for saying what I said, I'll gladly accept it as long as he doesn't get away with it…please.PS: The last print has the server time, date, etc... Didn't think about it at the time, sorry.
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2024-04-04 17:27:26