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Server 267 - Wo
Server 267 - Wo
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Topics 3 |Posts 12
2017-07-24 19:51:02
Last Login:
2022-06-20 09:32:27
Last Post:
2021-09-20 10:34:56
Misbehavior Report - Official Thread
Name of offender: NURSALAM - Offender’s Server ID:247 - Short description of the situation:for the last 5 years this guy has been harassing me with team invites.i have reported him many times to no effect.he is on my black list.but all that happens is that i get told to remove the ability to have team invites and the ability to do any team stuff with my guild members by clicking the remove team invite from the team actual repercussions mouse has a programmable double click that makes me able to click 2,000 times per second.i turned it on and had to continously remove team invites for over 4 hours so he is obviously using bots to team spam these are the most recent screen shots - Screenshot/s as evidence: (Read all requirements below!)
Bugs & Support
2024-04-04 17:27:26
Misbehaviour thread
Name of offender :NURSALAME Server ID :HIS IS 247 MINE IS 267 Short description of the situation :i had to turn my team invites and team challenges off after 5 years of non stop team harrassment i have reported him multiple times and i have black listed him yet i am still being team spammed BAN HIM NOW FOR OBVIOUSLY *ING THE GAME HE CAN NOT SEND TEAM INVITES ALSO FIX YOUR GOD DAM BLACK LIST IM SICK OF HIS * Screenshot/s as evidence : (Your screenshot/s must contain entire conversation between all parties involved, time and date. Without it, we won't consider your screenshot/s as real proofs and we won't be able to punish player/s for misbehaviour.)
Bugs & Support
2022-05-31 10:36:34
Misbehaviour thread
and another screen shot
Bugs & Support
2022-05-31 10:36:34
Misbehaviour thread
addition to previous post NURSALAM WILL NOT STOP joining teams preventing me from working with friends the edit post does not work so i cant add more screen shots
Bugs & Support
2022-05-31 10:36:34
Misbehaviour thread
edit *on still not working so i have another screen shot since he is still spam team inviting
Bugs & Support
2022-05-31 10:36:34
Misbehaviour thread
Name of offender :NURSALAMServer ID : S267 petrifying jutsuShort description of the situation :im getting spam from this user. i have asked him to stop on multiple occasions i have screen shots of each time and i have reported him multiple times on this thread he is one of 2 users that are making me want to stop playing the game. but you have not made it easy to black list some one unless they are in the same group and or already on my friends list and then black listing them does nothing but make them able to spam team invites with no way to make them stop. he continously jumps into teams that he was not invited to please fix the black list feature by making it easier to black list some one and by making the black listed people unable to send team invites or any other form of spam contentScreenshot/s as evidence :
Bugs & Support
2022-05-31 10:36:34
Misbehaviour thread
Name of offender :NURSALAM Server ID : S267 petrifying jutsu Short description of the situation :shortly after the arena 3 vs 3 event closed this guy started messaging me asking me to help him with arena 3 v 3 i told him the event had closed for the day and he will not stop spam messaging me for some reason the block user function is greyed out and cant add him to the blacklist not that adding to the black list does anything this was on my alt kyetheviking i took screen shots of the messages please fix the blocking feature to make it to where i can easily stop people from sending me messages or team invites Screenshot/s as evidence :
Bugs & Support
2022-05-31 10:36:34
Misbehaviour thread
well my post got deleted but nothing was done about it im still getting spam team invites from a player i reported Name of offender :NaokiMitoServer ID : S267 Petrifying JutsuShort description of the situation :guy wont stop spamming me with team invites making the game impossible to play and you guys deleted the last report of this nature but did nothing to stop him from spamming me with team invites i have already added him to the black list he shouldnt be allowed to send any messages or team invites i included the old screen shots and the new one im really tired of these spam invites either make black listed people unable to have any contact with the people on the black list or ban his account he is preventing me from enjoying the game or playing the gameScreenshot/s as evidence :
Bugs & Support
2022-05-31 10:36:34
Misbehaviour thread
name of offender NaokiMito server id :267 i run 3 accounts MightyWarrior , MightyReinhardt, and mightytechpriest35 all 3 accounts have blacklisted NaokiMito yet im still getting spam invites to teams at least 2 times per week this is getting highly annoying and i am forced to log out so i dont get repeated team invites that interrupt every thing im trying to do until i get 100 invites removed from the screen please fix this either make black list as a way to stop people from having any contact or kick him from the game
Bugs & Support
2022-05-31 10:36:34
Misbehaviour thread
offender :NaokiMito server id:S267 petrifying jutsu ok im a little late in posting this but basically he/she has been spamming invites to teams after GNW in such a way that it disrupts the game play. i had over 100 invites in 5 seconds time. i asked him/her to stop months ago as i dont accept random team invites and i dont do any team activity unless im asked first as i may not want to do that version of the activity like i may want to do expert Strong Approaching while they are doing a lower version. i black listed him/her on multiple accounts, so i cant get screen shots of past conversations even though he is black listed im still getting team invites i failed to grab screen shots of our previous conversations before i black listed him/her i dont wish to unblacklist him/her so i cant retrieve our conversations and i dont think i need a screen shot of what a team invite looks like?included is a pic of my black list and the only conversations i can grab now that he is black listed. you guys need to make it easier to black list some one and make black listing a complete removeal from the game experience like i cant see their avatar they cant contact me in any way they cant interract with me in any way if they are on my black list its cause they are either 1 full of drama or 2 toxic to the game
Bugs & Support
2022-05-31 10:36:34