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2020-04-27 03:37:51
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2023-06-20 01:38:51
Server Merge Requests - Week of 6th June
1. Server ID: S1510 (S1510-S1514-S1518-S1522-S1526-S1530-S1534-S1538-S1542-S1546-S1550-S1554-S1558-S1562-S1566-S1570-S1574-S1578-S1582-S1586-S1590-S1594-S1598) 2. Server Region: NY 3. Server Age: Estimated nearly 3 years, 2 months - merged about 2 years ago 4. Time taken to kill World Boss: 10+ minutes 5. World Boss HP on Monday: 36 million 6. No. of group participating in Great Ninja War: 2 7. Avg powers of Top 5/Top 10/ Top 20: Top 5: 3,208,708 Top 10: 2,000,684 Top 20: 1,502,521 We would like to have a cluster merge, since our cluster has only 4 groups in Cross Great Ninja War for a year now. We want a normal merge, so we can have Great Ninja War on our own servers and have an active player base. We keep losing members and our player base is pretty much dead on this server, so we need both. Also, Cluster Merge us with two other clusters as well, if possible. Top 10 Top 20 Group GNW Ranking Group Power Ranking World Boss Ranking
2023-06-28 20:13:59
Server Merge Requests - Week of 1st September
1. Server ID: S1510 (S1510-S1514-S1518-S1522-S1526-S1530-S1534-S1538-S1542-S1546-S1550-S1554-S1558-S1562-S1566-S1570-S1574-S1578-S1582-S1586-S1590-S1594-S1598) 2. Server Region: NY 3. Server Age: Estimated nearly 2 years, 5 months - merged about 1 year ago, 3 months 4. Time taken to kill World Boss: 10+ minutes 5. World Boss HP on Monday: 32 Million 6. No. of group participating in Great Ninja War: 2 7. Avg powers of Top 5/Top 10/ Top 20: Top 5: 2,449,727 Top 10: 1,840,450 Top 20: 1,348,265 We would like to have a cluster merge, barely being able to have 8 groups in Cross Server Great Ninja War. In addition to a cluster merge, we want a normal merge, so we can have more activity on our own servers. We would like both, If possible. Merge and Cluster Merge Updates came out a while back now but unfortunately, we weren't included. There's not many people in the cross events such as Sage World Battlefields( Usually 7-8 people per field), Sage World Arena(haven´t had that in months), Fighting Matsuri, or Training Grounds(20-30 people) in our cluster. Sage Arena doesn't even exist in our cluster anymore. Training Grounds only has around 20-30 people and it's getting worse as time goes on. Listed below is the cluster our cluster would prefer cluster merging with as well as the servers my server would prefer merging with. We want to cluster merge with: (S1186-S1434) and (S409-S752) We want to server merge with: S458 (409-415-418-442-452-458-465-468-475-478-485-488-492-495-498) and S1438- (1438-1442-1446-1450-1454-1458-1462-1466-1470 1474-1478-1482-1486-1490-1494-1498-1502-1506) Top 10 Top 20 Group GNW Ranking Group Power Ranking World Boss Ranking
2022-09-23 03:14:14
Server Merge Requests - Week of 1st August
1. Server ID: S1510 (S1510-S1514-S1518-S1522-S1526-S1530-S1534-S1538-S1542-S1546-S1550-S1554-S1558-S1562-S1566-S1570-S1574-S1578-S1582-S1586-S1590-S1594-S1598) 2. Server Region: NY 3. Server Age: Estimated nearly 2 years, 4 months - merged about 1 year ago, 2 months 4. Time taken to kill World Boss: 10+ minutes 5. World Boss HP on Monday: 25 Million 6. No. of group participating in Great Ninja War: 2 7. Avg powers of Top 5/Top 10/ Top 20: Top 5: 2,449,727 Top 10: 1,840,450 Top 20: 1,348,265 We would like to have a cluster merge, barely being able to have 8 groups in Cross Server Great Ninja War. In addition to a cluster merge, we want a normal merge, so we can have more activity on our own servers. We would like both, If possible. Merge and Cluster Merge Updates came out a while now but unfortunately, we weren't included. There's not many people in the cross events such as Sage World Battlefields, Sage World Arena, Fighting Matsuri, or Training Grounds in our cluster. Sage Arena doesn't even exist in our cluster anymore. Training Grounds only has around 20-30 people and it's getting worse every Friday. Now recently. we didn't have Sage World Battlefields on Sunday. We want to cluster merge with: (S1186-S1434) and (S409-S752) We want to server merge with: S458 (409-415-418-442-452-458-465-468-475-478-485-488-492-495-498) and S1438- (1438-1442-1446-1450-1454-1458-1462-1466-1470 1474-1478-1482-1486-1490-1494-1498-1502-1506) Top 10 Top 20 Group GNW Ranking Group Power Ranking World Boss Ranking
2022-08-26 20:54:55
Server Merge Requests - Week of 4th July
1. Server ID: S1510 (S1510-S1514-S1518-S1522-S1526-S1530-S1534-S1538-S1542-S1546-S1550-S1554-S1558-S1562-S1566-S1570-S1574-S1578-S1582-S1586-S1590-S1594-S1598) 2. Server Region: NY 3. Server Age: Estimated nearly 2 years, 2 months - merged about 1 year ago 4. Time taken to kill World Boss: 10+ minutes 5. World Boss HP on Monday: 25 Million 6. No. of group participating in Great Ninja War: 2 7. Avg powers of Top 5/Top 10/ Top 20: Top 5: 2,449,727 Top 10: 1,840,450 Top 20: 1,348,265 We would like to have a cluster merge, since our cluster just recently has only 4 groups in Cross Great Ninja War, showing the decline in activity across the cluster. In addition to a cluster merge, we want a normal merge, so we can have Great Ninja War on our own servers. We would like both, If possible. Merge and Cluster Merge Updates came out recently but unfortunately, we weren't included. There's not many people in the cross events such as Sage World Battlefields, Sage World Arena, Fighting Matsuri, or Training Grounds in our cluster. Sage Arena doesn't even exist in our cluster anymore. Top 10 Top 20 Group GNW Ranking Group Power Ranking World Boss Ranking
2022-07-29 16:51:48
Server Merge Requests - Week of 6th June
1. Server ID: S1510 (S1510-S1514-S1518-S1522-S1526-S1530-S1534-S1538-S1542-S1546-S1550-S1554-S1558-S1562-S1566-S1570-S1574-S1578-S1582-S1586-S1590-S1594-S1598) 2. Server Region: NY 3. Server Age: Estimated nearly 1 years, 11 months - merged about 10 months ago 4. Time taken to kill World Boss: 10+ minutes 5. World Boss HP on Monday: 1 Billion 6. No. of group participating in Great Ninja War: 1 (sometimes 2) 7. Avg powers of Top 5/Top 10/ Top 20: Top 5: 2,208,708 Top 10: 1,657,684 Top 20: 1,202,521 We would like to have a cluster merge, since our cluster just recently has only 4 groups in Cross Great Ninja War, showing the decline in activity across the cluster. In addition to a cluster merge, we want a normal merge, so we can have Great Ninja War on our own servers. We would like both, If possible. Since this is the second month without any merge updates, clusters are going to need server merge and cluster merge because servers are dying the longer you take to merge them. Also developers put servers out every few days with the false idea that these servers will be active when it doesn't function like that. It takes time for new servers to grow. Because you don't give them time to grow as well as no cross server, they die and have no choice but to go here asking for a merge to try to get their server active. In addition, if you guys make 1 new server a month, the newer servers can grow and developers can focus on other things, like merges for old servers. 1702, for example, had over 8 groups over 200 activity at the start of their server because you guys waited a month later to recommend a new server after that and so the server ended up being extremely active. If you guys recommended and only made that server for that month, Problem solved if you don't want servers to die within a week and not be overwhelmed with server requests from servers that haven't reached 2 months of opening asking about merging. Top 10 Top 20 Group GNW Ranking Group Power Ranking World Boss Ranking
2022-06-29 21:24:01
Server Merge Requests - Week of 2nd May
1. Server ID: S1510 (S1510-S1514-S1518-S1522-S1526-S1530-S1534-S1538-S1542-S1546-S1550-S1554-S1558-S1562-S1566-S1570-S1574-S1578-S1582-S1586-S1590-S1594-S1598) 2. Server Region: NY 3. Server Age: Estimated nearly 1 years, 11 months - merged about 10 months ago 4. Time taken to kill World Boss: 10+ minutes 5. World Boss HP on Monday: 1 Billion 6. No. of group participating in Great Ninja War: 1 (sometimes 2) 7. Avg powers of Top 5/Top 10/ Top 20: Top 5: 2,208,708 Top 10: 1,657,684 Top 20: 1,202,521 We would like to have a cluster merge, since our cluster just recently has only 4 groups in Cross Great Ninja War and Sage World is dead. In addition to a cluster merge, we want a server merge, so we can have Great Ninja War on our own servers. We would like both, If possible. Our cluster is dying and we're going to need one sooner than later. Top 10: Top 20 Group GNW Ranking Group Power Ranking World Boss Ranking
2022-05-31 02:17:06
Server Merge Requests - Week of 4th April
1. Server ID: S1510 (S1510-S1514-S1518-S1522-S1526-S1530-S1534-S1538-S1542-S1546-S1550-S1554-S1558-S1562-S1566-S1570-S1574-S1578-S1582-S1586-S1590-S1594-S1598) 2. Server Region: NY 3. Server Age: Estimated nearly 1 years, 11 months - merged about 10 months ago 4. Time taken to kill World Boss: 10+ minutes 5. World Boss HP on Monday: 1 Billion 6. No. of group participating in Great Ninja War: 1 (sometimes 2) 7. Avg powers of Top 5/Top 10/ Top 20: Top 5: 2,208,708 Top 10: 1,657,684 Top 20: 1,202,521 We would like to have a cluster merge, since our cluster just recently has only 4 groups in Cross Great Ninja War, showing the decline in activity across the cluster. In addition to a cluster merge, we want a normal merge, so we can have groups in the Great Ninja War on our own servers. We would like both, If possible. Top 10: Top 20 Group GNW Ranking Group Power Ranking World Boss Ranking
2022-05-02 09:58:28
Server Merge Requests - Week of December 7th
1.Server ID: S1510 2. Server Region: NY 3. Server Age: Estimated 8+ months (based on date opening to current date) 4. Time taken to kill World Boss: 6 minutes++ 5. World Boss HP on Tuesday: 55M 6. No. of group participating in Great Ninja War: 1 7. Average Power Rank of Top 5, Top 10, Top 20: AVG Top 5: 280k, AVG Top 10:200k, AVG Top 20:150k
Karma Nara
2021-01-09 04:02:51
Server Merge Requests - Week of November 2nd
1. Server ID: S1510 2. Server Region: NY 3. Server Age: 7 months 6 days ( based on date of post) 4. Time to kill World Boss: 12 min. 5. World Boss HP on Tuesday: 38M 6. Number of Groups participating in GNW: 1 7. Average power of Top5, Top10, and Top20: AVG Top 5: 220k AVG Top 10: 150k AVG Top 20: 120k.
2020-11-29 21:34:05
Server Merge Requests - Week of September 7th
1. Server ID:1510 2. Server Region: NY 3. Server Age: 4 months,17 days 4. Time taken to kill world Boss: 10 minutes 5. World Boss HP on Tuesday: 16M 6. No of Group participating in great ninja war: 2 groups 7. Average Power rank of Top 5, Top 10, Top 20: AVG Top 5:165k AVG Top 10:123k AVG Top 20: 96K Top 10: Top 20:
2020-09-26 04:04:38