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2021-12-24 06:52:05
Christmas Event - Story Telling
In-game name: Pothkan Server ID: S1496 Bandage Attack UID: 200000096746262 If you ask me what I will remember the most in Naruto Online, I will tell you that it’s definitely going to be my group, „Moegi”. It all started almost 2 years ago, when I decided to let the wave of nostalgia hit me and it made me return to the game after the dramas I’ve encountered in the past, not to mention the lockdown I’ve been in at that time, so obviously, I was pretty much bored. It was a good decision, or rather, a jackpot. Why? The thread and connections made between friendships will be everlasting. It is true that during this year, a lot happened and we had plenty of upsides and downsides, such as the group being close to falling apart or losing a lot of members, but eventually, those events made us stronger. As the amount of our members has grown after Server Merges, it became easier to overcome our weaknesses. At the beginning, some of us were intrigued that there could be so many people with different backgrounds and each of them had an unique story to tell, but the fact that we have shared our tips, experience regarding various topics and our cultures, made it simpler to bond, since we have learned much more about ourselves thanks to it. We have bonded not only through Naruto Online, but also through Voice Chats, Streams on Discord and sessions of playing other games. To make it funnier, some of those sessions lasted till the sunrise, because we forgot how fast time flies and during them, some of us spilled hot chocolate. Since there was and there is still a pandemic, a lot of lockdowns have made us shut-in, so most of us felt kinda lonely and thus, we have appreciated playing those games together, they made us feel less alone. The fights in various game modes, such as SWB, TG, the discussions and the thrill we have experienced during XGNW and other stuff were and still are truly amazing. Every moment of happiness when someone reached their goal in-game, every sadness from losing a vigorous match and every complaint about the events in-game - we have experienced it together. The memes and inside jokes about the game we have made won’t fail to make us laugh for sure. Oh, the joys of those who have won our Discord Tournaments and Events, especially Gramps’ Games (AKA Games of Discord Bans)! How will we celebrate Christmas? Those who celebrate it among us, will certainly exchange warm wishes and good words, some of us will also share recipes for Christmas food and drinks and others will just listen to the Christmas music in the Voice Chat, maybe even prepare a Karaoke event. To sum it up, it will be just a good time for us all, even for our group-mates who aren’t celebrating it, since we also will wish them a good time and peace. When it comes to the celebration of Xmas in the game, we will have fun with Fuku Deals and our spendings (some of us will go for power, some of us for ninjas, but in the end, we all will be happy with our results), not to mention the fact we will be actively fighting for our victory in Matsuri, Training Grounds and one day later, on Saturday, in Rogue Ninja Outburst (where we are going to hunt for naughty boys and girls) and XGNW! Maybe the real reward was the friends we made along the way. With that, we are wishing you Merry Christmas and Covid-19 shall not defeat us!
2022-01-01 16:07:33
You better watch ou... Wait? Where's the party? - Banner Making
IGN - Pothkan Server - UK S1496 UID - 200000096746262
2022-01-01 22:51:20
Naruto's Birthday - Fanfic Event
"Make Your Own Naruto/Skill Break Naruto" event Region: UK Server ID: S1496 Bandage Attack UID: 200000096746262 In-game name: Pothkan New Ninja: Menma Uzumaki Attributes: Male, Jinchuriki, Uzumaki Clan, Hidden Jutsu Element: Wind Recruitable: 3 stars Mystery: Great Rasen Ring | [Prompt] [Taijutsu + Ninjutsu]: Menma causes unavoidable damage, Low Float and Slowdown to 4 ninjas in opponent's field till the end of the round and Super Poison to the selected target for 2 rounds. Chakra Cost: 40 Battlefield CD: 1 round Cooldown Time: 2 rounds Standard: Rasen Ring | [Taijutsu]: Menma clears all debuffs of two ninjas affected by most debuffs before he attacks up to 4 ninjas in opponent's lineup. Attacks up to 4 ninjas in opponent's lineup, has high chances of causing Low Float and Paralysis. For each ninja in opponent's lineup that is killed by Rasen Ring, Menma gains an extra standard attack. Chase: Repulsive Force | [Taijutsu]: Chases Low Float, causes Repulse and Blindness to a random unit in opponent's field. Can be triggered twice per round. Passive 1: World in Reverse | [Ninjutsu]: Whenever Menma gets attacked for the first time in the round, damage of all ninjas in your lineup to ninjas with Konoha attribute increases by 4%. That passive can be triggered once each round, stacks up to 5 times overall. Passive 2: Divine Beasts' Mantra | [Taijutsu + Ninjutsu]: Before the start of every round, Menma summons one random Masked Beast out of three Masked Beasts and the summon executes its own skill once per round. Description of Masked Beasts' skills: Hokuto and Nanto Sennins cause irremovable ignition to two random units in opponent's field. Seiryū decreases the first mystery's damage your all ninjas will get hit with by 55%. Tennyo increases Ninjutsu of all ninjas in your lineup by 4% and decreases 5% Defense and Resistance of 3 ninjas in opponent's field (stackable).
2021-10-13 12:34:13