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2017-07-24 19:18:11
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2017-10-30 02:46:45
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2017-07-24 22:03:52
How you guys doing with Ultimate Training?
I finished everything except 3 fights day one (was too tired to keep laying). Finished the next morning.
General Discussion
2017-07-24 22:03:52
Skill books release date?
I've been bored with this game for a while. The friends I've made are the only reason I continue to play consistently. All of the daily content can be finished in roughly 2 1/2 hours or less. There is nothing else to keep me interested. I do, however, agree that things like skill books should not be released so fast. We'd just end up with another 2.0 update fiasco with half implemented mechanics and such. At the same time, like previously stated, you see what happened with taking so long for level cap increase. In other words, release content too quickly and it's half finished or gets burned through while releasing content too slowly results in people walking away from the game.
General Discussion
Naked Snake
2017-07-24 22:02:35
Oasis doesn't keep their word?(surprising)
I always try to approach things by kinda playing devil's advocate, but mostly I try to look at things from all sides. Oasis has created their fair share of issues by the way they've handled things. I don't really complain, but I do get frustrated with things like the cave keys and mood scrolls. I also don't like things like TI tools being considered a bug MONTHS later. Regardless, the team DOES make an effort to try to rectify things even if some people think they don't.Now for the community. I see people complaining about logical things, but also see people *ing things out of proportion. I'll see people creating posts losing their minds over things without even attempting to wait for the issue to be addressed. I also see plenty of posts of people just seeking attention or just to * talk for no apparent reason. I see people having civilized debates and, right when I think there are good people on here, somebody comes out of nowhere acting like a child. This has a LOT to do with the mentality of "I'm behind a computer screen and can act a straight up fool without consequence!"I'm going to agree with Jeremy, no matter what gets fixed, there will always be complaints. Also, Jeremy had talked about nationality (NOT RACE). Which I'm sure is in reference to Americans. As an American myself, I still agree with him. Our country has a lot of people that feel like throwing a tantrum about any and everything means they should get something (look at how many people protest over things here). I don't feel like we should conform to things completely, but I feel like there needs to be more self control. Toxicity here isn't from a single issue on a single side, it's a lot of different issues on many different sides. Immaturity, entitlement, the feeling of no consequences because you're behind a screen, impatience, the list goes on. All in all, both Oasis AND the community should try to be more understanding. It's like people can't wait to wake up and act a mess on these forums. You can be heard without yelling, cussing, threatening, bashing, and other childish things. There are good people on here, learn from them if you don't know how to be a civilized human being. This post was last edited by Amenince at 2017-5-3 08:56
General Discussion
2019-10-09 01:26:06
Happens to me frequently. Refreshing always restores them in my case. If not then a mod can help you.
Bugs & Support
2017-07-24 22:02:36
Where is mood scrolll coming bbbbbbbbbb
Mood scroll? What's that? Oooooh, you must mean dango. I mean, if the people are asking for it then we have no other choice. Dango as next months sign in ninja! We did good.....we did good..Jokes aside, mood scrolls should've been back by now (shouldn't have even been removed in the first place tbh). I don't really complain on the forums, heck I don't even post often, but this is just annoying. Something so small would make a LOT of people happy and it's put on the back burner. I'd rather have mood scrolls back than a breakthrough system that, at this moment, is only for payers. "Fixed" that ninja tool "bug" awfully quick when the new items came out though, the swiftness. It's the small things....
General Discussion
2017-07-24 22:01:08
How many tendo frag have you gotten from chase mission
Never got him in chase.
General Discussion
2017-07-24 22:03:03
That's like saying you should get a free car because better cars are coming soon. He might not be AS good as future ninjas, but it doesn't mean he ISN'T good. Imagine if everybody in GNW ran Tendo and did first turn mystery. I've faced that, it's not fun at all. He will still have a place regardless. The last 4 frags shouldn't be "given" to us, but he should be able to be acquired by other means (and I don't mean ingots only events and the mythical Tendo chase I have yet to see lol). For all we know there could be an event coming where we can get the last 4 frags. Patience is key with these games.
General Discussion
2017-07-24 21:58:37
Events - 20th April
Been playing since August, never had a Tendo chase and I've MAYBE missed 2 days of chase that entire time. I see plenty of others who have yet to get a Tendo chase as well. As for the training, I beat everything at 44.4k, but that's probably because RNJesus blessed me with good ninjas ;P. I enjoyed it though, I was bored with the game (guess it's back to the boredom for now). Hopefully there is more PvE content in the works, I never cared for PvP so this was a much needed addition.
2017-07-24 21:59:57
Space Time is Inconsistent
Is Hanzo's chakra consumption higher? I don't have him to know, but I've always noticed the computer using the mystery with the highest chakra consumption first. Then again, it's strange that Karin would go first and then start going last so I'm not sure. This post was last edited by Amenince at 2017-4-20 05:46
General Discussion
2017-07-24 21:58:34
Events - 20th April
Don't really care for the events, but the permanent content I like. I've been needing something else to do in the game to keep me interested.
2017-07-24 21:59:57