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2017-07-24 19:46:10
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2017-07-24 21:47:28
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2017-07-24 21:47:28
Server Merge Request - 20th March
This is just an update on my server (S232 Sand Hell) current situation:How many active players do you have in your group? (ahem, in your server) The answer is: no word can describe it, the picture can explain it itself The picture was taken at 12:17 PM (not at night, OK)How can you guys ask us to be patient while there is nothing for us to do in this game?Don't say I am too hard on you guys, or I made stuff up. Last week, OasisAmbassador came to our server and collecting the information about the merge. However, we have not heard anything from him.If you guys don't want my server to get merge, at least give us some reasons behind your decision.Thank you This post was last edited by htb*** at 2017-3-23 01:39 This post was last edited by htb*** at 2017-3-23 01:41 This post was last edited by htb*** at 2017-3-23 01:41
ShadowNinja S27
2017-07-24 21:54:48
Server Merge Request - 6th March
Updated on server S232: NY Sand HellI guess I don't have to post the same basic information as I did several times earlier. However, I am very disappointed to see that we only have one group left in GNW. I guess this is an extreme that our server has reached, and I really don't want to make another post for next week.
2017-07-24 21:46:53
Server Merge Request - 20th February
This is the update of S232 situation 1. Server ID: S232 – Sand Hell2. Server Region – NY3. Server Age: Estimated 4 months4. Sage Battlefield: No Sunday battle since there is not a lot of people play.5. Time is taken to kill World Boss: around 5-8 minutes6. A number of groups participating in GNW: 2 7. Average Power Rank of Top 5: 44k power (Strongest one is 53k, the second one is 44k)8. Average Power Rank of Top 10: 41k power9. Average Power Rank of Top 20: 33k power10. Majority of players are around 25kLast week, there were 4 groups participate in the GNW, this week, the number reduces to 2. And of course, one group always win the GNW
2017-07-24 21:42:01
Server Merge Request – Week Feb 13th
1. Server ID: S232 – Sand Hell2. Server Region – NY3. Server Age: Estimated 4 months4. Sage Battlefield: No Sunday battle since there is not a lot of people play. There are around 18-20 people (around 6 players each team) on Tuesday and Thursday (But many of them are low-level players and eliminated within 5 minutes).5. Time is taken to kill World Boss: around 5 minutes6. A number of groups participating in GNW: 4 (but really only 2 groups are in GNW and strongest group always win). Activity for the first 4 groups are 550, 542, 171, 1617. Average Power Rank of Top 5: 44k power (Strongest one is 53k, the second one is 44k)8. Average Power Rank of Top 10: 41k power9. Average Power Rank of Top 20: 33k power10. Majority of players are around 25k11. Others: My group is the second strongest one, it usually has only 5-10 people online at the same time, so nothing really happened in the group chat. English is not my first language, so sorry for any confusion :loveliness:. However, I have some idea on how we can improve this game, it is related to this thread, so I guess I will just put it here. Oasis should create a system that can tell how many people online for each server (similar to the one that shows how many people online in the group interface). Therefore, if the number of players online is less than a certain of number (let’s say 80 people) for the past number of week (let’say two weeks), the merge process will automatically conduct. I believe that these merge issues should be automatically solved; the company doesn't want to wait and receive the merge requests from the players that already feel anxious about this game.That is all I have to sayThanks for reading This post was last edited by htb*** at 2017-2-20 12:07 This post was last edited by htb*** at 2017-2-20 12:07
2017-07-24 21:37:20