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2017-07-24 19:05:03
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2024-07-10 12:50:45
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2018-08-26 18:04:02
I don't like new decisive bond.....
No one said you had to cap your points. If you want to cap your points do what you have to. It not supposed to be easy to cap.
General Discussion
2018-08-26 18:04:03
Sunflower Covenant Forum Event
UID: 200000083258765 Server ID: S886 :Training Bandage Character name: Retribution Screenshot of the event Ranking:
2018-06-08 23:57:47
Matsuri Matching
Everything Kagecho said plus the whole reason the event auto matches after 60 seconds is because the system can't find another player to meet the requirements it needs to meet in the first 60 seconds. So it randomly matches 2 players up so players can complete the event. The cold hard truth of this is if your losing, do what you need to do to increase your power. If there are lower people than you that have higher power than you and your trying to be competitive without spending real money, your insane. This game survives on people that are refereed to as pay 2 win. Without the pay 2 win, this game would not be around. They would be more likely to close the servers down with 1000 F2P people playing than 100 Pay 2 Win playing. They are a business. The event works as intended.
Bugs & Support
2018-04-21 04:39:17
What would the community like to see?
A little background before I state what the problem in my eyes is.I'm a F2P player for the most part. I've spent a dollar or two but nothing huge. I started on server 9, I'm level 61 and am in what was a group of mainly F2P player that would take on the P2P groups and win the GNW. About 2/5 of my level 7 group has quite. Mostly levels 55 to 60 F2P players. There's just nothing holding there interest anymore since around level 55 the game becomes dailies, and event grinding. Most players at that level have the ninjas they need/want for there teams that are already available for F2P. In my opinion the gap between event F2P rewards and P2P rewards is going to kill the server populations. Let me explain. So first off there in nothing wrong with rewarding P2P fairly better then F2P. However the current rewards F2P gets give them no reason to even want to participate. The events should be geared to motivating a F2P and a P2P to want to log on and spend time working on these events. (sweeping elites, plots, spending coupons there saving, whatever the event maybe.) This is going to keep those people that hit the leveling wall of grinding for a few days a reason not to get board and keep there interest in the game. The overall goal of a event should be to capture a F2P players interest just enough to were they want to spend a couple bucks here and there. More people will spend 5 or 10 dollars here and there then 50 dollar all at once on a F2P game.Example Event.Sweep different Elite Instances to get dice rolls. Each elite instance must be completed 3 times to get 1 dice roll. 7 day event.This event right here does 3 things, One, it gives a decent reason to use stamina, anyone that doesn't have a certain ninja out of elites can work on getting that ninja. Two, there's no cap for dice rolls in a day meaning people can buy more stamina to get more rolls, and they c*so pay to reset elite sweeps. Three, there getting some experience for it as well. Now rolling a the dice can go from 1 to 6. Lets say I do 7 elites 3 times. That 210 stamina and 7 rolls, Out of 7 rolls i get 30 points. Lets say i average 30 points a day for the 7 days as a F2P player. Thats 210 points as a F2P, lets say the guy that spent 5 or 10 bucks in coupons or ingots gets 400 points and the P2P guys spent some money and got 1200 points.Reward Setup KeyTier 4 reward 10 legendary ninja frags. 150 points (80 frags to complete) F2P 210 PointsTier 3 reward 10 rare ninja frags. 100 points (80 frags to complete) Some cash 400 PointsTier 2 reward 10 semi rare ninja frags. 50 points (30 frags to complete) P2P 1200 PointsTier 1 reward 25 points (coins, level 2 or 3 magmas, refinements runes etc.As you can tell from above everyone can hit anything on the rewards however the rate of obtaining said prize is a huge difference. The guy spending will get the top prize, The guy spending a little can get some frags for the legendary ninja and start saving frags to get him in the future or he can go and start collecting a rare and get it in a future event faster then he would the legendary. Same goes for the F2PThe principal is that everyone has a shot at getting the same reward however the time line for getting the reward changes drastically depending on your level or commitment. These are rough numbers but you should get the idea behind it. Your giving a decent chance to everyone and giving everyone a worthwhile goal to shot for. Even if F2P take 3 or 4 months of event rotations to get it, there still accomplishing something small for each event, that will give meaning on a larger scale.The biggest thing to worry about is F2P leaving. They make up a lot of the server population, new players come everyday however the more experienced a player becomes and the longer he stays the more likely he is to spend money. People that drop 50, 100, 200 a month are less likely to leave because of boredom then someone that spends 0 a month. The P2P has a investment. The F2P doesn't.
General Discussion
2017-07-24 21:29:18