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2017-07-24 19:06:07
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2018-03-23 10:26:42
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2017-07-24 22:05:46
RNG and ninjas from packs
" I'm seeing Tobei responding!This made my night. Was not expecting this.
General Discussion
2020-07-14 15:56:01
RNG and ninjas from packs
" have mercy!
General Discussion
2020-07-14 15:56:01
Ideas for Time Skip Mains
Sounds like a fanfiction.Doubt they'll pair the mains, like ever. haha.Besides, they did a time skip. won't get it for quite some time. But it's something to look forward too. Would love to play an older Water/Earth main.
General Discussion
2019-07-18 10:43:29
Fix the p2w gap
Ah, I see.First Chinese MMO aye. Makes sense.
Bugs & Support
2017-07-24 22:04:29
Fix the p2w gap
Yeah, but that's the core statement for this thread.It's the "gap" between F2P and P2P, realistically, that's never gonna happen. Unless a P2P player is spending on ninjas and strictly that. However, the example you've provided isn't the case. It's players that are going above and beyond the mark to become competitive, it's those players that you shouldn't focus on because no matter what you say, or suggest. They'll always be ahead. The majority of the mid-spenders (including myself) are in around 60-70k BP, and I've spent quite a lot on this game. I'm not gonna be first on my server, nor am I gonna compete with the likes of Kozo/Leumas/Kahpow, etc. That's just not realistic for me. However, in and around my BP, for sure. The game provides a lot of ways to farm medium items needed. Refinements and Threads are gathered mostly through Monthly Event and any event in between. The price is time and that's the real thing when it comes to this. Man, I really wish players seen games of this genre to compare how less "P2W" this is lmao.
Bugs & Support
2017-07-24 22:04:29
Fix the p2w gap
Players that have over 90k power have spent arguably well over 3-4k into the game. This will sound harsh, but why would the game provide you a way to catch up to those players when they've spent to reach those heights?Eventually the game will provide a multitude of ways to climb power, however, that gap will remain. This is common with competitive free-2-play MMO's, especially Chinese ones. Just gotta accept that fact and move on. You can take advice from experienced players. Spending 10$ a month comes along way (Monthly Packs)You can save and provide yourself with power gains if you spent items correctly, Refinements during rebates, BA threads during rebates, etc. Spending coupons correctly as well. You have to play at your own pace, you'll eventually reach a high point there it'll require Advance items, and from there it'll be harder to obtain items. (That's the wall that P2P climbed over to reach those BP's) Being f2p and competitive is hard, you have to thrive for a goal that's actually achievable. Enjoy the game for what it is.
Bugs & Support
2017-07-24 22:04:29
Free to Play servers without top up capability
It wouldn't help.F2P/P2P both need to co-exist in servers to maintain a healthy game environment.Why would Naruto-Online have a dedicated server focused solely on non-contributing factors.As harsh as it sounds, it's the honest truth when it comes to Free-To-Play games. Also, the real players that maintain this game are low spenders who are willing to drop 20-30/90-100 dollars from time to time, they're the steady income. Heavy P2P will always be that and F2P will be the polar opposite, but the economy of the game comes from the middle. Similar to real life. You can still have fun on the game and even compete against players who are willing to spend. It's all about time+ management and knowing what to focus on.But to your main suggestion, it wouldn't happen because it's just not beneficial to a game business and it wouldn't be healthy for the gaming community as it would drain servers that have F2P
Bugs & Support
2017-07-24 22:03:10
Still no tendo in events???
Firstly.why Oasis hold Tendo above all other super rares and excludes him from previous events.The reality is, Why does every version hold Tendo above all other super rares. Point the finger when it's due, not in this case.Now my answer would be, they don't.Oasis essentially provided every player the possibility to obtain that ninja (Early). While super rares like Sasuke/Ay, and even Hashirama/Sasori requires an enormous amount of luck and recharging. (I've spent 60k total on lucky board with no Hashirama to boot)As for the oasis claimI believe it's misinterpreted and moderators already cleared that statement on podcasts/streams and through private messages on discord as well. So it echoes back to what I've said when it comes to that. This post was last edited by Kurusuki at 2017-5-5 09:34
General Discussion
2017-07-24 22:03:10
Still no tendo in events???
They're not entirely independent and everyone knows that. However, they've released functions and ninjas completely different than their counterpart. So they c*ter the timeline and priceable of certain ninjas. But everything else is still the same. If they gave out 80 fragments in UT, players who actually pulled on Tendo for him would flip and for a VERY good reason. It's a progress when it came to those Tendo fragments and it's a healthy one for the game as well.This isn't towards you, but this community has been drawing straws and wanting everything handed to them since day 1. From the content that's been released, this version has been a special thing and I'm grateful for that. But they'll never be able to please people on the forums because people want this version to be the special snowflake and honestly it's sick. We still have to go through the motion and progress that makes this game what it is.
General Discussion
2017-07-24 22:03:10
Still no tendo in events???
No.UT was released 1.5 years into the game cycle.They obtained a lot fewer fragments from the start. With updates, they extended the amount (To 80 total via level 105 update).Those various ways were added along after the Tendo treasure was obsolete. He's a very old super rare in CN, not here. We haven't even hit 1 full year yet lol.I do believe that EN will have him in an event, but definitely nowhere close. From my point of view, giving away the full 76 Tendo fragments was a huge plus because it allows players who got lucky to get them now and that's pretty sweet. They're not hindering anybody, it's mostly people asking for a freebie right away. That's how it comes off. Tendo still has a great value in the game and he'll continuously have that value throughout his life cycle (He's still used in GNW in china every week). As my statement above still stands, CN is extremely stingy when it comes to Hokage ninjas, they're only featured in server opening/merged top-up events or they're legendary rare (1k seals). While here, they're actually cheap and obtainable. So Oasis doesn't follow CN to a tea, but that doesn't mean they have to do everything differently. It's just common sense when it comes to a ninja that'll become free in the future. This post was last edited by Kurusuki at 2017-5-5 08:23
General Discussion
2017-07-24 22:03:10