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2017-09-12 11:44:53
2 Questions: Mitsurugi Event (Is this normal?)
I agree about the dead ones, its the Main live one that was replaced.
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2017-09-13 08:22:24
[Ninja Exam]
Azure Fang Ninja Exam 115 Alternative Formation
Well I can tell you how uneasy this has been so far: Naruto, Hinata, Guy and Water Main Level 83, 40.1k power All Bonded, Starred, Awakened and Cultivated. Round one Hinata lived, no one could get through clones. Round two, with all other mysteries available, watched as Jiriya did his mystery and then Sage Naruto did their mysteries first killed off three Round 3: Breeze resets everyone Jiriya comes to kill while Main is still trying to get her shot off. Game Over. Crazy Simple Switched to Sage Naruto just to see and same results.
2017-09-11 11:40:51
[Ninja Exam]
Stuck on Ninja Exam 115
Can say that at the current setup you mention for 3.0 with Mei, AO Sage Naruto and Water Main @ level 83 with 39k power, its not possible. Initiated adjvantage Killed by two mysteries in a row and the team has nothing to attack with until round 2 but they strike first.
2017-09-12 02:47:26
[Ninja Exam]
Ninja Exam 114 (Water Main)
115 update: Nothing works, yet.
2017-09-11 11:19:17
[Ninja Exam]
Ninja Exam 114 (Water Main)
Ninja Exam 114 Version 3.0 Curious as to what you have for power and what level: I have seen recommendations of using: Iruka, Sage Naruto, Main and Sasuke with power of 37.7 @ level 80 See: On youtube: (Naruto Online Ninja Exam Lv 114 Water Main (Azure Fang) wNaruto Sage) However, I use the same setup EXCEPT I use Guy instead of Iruka And Iruka cancels enemy water main as soon as it starts. (Guy can not) So with 39.5k Level 83 fully cultivated and awaked, I get killed by the 2nd round. UPDATE: (no, really) Finally just got one that worked!!! The difference is the setup removes you from being lined up directly from the main assault of Jirya etc. Setup: Sasuke Main X SageNaruto AO X X X X Power 38.4k Stategy: 1: AO sics on Water Main Enemy as soon as the game starts More Chakra comes, have Sasuke do his barrier Kirin Naruto attacks Jiriya with Main Sasuke attacks Tobirama with Kirin Water Main attacks Enemy Water Main with Super Shark Bomb Whatever is left, attack the lowest, the poision should have two down with Tobirama in chaos and Harry in the back. Talents 2,2,3,2,2 Summon Ninja Monkey or Monkey King. This took a few tries. (Less than 10) Other combinations made my strongest team seem like a joke. Let me know if it works please. TY. To note: Sage Naruto and AO are only 3 stars Sasuke and Main are 5. More add on: It seems that 115-120 from the "Will of D" Recommends AO, Iruka, Sage Naruto and Mei Terumi I know that Neji or AO or GW Neji can interrupt first round so thats a good replacement for Iruka Even though My Naruto is 5 stars fully cultivated, awakened and fully bonded, he doesnt work as well as Sage Naruto. Not sure why. not sure what Mei does yet so cant recommend a replacement. Will add on as I get them.
2017-09-11 11:19:17
survival trial
Day 0: hit reset after doing all 12 plus all breakthrough the day before. It showed 1 ready to sweep. Lost power, Day 1: Swept 1, all other not able to be swept. Did 2-12 + breakthrough manually, winning all. Day 1 Reset: Swept 1-2 then 3-12 + breakthrough done manually, winning all. Day 2: Reset: Swept 1-5 then 6-12+ breakthrough most done manually, winning all but 2 because did not finish. Day 3: Finished last two of breakthrough,won all, Reset Swept 1-8, 9-12+breakthrough done manually. 9 was NOT able to be swept. Assuming will be able to tomorrow.
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The Almighty
2017-09-13 00:24:59
survival trial
To recap and to add: Day 0: hit reset after doing all 12 plus all breakthrough the day before. It showed 1 ready to sweep. Lost power, Day 1: Swept 1, all other not able to be swept. Did 2-12 + breakthrough manually, winning all. Day 1 Reset: Swept 1-2 then 3-12 + breakthrough done manually, winning all. Day 2: Reset: Swept 1-5 then 6-12+ breakthrough done manually, winning all. I know the last possible sweep is 9 but since there is nothing listed wanted to show what I am experiencing. Maybe its the way its done, no idea.
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The Almighty
2017-09-13 00:24:59
Need Help with line-up for Survival Trial and Ranked Battels
Not sure what server you are on, but unless you are top dog for power, you wont go 12-0. In fact, I find that they send upon occasion an OP for 11 and 12 at times. But because I'm not really familiar with Wind, I wont suggest a main one. A good "C team" The first 4 of the 12 would be Lee, Kiba and Guy and Kankuro Kiba backs Lee and Kankuro backs Guy. Lee/Kiba goes in front of the opposing Main, Guy/Kankuro goes against the opposing others. So for Example: Kiba Lee x Kankuro Guy x x x x (Assuming the opposing Main is in the top row) I find a good "B team" is Kakashi, Kabuto, Sasuke and Hinata as follows Sasuke Kakashi Hinata x x x Kabuto x x Assuming opposing main is on top row and other are in 2nd row. Goal is to keep Kabuto away from direct line up from opposing team members. To suggest an A team is tough. Not familiar with Wind but would suggest: Gaara, Naruto, Sakura and Main Sakara Naruto Gaara x x x Main x x Not saying I'm right, just giving suggestions. Hope it helps. This is all based on F2P. P2W I'm sure the arrangements are endless with enough money.
2017-09-08 22:12:23
Life Threatening Battle... at a loss on blue section
I told myself that I'd regret posting this, and I have...GNW Sai 2*Kimimaro 4*Water Main and KAbuto 5*level 78, 29k power full cultivated.****MK(Immimaro)*SK(abuto)First cast Kabuto clones and Sais clones and continue to make sure they are cast every time possible.Concentrate on Sasori, once he's dead, the rest fall.(Kisame will be dead before Sasori.)Also, cast Water Main before Kimmiaros.So ashamed, it was so easy it was emarrasing.But honestly, was just stumped. Stumbled on a youtube video by accident to give credit where credit is due.Sorry for wasting anyones time!
2017-07-24 22:13:31
Mininum requirement for a victory
Thank you all for your replies!Havent got to the point where I can get their health lower than mine in the end but I assume because if I could they'd all be defeated. But will report if I ever do get them below me and if it says victory or defeat.I feel however, you are correct that it needs to be a full victory.
General Discussion
2017-07-24 21:34:01