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2018-01-18 23:39:54
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2021-02-18 19:28:45
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2021-02-18 06:28:42
Recharge question
Still no ingots, sadly.
Bugs & Support
2021-02-20 14:00:33
Server Merge Request - Week of December 3rd
Our Server is not active as before. Top 2 players are gone. The number 4, 5,6, 8, or also not active. The few players that are still here are really wanting a server merge because they enjoy the game. We are requesting to merge with NY S815 1.Server ID: S824 and S830 and S838 2. Server Region: NY 3. Server Age: 11+Months ( merged 6 months ago ) 4. Time taken to kill World Boss: 15 minutes 5. World Boss HP on Tuesday : 50M 6. No. of group participating in Great Ninja War: 3 Groups ( 2 groups low power ) 7. Average Power Rank of Top 5, Top 10, Top 20 : Average top 5: 145.8k, Average top 10: 118.4k, Average top 20: 95.6k Keep in mind that we only have 3 groups these old groups are not active anymore.
2019-01-04 17:43:28
Server Merge Request - Week of October 29th
Any word yet???? Somebody help me we keep losing our top playerssssssssss.
2018-12-04 14:44:56
Server Merge Request - Week of October 29th
Our Server is not active as before. Top 2 players are gone. The number 4, 5,6, 8, or also not active. The few players that are still here are really wanting a server merge because they enjoy the game. We are requesting to merge with NY S815 1.Server ID: S824 and S830 and S838 2. Server Region: NY 3. Server Age: 11+Months ( merged 6 months ago ) 4. Time taken to kill World Boss: 15 minutes 5. World Boss HP on Tuesday : 50M 6. No. of group participating in Great Ninja War: 3 Groups ( 2 groups low power ) 7. Average Power Rank of Top 5, Top 10, Top 20 : Average top 5: 145.8k, Average top 10: 118.4k, Average top 20: 95.6k Keep in mind that we only have 3 groups these old groups are not active anymore.
2018-12-04 14:44:56
Official Statement - Bugs and Problems October 4th
NY Server Dear Naruto Online, What are my suggestions towards compensation for the events this morning? I hope that what everyone say will be taken in consideration but let’s be honest a lot of the reply’s so for or trolling. For those who caught the deal this morning and took advantage of the events congrats. Five Kage Summit Madara was redeemable for about 920 foodstacks which was 9200 coupons or ingots. I’m not going to go into how much I paid weeks ago because you all know how much he was. The problem with this is that you took it down before many of the other players could go in and redeem his frags also. Yes, it was a mistake, but the problem only occurred when you changed the foodstacks from 10 to 20. For as long as I can remember the foodstacks has always been 10. We all know that some of the players who are complaining about this event are just doing it to stir up trouble but for the ones who would have redeemed frags of him or any other item inside it is just plain disheartening. Putting the foodstack back at 10 per will satisfy the players who already had him or the ones who was close to getting him. At least we can get in on the deal even if we paid double for him prior. This would be compensation for this event. There is no need for compensating someone who already taken advantage of the deal to begin with. Daiske has already announced the update for the Naruto Birthday Pack Event and my thoughts are that the packs need to be at least 10 to 15 redeemable. I’m not going to lie 100 is a little CRAZY. We all know that compensating never satisfies everyone. RoverAngleOfGodToday at 2:40 PMYa sounds reasonable. I too am happy for the players that are able to take advantage of the 50% off but .... that deal should be made accessible to everyone because people have jobs and classes to go to I am not mad at the players who got the cheap price. I am only mad that I, as a whale, I needed to work to be a whale, and I got screwed over So give me the same access and I am good s for Cloak Sakura and Suit Sasuke, I only want to collect them. I have a lot of OP ninjas I just have but don't even use SoloToday at 2:49 PMhahaha i personally dont have anything to add but thats a fair point make it re-accessible for everyone who didnt get a chance
2018-10-09 16:10:38