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2017-07-24 19:26:44
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2021-12-19 03:59:22
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2020-04-24 15:56:34
Event Suggestions
This game and forum don't deserve someone with your eloquence and wisdom Tobin. Always happy to read your thoughts.
General Discussion
2020-04-28 14:00:06
The most illogical thing about the game!
Hello dear community. I don't know about you, but I want you to know I haven't given up on asking for answers and fighting the the good fight. I've been mighty busy, but still my list of questions has only grown bigger. I am not sure how many of you have noticed and I don't know how true this statement is, but level 70+ Sage is the first available Sage World Battlefield in the game nowadays. What I am backing this claim with is meeting lvl40 people in this game and many lvl60's in a lvl70 Sage. Now, here's the thing. I have been playing this game about a year ago on UK's s1085 and distinctly remember there existing Sage Battlefields below level 70, and I'm sure mostly everyone in the game is aware of this and I'm not spilling any new knowledge. I am even aware there were Sage Battlefields going as low as lvl40 because we had a player that just came here and now to play Sage and was still in his lvl40's, when the rest of us were at in lvl60 or lvl70 range. It happened back in the day that a lvl60-69 person would be placed in a lvl70 Sage because one of lvl70 Sage Battlefields wouldn't have enough players to be created on it's own, or at least not the desired amount programmed into the game. However, such cases were rare and mostly affected lvl60 players from top of the level range starting with lvl69 and going lower if more players are needed to satisfy Sage conditions. So if there existed level 40 and level 60 Sage Battlefields back in the s994 - s1100 approximately, how are there none in s994 - s1450? Coming from a basis that my claim here is true, my only guess is that Oasis decided to deal with level freezers by removing every Sage Battlefield below level 70+. However what they failed to account for is that in a cluster as huge as this, that is the worst decision in this companies long history of bad decisions, as level freezing is the number one reason f2p veterans have to play this p2w notorious game. This is resulting in f2p and low spending players ending up not only with a horrible ratio of wins and loses, but in winning so seldomly that such occasions are to be celebrated like a New Years Eve. So this is just another plea to Oasis to answer maybe only a lone players concerns about whether there are Sage Battlefields lower than level 70, if not why and will they ever return? I have faith you haven't forsaken your playerbase and will address our concerns in due time. Thank you.
Bugs & Support
2020-04-04 02:32:02
The most illogical thing about the game!
May we actually request to be removed from cross-server? Just let us play and die in peace. We'll be much more content dying slowly until a merge instead of having a 2 year old cluster. That shouldn't be impossible so the question is if dear Oasis allows it and listens to their players. And if all in 1400+ agree, just merge us all eventually without cross. Happy as pigs in mud.
Bugs & Support
2020-04-04 02:32:02
The most illogical thing about the game!
So very true. I didn't have much imagination when writing in the name of the topic. If I could change it right now I would.
Bugs & Support
2020-04-04 02:32:02
The most illogical thing about the game!
I don't know. Gender separation sounds pretty logical :D
Bugs & Support
2020-04-04 02:32:02
Number one issue of the game
Don't take this the wrong way Pupsiiii because I love it that you shared your opinion, but I don't agree with that defeatist attitude. United fronts of people and individuals alone have changed the world drastically far more than once. Look at The Salt March in 1930 when Gandhi and his followers took on a 240 mile long march to protect British law which eventually led to independence, or Rosa Parks not giving her seat in a bus. Not that I am in any way comparing the magnitude of people's rights and their lives to the ridiculous problems of an online game, because I'm not in the slighest. Just saying that there are many broken spirited people today that are always in that defeatist attitude before even doing all they can, if they disagree in the first place. They will complain the state of the game, their jobs, governments or the state of the world overall, but they will always keep the mentality of 'nothing I can do'. Thanks for sharing in this general debate anyhow. Love and respect to you and all that have answered thus far and in the future.
General Discussion
2020-03-18 22:23:59
Cross Server Events
Dear Tyler, would you please inform us if our servers that are only now getting cross, will be a part of a new cluster? The only reason we haven't complained about this so far is because we expect that to happen and thought we didn't have enough servers to actually have a cross-server open for us. Thank you kindly.
Bugs & Support
2021-09-18 04:35:08