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2019-05-08 15:58:10
[Player Guide]
List of ninjas with undodgeable mystery/standard
That is actually a pretty smart move. Thank you for replying :)
Dumbledore Calr
2020-08-14 08:14:33
[Player Guide]
List of ninjas with undodgeable mystery/standard
I have a question about this. Let us assume that I have Konan Angel pos 1 and shisui pos 2 in my lineup, and my opponent also has shisui pos 2 in his. If I launch Konan angels mystery first (which is undodgeable), will that remove the opponents first dodge against mystery/attack? Like if I use my shisui on the opponents shisui right after konan angel's mystery, will that hit (chaos him) or will the opponents shisui dodge that? (Given that my pos 2 is faster than his) I hope I'm making myself clear about what I mean.
Dumbledore Calr
2020-08-14 08:14:33
Sunflower Covenant Forum Event
UID: 200000104400534 Server ID: S831 - Futo Nigimitama Character name: Bozz
2018-06-08 23:57:47
Sunflower Compensation unacceptable
Yeah I know. But I'm lucky though. I'm not one of those who spent to get in the rankings. I bought stuff from shinobi feast that I always buy every time that event shows up. And I got some other stuff that I already planned to get. Getting in the rankings was just a bonus. It's just too bad they decide to make a 20k ninja for a cross-server prize. He was the prize for recharging 30k last week. And I feel sorry for those who spent just to get in the rankings.
Bugs & Support
2018-05-30 04:36:34
Sunflower Compensation unacceptable
But those actually spent for this event can_already afford to buy him from other events so giving them the prize according to the ranking wouldn't make that big of a difference. Like when hokage minato came out in events again. He showed up in the lucky star, and I was one of the few people lucky enough to get him for only 400 cps. Big spenders spent around 30k and still didn't get him. Then Hokage minato shows up in literally every event after that where you could actually buy him for half ot that prize. The end result? Those spenders still got him and even if he's a rare ninja now, most of the servers have several players that has him. It is the same with Edo Tobirama. He doesn't cost more than 20k and could easily be obtained in other events by those spenders. So making it a cross-server prize for a whole region is kinda stingy..
Bugs & Support
2018-05-30 04:36:34
Sunflower Compensation unacceptable
"You go into that restaurant and order food knowing you need to be top 10 (actually top 3) to get best food, you ask yourself top 10 where? This restaurant, or in every restaurant of this type in the region?" Yes, and that's why you read the description (rules) in the restaurant you visit, and see that it doesn't say anything it being a regional thing. And since you know the customers for this restaurant (your server) very well, you draw the conclusion from the description that it is valid for this restaurant only, and you can actually be one of those in top 10 just for this restaurant (server). And you also check the prize for being top 10, which is an ordinary (still yet rare) food that seems valid to be for that restaurant (server) only since you can easily buy that food with money you actually spent. And when they actually tell you in the restaurant that it is a regional prize, they still don't show you where in the rankings you are, making other customers (players) who maybe doesn't visit the website to think that it may be just for this restaurant. You get to know this after the week.
Bugs & Support
2018-05-30 04:36:34
Sunflower Compensation unacceptable
Yeah sure guys. You go to a restaurant and order food. On the menu in the restaurant it says that you can order whatever you want. Once you paid for your food, they tell you that you can't get your food if you are not in top 10 of all the customer who has ordered during the week across all the restaurants in the region, and that it is your fault who should have had checked their website because it says so there. You get frustrated and come back for the next couple of days, only to see that it still doesn't say in the menu in the restaurant that you get your food according to yours and other customers payment from other restaurants. And have you guys thought the opposite? Like if it was written in the game rules and not in the website, would they have said that what is written in the game rules is the final decision? I'm not trying to spread any misinformation or blame anyone, but clearly there have been a communication mistake between the developers and mods and other people involved in this mistake. The right thing to do here is to make the customer happy and take responsibility for the mistake. The customer (players) shouldn't pay for a mistake made by the developers. Edit: And lets not forget to not to try to blame all of this on the mods in the forum, and give them some credits for trying to their best. The miscommunication between them and the developers is not entirely their fault. Like the last minute additional events for example. Imagine this, the developers decided on Monday to add some last minute additional events because the planned weekly events didn't pay off well. While they add those events and keep the servers under maintenance, they send message to mods to inform the players of the last minute additional events. As you can see in this context, it is easy to get caught in the cross-fire between the developer and the customer. Those who has ever worked in a customer support knows what I'm talking about.
Bugs & Support
2018-05-30 04:36:34
Sunflower Compensation unacceptable
Anyway, here is mine S831 - Bozz
Bugs & Support
2018-05-30 04:36:34
Sunflower Compensation unacceptable
People are posting their ranking and opinions but does it even matter though? Like would it even change anything now? Just asking so I can know if it's worth posting any pictures of my ranking..
Bugs & Support
2018-05-30 04:36:34
Rewards for Sunflower event
After several days of heat and dissatisfaction they decided to make a ninja worth 20k cross-server prize. And what do we get back? Nothing even worth mentioning, especially if you are one of those spending over 300$. Talk about rip-off.
General Discussion
2018-05-29 02:21:28
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