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2017-07-24 19:59:09
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2018-10-11 05:09:46
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2017-08-22 13:34:49
Put down the pitchforks and torches.
I cant remember where exactly but someone posted that the china rules still apply internationally due to them being based out of china.How true that is I couldn't even begin to say but I keep seeing how people are turning this into a item grab and that is sad. People making absurd demands for compensation I understand people are pissed. Instead of trying to get something from the company to shut up till the next issue comes up why not try and help avoid the next situation before it even comes up? Maybe I'am just from a different mindset of gaming but we as players have to accept some amount of blame for this * too.We are the ones that kept feeding the system in hopes we might get one thing or another when countless other people have been saying for months this that and the other thing was rigged. We chose to ignore them and keep feeding the machine. They are a company and they have to make a profit from what is considered a free to play game. The only real thing that everyone on both side of the its rigged argument can agree on is they need to communicate with the people better and more clearly. Knowing now what everyone thinks they do about the system does it make the game any less fun for you? Did they make the game not worth supporting to make it better? Personally nothing has changed for me cause if you have come solely for the game play element no wonder you want to quit. I came to play a game and enjoy the company of my fellow group mates and in the process of that if it cost me a few extra bucks I don't care cause to me it's equal to what I would have spent setting in a bar having a few drinks with friends. The game being worth it is solely one personas opinion and that will change dramatically from person to person. I just hope this builds a better communication lines between the community and the devs alike.
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2017-07-24 21:49:32
Put down the pitchforks and torches.
Really they are telling the truth. Say you want sage naruto there is no set number of scrolls that you will pull him. They have a ruff estimate on how much you could spend to have a chance at getting him. I got my sage in the first 20 pulls I did where as I know someone who has done over 300 and still not got him. So really your chances of pulling him just increase by increments of spending. The rates have to adjust on the fly based on who you have already pulled. say you have 4 options to win from. you spend $10 and get option one then you spend another $10 and because you got option one the percentage of pulling one of the other 3 has just increased but unless option 1 is eliminated all together you could still pull option 1 again. So they really can not state a exact number.
General Discussion
2017-07-24 21:49:32
Put down the pitchforks and torches.
I remember when I first started playing around September of last year ruffly the game was buggy and support was iffy at best but we had such a huge community that has already shrank a ton and not much else has changed. They really need to be more active with the community to keep people hyped for future updates cause playing in Taiwan and Germany like I've been and starting from zero on there and seeing what they have events and ninja wise really has reignited my interest in the game. This is where Oasis has fell short with they community not showing people anything to look forward to and the game and the community has suffered for that. People are not going to willingly go and play the other versions of this to see what is coming up and most definitely not bother if they are not told in advance so they can look into it. There is a simple fix to 90% of the communities out rage right now and that's just come out and show us what we have to look forward to and in a show of good faith on next months update release something like the edo treasure that we have been hearing about coming.(If its done being translated)
General Discussion
2017-07-24 21:49:32
Put down the pitchforks and torches.
I'am actually really happy that I'am not getting flamed for this post like I was expecting to be which I'am sure that's still coming. Oasis coming out and telling us there plans will really help them out right now and giving a eta would help more so people have time to plan for events and such like f2p players. They have a really rare chance here to make a comeback and regain the faith of the community again by working with it. I've been on a number of youtube podcasts and criticized Oasis for how they have handled events and such in the past but I think what happened with this * storm was really a blind side for both the community and the devs alike. We as gamers and them as devs really need to see the forest instead of just the trees here. This has given the devs a prime opportunity to improve relations with the community. We want the content right now cause of how quickly we burn thru it so the game doesn't get stale. If they want to do something to make people happy give more events that make us feel it's worth our money. That recharge wheel with all the cupons on it was by far the hands down best wheel they have had. I spend on average $200 to $400 a month on this game which is insane but i really do love playing it.
General Discussion
2017-07-24 21:49:32
Put down the pitchforks and torches.
I really do love playing this game and I will continue to. I'am offering you Oasis to do PR for you on the forums and in game. I really do want this game to keep going and not die off over what every other game company has done. For the last few weeks I've been watching the players drop from my servers and I really don't want to have another ghost server situation again.
General Discussion
2017-07-24 21:49:32
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