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2017-11-22 17:59:52
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2017-12-16 04:48:37
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2017-12-08 20:15:29
Hokage Tsunade!!!!
btw we dont trust u anymore exvius. U just deleted a thread of other player regarding lucky wheel being rigged. Is this how u are working by just deleting someone thread that has complaints or criticism ? I think i will contact the higher up of this oasis company and told them about this situation and the way u handle the problem from player. Hope u will get a lesson
General Discussion
2017-12-09 05:34:25
Hokage Tsunade!!!!
Hello there, I am sorry to say this, but I am not buying this post. It wont encourage us to recharge or spending our money for this rigged rng. Never bro XD. Lucky wheel also the same. We have already took our lesson from this kind or rng bad event. See ya
General Discussion
2017-12-09 05:34:25
What do you want for Christmas In-game
anniversary event in last month just prove us that oasis staffs are just incompetent fools. Anniversary is the rare moment and the biggest part of the game. They only give us bunch of junk events back then. Truly incompetent. Shame on u oasis
General Discussion
2017-12-07 20:37:43
My experience with the recharge events this week
Do u think u will encourage us to recharge and spend our ingots on the bad rng events? nonsense, we have take our lesson from previous event. I am not buying it. Its enough for us All rng event are heavily rigged
General Discussion
2017-12-09 19:28:01
Suggestion: Treasures
u have a point bro. We all feel the same way too. Unfortunately the english version of Oasis staffs/developer are greedy as hell. They seem dont care about this, and the admin and other moderator just seem quiet and afraid to ciritcize that greedy developer. And just look, my post will be deleted by the moderator especially by jib and exvius thats why this game wil die soon due to greediness of the staffs. Thats why this game doesn't become the best webbrowser game anymore
General Discussion
2017-12-03 07:45:06
crazy slot machine??
no u dont need bro. Trus me hold ur self from recharging just for this rng event. U will regret in the end. Many players already regret from it. If u wanna get a ninja, just get it from certain event that give u certain ninja/fragment. Try to avoid lucky *, whell , and this slot machine event.
General Discussion
2017-12-10 01:01:37
Immune to taijutsu???
in anime there is one. Its kakuzu. U know when ino shika cho + kakashi fightning with him right? XD In the end, rasenshuriken beat him
General Discussion
2017-12-02 03:23:20
German in English Version?
Yes, but the sadly part is that the good part from german version is deleted with it come to english vesion, it happen to all good reward. They already remove killer bee 10 sword from plots clearing reward ch.10, they already remove kazekage gaara from elite instance sweep fucntion and upon clearing reward, they already remove mood scroll from group wheel, they also remove shukaku fragment from arena/rank shop, they already remove tactic page from daily activity pack (and u only replace it with magatama lvl.1 , oh my..)
Bugs & Support
2017-11-27 20:57:53
Naruto Online 4.0 version preview!
Developer just too greedy, and moderators are just quiet and afraid to criticize the developer. All items so expensive, all free item got deleted. All strong f2p will quit this game. P2W wil eventually quit because there is no worthy opponent for them. They will get bored. This game become unbalance. This game become worse. Btw,(my post got deleted and my forum account got muted by jib and exvius without even answering any of my question. please answer the 2 question). Exvius and jib should be fired, they easily deleted complaint and ciritic thread. 1. They said the swb bracket is divided by level and then power. We found out that is not true. In a level 90 bracket we found several level 95 player (obviously a heavy spender) playing in that bracket. Seriously ,literally we are being fed to whales in Sage World Battlefield. They put several whales and also high level in that bracket and thenthrow some players(fishes) for them to have fun on. Am I wrong if i said that they are just a liars?. Now i only register in swb , get 1 battle and then leave the swb field. To be honest this system is bad, they supposed divided the bracket by the power first then level so players wont freeze their level because of afraid being eaten in swb withoug enough power, and also players will compete with others fairly by using tactic not only using power gap advantage. I want getting a truth explanation of this 2.Drop rate in all RNG event should be shown. Its like a gamble. A spender before spending their ingot/coupon have a right to see what is their chance to get the particular item or jackpot item. By the way China has force game maker to reveal loot box drop rates. Thats it if we are talking about fairness. Thats it if we dont want indulge in freud business. (Many may server mate stop recharging and avoind this rng based event from now on, the odd to get the jackpot is very very very low even after they spend ton of ingots and coupons). They are so depressed, the seem like wanna quit this game. The only fair odd we had from rng event is when oasis put hokage minato in the event. And this jonin minato is heavily rigged. someone posted a thread regarding jonin minato that he spent 23k ingot and still dont get jonin minato from lucky stars, he complaints about it and a moderator delete his thread. i think thats jib or exvius who delete it. Oh my.. U already remove killer bee 10 sword from plots clearing reward ch.10, u already remove kazekage gaara from elite instance sweep fucntion and upon clearing reward, u already remove mood scroll from group wheel, u already remove tactic page from daily activity pack (and u only replace it with magatama lvl.1 , what the.....), u already ignore many server merge request(some of them already quit the game because of it). DId u know that only small percentage maybe around 10% of the player base that aware of this forum and also can understand or speak english? many of them already just quit by themself, some of them still play but stop recharge entirely, some of them still play this game even they feel frustrated, and few of them still playing this game because they just love naruto anime. we wanna hear a true and a honest explanation from all of this matter, expecially the 2 question i write above.
2017-12-01 11:26:59
Where is the New Server that was Opening to the Friday in Europe?
because oasis take their lesson by not abandoing the old server and not just easily open many new server thus will make many server died
General Discussion
2017-11-25 04:58:37
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