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2019-08-08 10:20:16
I have no idea what you are talking about. The thread was edited right after I typed it because I messed up on what I wanted to say. It hasn't been touch since the comments.
General Discussion
2019-08-08 10:20:16
The other versions of Madara do have evade. Madara Founder of Konoha does not have evade because he has super armor. The other versions of Sasuke do not have evade but they have super armor
General Discussion
2019-08-08 10:20:16
That's true but other Uchiha also has that as well as a chase ignition, Susano, immobile, armor suppression, chaos and evade. This guy is on the same level as Madara and Tobirama but you don't see any weak versions of Madara in this game. I know it's not a lot out there about his specific abilities but he did have the Mangekyo Sharingan and they could have at least made like Itachi and gave his a chaos attack and reflect. He used the Izanagi to save Madara's life. They gave Danzo the Izanagi in this game but didn't give it to him. Some of these super power ninja in this game used his eyes. Madara, Obito and Nagato/Pain. IDK...maybe they are going to come out with another version of him. I doubt it but you never know.
General Discussion
2019-08-08 10:20:16
The other versions of Sasuke does have different talents and the original not only has a barrier but also uses lighting and fire attacks with double chases.
General Discussion
2019-08-08 10:20:16
Event Cycle - 1st November
Really Choza!! Man enough with the ancient stuff already. Outdated ninja frags and materials. There are plenty of other ninja you can give frags for. Like some of the ninja you don't offer anymore or some of the event ninja that only had 2 stars but not the first generation ninja that we can get frags for in the game already. The majority of the players already have a five star Choza already. Come on guys get it together. No more worthless ninja frags and useless material like low level runes that we can't even use, trade or sell for a fair amount.
2018-11-06 01:19:28
Ultimate Training Speed
I know when you get to the cloud team the problem is not the initiative. The problem is the 20k shields they are rocking. You can beat it with lower initiative but trying to make a dent in those shields are crazy when they just keep stacking them. I can't see why they did that when that was the whole purpose of the original earth main being nerffed when the game started. People were complaining about how hard it was to beat earth teams because of the amount of shields and now they give it to an ai to use. lol smh!
General Discussion
2018-09-01 15:24:12
[Player Guide]
Anbu Kakashi's "Hidden" Buff info thread
Thanks for getting back to me. Well Susano Itachi can still cause chaos and Obito can still cause immobile. For example: I just finished a arena fight using LM, Dariu,Anbu Itachi and Anbu Kakashi. LM and Kakshi was under the Anbu cloak. The other team with Susano Itachi, FM, Masked Man Obito and Shisui used Chaos on Kakashi to stop me from using his mystery and Obito used Immobile on my LM. Is that suppose to happen? If so then the Anbu cloak would not be immune to all mysteries. This was at the beginning of the fight. I do realize they can still get hit by normal attacks.
2018-08-12 05:17:45
[Player Guide]
Anbu Kakashi's "Hidden" Buff info thread
I may be a little late to the party but why can Obito and itachi hit those who are cloaked in Anbu with their mystery attacks?
2018-08-12 05:17:45
Event Cycle - 9th of August
Really? Come on!! Six paid events at once? No one's paying for six events. Especially six weak events.
2018-08-15 21:31:59
[Midnight Blade]
What else?
Thank you all for your input. @Scarlettblue yes I have played all classes. I'm not sure what you are talking about or who you have even played against. For example in round one if WM uses Wind Style Sand Dust all that your talking about is gone right there and then in the first round. It cancels all units debuffs/buffs and shields. Han can do the same thing and Red Blooded Kushina can do the same as well as paralyze your whole team in the same move and again all that your talking about will not matter. Jinin Akebino also cancels buffs and shields. Yes LM will destroy most teams but with the arrival of a lot of the newer ninja who will cancel out the immunity and buffs the blitz falls apart. @firefox-amber I wasn't complaining and yes I do have some event ninja. So unless you know who you are talking to don't make assumptions. Now that being said root can be taken away. You of all people should know that. Most water mains run Han who on the first move can remove root and then their poison tai will work in the first round. Calm mind is only of the main and if your main and you have no other standard attack. Most LM use clam mind as a chakra pumper for other ninja who have big cost mysteries. And it seems you have never played WM or FM. You said no other main has 100 immunity and your wrong. WM has it with Flower girl which make the main and one other female on the team immune for two round and it also provides shields to those ninja and FM has it too with illusion mirror in which the team will be immune the entire round as well as having genjutsu mirror which reflects every first debuff which is good for those Shisui teams unless it's another FM with Shisui which means the attack will be reflected back to you. Shisui alone can null and void LM with his mystery. Itachi and Obito can as well. Immunity does not matter with their mysteries they will still chaos you with or without immunity. The difference in what I'm talking about is that the FM also has mirror to reflect and WM can reset all unit mysteries. Once LM immunity is removed by the ninja that I mentioned above that's it. He can't reset or reflect anything himself. EM can remove all debuffs for the entire team. All other mains have a means of compensation except for the LM. That's all I was saying. Like you can't cancel or remove Bee or Roshi's immunity no matter what you do. Why can't that be the same for the lightning main. Quick fight example. If FM fought against someone using HAN or RB Kushina who canceled out the team shields and immunity he could just put in back on with illusion mirror and still keep the reflecting mirror. This is a real old discussion that has been talked about for awhile now. I will say they have made changes good and bad to some ninja with these discussions.
General Discussion
2018-05-10 04:27:00