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2017-07-24 19:04:01
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2017-07-24 20:49:08
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2017-07-24 20:49:08
game mechanics
Is there anyone that KNOWS? I'd be curious for this answer too. Further how does defense and resistance affect a mixed damage attack as well?
General Discussion
2017-07-24 20:49:08
Some Suggestion
No it's not? Ranked it is, but I thought we were talking arena which is forced at x1. Unless you're saying we should make arena automatically set to x2 which I don't agree with.
Bugs & Support
2017-07-24 20:46:06
Some Suggestion
I think for the issue of people wanting to be able to use x2 speed in arena and such, it could work if it requires BOTH players to set it to x2. I don't know how difficult that would be to implement though.
Bugs & Support
2017-07-24 20:46:06
who ever wrote your AI should be fired
The fact that multiple interrupts get used on the same target is tricky to handle. I don't think the coding allows for taking into consideration that many turn in advance- I'm betting it does it because it detects whether or not there is an attempt to cast jutsu and targets based on that. Until the interrupt actually goes through - they're still targeted for it. I don't know if it would be possible to ALSO detect an interrupt already targeting the jutsu and avoid them from stacking that way. But there's also the problem of if the interrupt isn't fast enough or is stopped by the enemy before you can interrupt. I definitely agree the priority system on AI interrupt is atrocious. As a lightning main, there is nothing I fear more than seeing giant rasengan from a wind main. In ranked my AI never chooses those targets and I tend to eat the damage every time. I notice a lot more emphasis on interrupting barriers, fellow interrupts, and usually hinata. Rarely does it stop the high damage jutsu I'm actually afraid of. it's a pretty game changing decision and I feel there's a lot of ranked matches I would win instead of lose if the interrupts were prioritized better. How do we determine priority though? How does the current AI system even categorize priority? Can it calculate the effects before it goes through and prioritize that way? Otherwise it would be likely subjective to give a certain priority to each individual ninja. What one team might consider high priority another might not.
Bugs & Support
2017-07-24 20:47:18
who ever wrote your AI should be fired
I think what Daiske is trying to say that while everyone may be aware of this issue, the reason it could exist is because no one has come up with a better solution for how to handle it. While we all may understand and relate to your frustration, the only way this can become fixed is with a new implementation. Pitch an idea, maybe we can get it presented to the devs and have it fixed.
Bugs & Support
2017-07-24 20:47:18
Midnight standard attacks
While it does sound like I misunderstood you, you either misunderstood me or are just plain wrong on this one. I thought you were talking about single attack combo triggers. And in a single attack, if you do manage to do a multiple hit the damage does get distributed across the hits in some way. I've seen ninetails get hit for on a single hit basic attack for about 10-15K from main. If he procs the multiple hit combo on a single basic attack, that number tends to drop to as low as 4k. But because it can be as much as 3 or 4ish strikes in a single basic attack, it multiplies back up to around the original value. That all being said, I mistook your usage of the term hit combo anyway which Daiske managed to cover.I'd also argue that a lot of 10 hit combos on tails are pretty over rated anyway. I use Sasuke for the barrier in ninteails, but his ten hit combo when it does proc hits for maybe 3k. Sasuke can basic attack for over over 10k. These numbers change with power level, but it still gives a relative disparity between the damage gap. So it's pretty eh.
Bugs & Support
2017-07-24 20:41:48
Midnight standard attacks
As a lightning main, my attacks do multiple hits sometimes. Not that it matters. I think the damage gets evenly distributed or something? I've seen single hits do just as much if not sometimes more damage than a 3 hit combo. This also could have something to do with the *ion stat as well though.
Bugs & Support
2017-07-24 20:41:48