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2017-07-24 19:02:34
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2018-12-14 15:03:36
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2018-05-29 04:31:55
Broken Teams
Solution 1: get a junchuriky team (the jinchu that have passive immunity). Solution 2: use lighting main passive immunity for 3 swordman unit to avoid dot damage first 2 rounds. Solution 3: get itachi susanno, shishui, masked or some short of chaos/immobile line up that can shut down 3 unit r1 and 2 units r2.... That are my 3 solutions... Also. thing can be worse if it is kurama naruto + roshi + sharks kisame + water/wind main ( this not only give high combo atk, also burn + poison, what worst is kurama naruto can dodge and have passive immunity roshi also have immunity...if main is water u eat a lot of poison and can die outright at middle r2 without your own immunity, If main is wind with immunity wipe well you dont deal with poison but your immunity is gone for good unless you are running jinchuriky with passive immunity)
General Discussion
2018-05-31 04:14:46
Convo with Daiske part 2.
to be honest, i guesses this is a cross server event before the maintenance finish (from the youtube video i watch when research other thing in game/ new ninjas). It make sense to be a cross server event consider you may get minato edo or sage of the 6 path from the event (from one of the video i watched). However, a bug happened to paypal recharge on the first days so i can't do any recharge thus have no gold to spend to get ranking. On the second day it is fixed but when i look at event ranking it is completely empty which is very fishy. So i went on forum do some research and wait for a while. Eventually a bug confirm appeared and what disappointed me is the developer said " they will update the ranking at the end of the event ". Without the ranking how exactly do i know how much it is going to cost to win 1st 2nd or 3rd? anything below 3rd is worthless lolz...This kind of event demand a on fly ranking update just like how sakura gift work. Given the ranking after the event is over doesn't help since it wont change the ranking anyway.
General Discussion
2018-05-28 19:26:07
PayPal Payment
been waiting since morning and now it is almost 12 night, seem like today itachi frags x2 is gone for good zzz.
Bugs & Support
2018-05-26 15:26:31
New Event Cycle - 24th of May
great work... for making recharge and spending event then paypal recharge fail the whole day... a post show up on bug report and no update from oasis so far....
2018-05-29 00:48:49
PayPal Payment
any update on paypal issue? been a whole day and it still isn't working.
Bugs & Support
2018-05-26 15:26:31
PayPal Payment
same here, after enter id/password the log in circle stuck (at first i though paypal is down but when i go to paypal main website it work normally). So i figure something may have gone wrong with the game or oasis payment system.
Bugs & Support
2018-05-26 15:26:31
question about han buff removal
thank everyone for the answer, guess i will be rolling Han with my scroll instead of GNW this cycle xD. I need han to wipe all immunity so water main poison and sword main burn coem through r1 - r2. The line up i am building atm have no shield no buff just a lot of DoT damage and aoe normal attack damage (learn it the hard way in arena for 2 weeks straight).
General Discussion
2018-03-24 09:32:43
Events - 15th February
imoh... the events for lunar new year *....really *... worse than a mobile game events...i was preparing some funding for naruto online but now i probably will spend half of those on mobile game or some other place because the current event is 1) not attractive and 2) not much value compare to your regular monthly event. So i cant convince myself spending much on naruto online this lunar new year season. Also, who put han and roshi on event? you can get them for free by saving up scroll for a couple of month from GNW. To back up my claim: since August 2017 until now i have seen charging event stack up twice, although the period is small (only 2-3 days) but at those time when we charge we get reward from 2 event and 1 of them is event that give ninja frags. Look at the current charging event? yes we have 2 but 1 after another absolutely not stacked. Additionally, almost all other game that i play give a 100% bonus on charging for this lunar new year event. Basically buy 1 get 1 although limited to a certain amount of purchase but good enough. Guess what oasis give us? 20%? lolz... server merge event give up to 50% rebate and i believe server merge will happen at least twice a year. Lunar new year is the biggest festival in the whole year and it is 1 a year and we get 20% charge bonus??? That may work for super whale that charge up to 100k ingot but regular people like me usually charge around 20-30k at max and i expect some kind of 100% bonus up to 10k maybe? Anyway Oasis staff need to do something call market research. The way the events structure right now at this moment discouraged me from charging. There aren't any ninja i need or wanted. The bonus is too low. The event value is nothing different than a regular monthly event. So why should i charge anything more than 1k ingot to do daily? tell me. You open event to gain revenue and if you can't tell me why i should charge then there is a serious problem with your marketing strategy.
2018-02-21 21:46:39
Events - 28th December
pls update a recharge event this week.
2018-01-02 10:39:27
Naruto Online under Infinite Tsukuyomi
u deserve some credit for this very funny imo.
General Discussion
Naked Snake
2017-12-16 10:54:26