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2024-01-16 04:25:56
Naruto Client...
english version has been running for 7 years, they charge 2600USD for single characters, upwards of 7,800 if you want their actual skill sets (2600 to recruit + maxing 2 more insane recharges to 4 star them) when those same characters are sold by actual developers who created them, for 50 USD, including access to their breaks at 3 stars. Even a "cheap" character for us will be cost you 600USD worth of recharges, our "cheapest" characters are 12 times more expensive th*l characters in china and multiple characters are 156 times more expensive than in china. Yet despite this, all oasis have to do to keep milking money for zero effort is keep servers running and have a functional launcher, they can do neither, it is a game where the only 2 costs are licensing and server maintenance, thats it, oasis do no developing, no programming, no animating, no story expansion, the translations are clearly ran through google and not proof read, they contribute, build and improve literally nothing, 2 bills in exchange for gigantic, undeserved bottom lines and still they can't even have the game in a bare minimum functional state. Depending on time zones some of the people with no access today will have lost an entire day, meaning no events, no mission mobilization points, no firework points, no sun scrolls, no moon scrolls, missing a daily log in meaning you cant get all the frags for the monthly ninja and will you get any compensation at all? no chance, more chance getting to saturn on a space hopper. Not sure it;s possible any longer, since QQ changed the registration so sometimes they now ask you to show a QR code to a registered chinese citizen with an active QQ account to make your own account, but googling how to create a QQ account and play the chinese verison is worth it. functional servers + active servers + dirt cheap characters+ paid characters are paid at first but become available for as low as 2k coupons a few months later + fucntioning launcher. How incompetent do oasis have to be for china to be the ones with moral , effeciency and generousity highground
Bugs & Support
2024-01-16 13:59:28
New Event Cycle - January 4th
Your question is pointless because history has already proven the answer to be a resounding yes, it already has, the game is dead. Like I have already pointed out before the forums are so dead posts from 2022 and even 2021 are on the front page in all categories, even the "mods" and plants who got all game content for free in addition to 30k coupons in their game mail every month have left, except maybe you, you might be a lone lingering plant defending oasis for all I know. Here are a few things I do know though, these apply across multiple clusters from my original double digit server through to a relatively recent one - aren't enough people for swb to run - matsuri cant find a single opponent so you just fight clones of yourself - there's only 1 group still alive per server and they have such low activity rate that if gnw was still in the server they would not have the activity level needed to register - even if oasis merged all of the servers that I have played on, which would create an amalgamation of about 40 different servers into one merge, there would still not be enough people to run gnw - arena3vs is impossible unless you maintain alts, could not tell you the last time I saw 2 other people online at the same time - even widely cross server things like arena are so dead that I my old 1.2 mil account and a relatively new one with less than 8k can be matched up in arena with about 98% consistency, even with thousands of servers created and thousands of people flocking in between those accounts being created - all of the known "mod" and/or plant accounts have not been logged into for a very long time -in space time around 18 out of the top 20 in each cluster are accounts that also have not been logged into for a very long time and there simply are no people left playing to challenge their teams and change the rankings. - in mines you can only steal from "S0mysteriousplayer" because there are no real players left to use the mines, which isn't even manual like it use to be, meaning people aren't even bothering to log in to click offline mode and let the game do daily stuff for them So yes, objectively it will stop people from playing and historically has already driving away many thousands, including people who were given content for free, every game mode and even the forums related to the game all show very clear indicators of how many people oasis have pushed away.
2024-01-10 04:10:29
New Event Cycle - January 4th
they never have been developers. the game is 100% made by chinese devlopers, oasis just pay for the license to sell it in foreign markets. Oasis literally copy/paste a small portion of the games content, lower the health, weaken the shields, ruin the attacks, lock sb's behind 4 stars and increase the price. The same characters that we are expected to recahrge $2600 usd for and then spend another $5200 to 4 star them and then spend more to gamble with the slot machine skill trials, you can get those characters for $50 usd in china with the skills that actual developers deemed suitable for them and they can be skillbroken at 3 stars. In china this is a legit game, a gacha game but still a game, but this english language abomination is a trap, casinos are less rigged than this Yeah, the event is awful, a fuku with nothing, deidara is ok for 1 niche purpose in 1 stage of infinite illusion, the others have been redundant since 2020 and bee the great plates has also been worthless for years, any of those characters could be the monthly log in character and you would still only see them used for about a week in brand new servers, yet oasis are presenting the event as if it is something enticing enough for people to recharge real money. It is literal insanity
2024-01-10 04:10:29
Personal Thoughts on This Week's Events
I will add my 2 cents. I am someone who played from day 1 up until hashirama fb was in the ridiculous $2600 for 1 character "rebate" and who was unfortunate enough to be in the same server as the first wave of "mods" as they shared accounts, loaded with free content and rigged pvp content. I have just logged in out of sheer curiosity to see what state the game is in and I suppose I shouldn't be surprised but oasis has sucesfully destroyed their own golden goose. My original servers are dead, new servers are dead, every category in the forums has threads from 2022 on their first page because the entire forum is dead and the game is in such a poor state that even the "mods" who were literally random players oasis decided to give god mode accounts to in exchange for lying and telling people in their servers they can have the same stuff if they just keep spending, even they have gone. In a way it's actually quite impressive, how monumentally braindead do you have to be to take a game where all you do is copy/paste assets made by actual developers, hike up the price 15000% and are too stingy to even employ people to maintain the game so you pick 1 player at random, give them everything in the game for free and then on their request also give their friends all the same stuff for free and classify them as "moderators" without them having to do any moderating. A free money printing press where all oasis had to do was keep servers running and all evidence points to them failing to do even that, incredible
General Discussion
2024-01-01 06:07:01
New Event Cycle - 20th Of October
Someone being fed up is fair and if they care about the game enough to be fed up they are exactly the type of person oasis should want to keep. Toxic babies like you who take a minute out of your day to dismiss a stranger who is part of keeping a dead game that you yourself play relevant., well the game and the internet at large would be significantly better if people like you left instead
2022-10-26 11:30:41
New Event Cycle - 22nd of September
no characters added ( old or new) no skill breaks added no update to tsunade who only sells redundant skill books not even any attempts at fixing the bugs that have plagued the game since launch no attempt to fix the log in issues that have existes since day 1 no attempt to produce a better client despite the newest one being by far the worst no kannabi bridge battlefield no attempt at fixing mission general mobilization nothing said about the state of entire clusters being dead black zetsu, the worst character in the entire game being dropped in stars 1 frag at a time, meaning oasis deem him to be worth more than orochi gnw redeemables in stars wheel are 2 entirely useless characters and 1 who is useful for 1 stage in II and nothing else biggest discounts in treasure of the sage, you guessed it are all useless they had shisui in the konoha special sales one time, still a rip off don't get me wrong, but it was a better "prize" than 1 tool essence and a paltry amount of scrolls just recharge and spend events with almost entirely terrible rewards, the only one worth anything at all being the same jiraiya that every single player already has Nothing to see here folks, just oasis being oasis, giving this region worse events, prices and redeemables than any other region while marking the prices up on avaerage 1500% over other regions. Enjoy
2022-09-28 12:40:47
New Event Cycle - 15th of September
Personally I would posit it is more pathetic to be foaming at the mouth to throw more money at oasis for a nonsensicle, presumably carry ninja. People playing a collection based game and making their opinion about a non broken character ( who should've been in the game 5 years ago ) that they want to collect is hardly "pathetic", if you are a mindles meta minion whose only way to "play" the game is to throw money at the latest paywalled character so it can carry you, that is your perogative, but calling other peoples widely accesible, purely fun oriented hopes "pathetic", well the irony is so thick it's visible
2022-09-22 01:52:49
New Event Cycle - 15th of September
"Further increase the chance of Tendo reducing his Mystery Cooldown with [Six-in-one]." This is a flat out lie, actually 2 lies in one since it says "further" implying the chances have been increased before. On release his cd rate was great, not enough to make him viable in the age of shisui but it was a dependable reset. Then you nerfed it into the groun and even pairing him with someone like konan swimsuit to give him an extra attack and combo rate buff every round he could reset at best twice in a 10-round fight. Now you are publically saying that the odds are being "increased" yet they are still just as bad as they have been since he was nerfed.
2022-09-22 01:52:49
100 puppets performance Sasori obtainment
Not gonna question why you want him so badly, but unfortunately there is noting to be done, everyone seems to have some characters that just never drop for their accounts. There are people in s233 who still do not have onoki from teh 5 kage treasure, there are people who somehow have got every ninja from the gnw treasure but have never pulled zetsu ( i know he is in the redeem shop now, just giving an example). The seal treasure is the first one you unlock and on the account I use to play in over the course of 4 years I never got chiyo 10 puppets. Sorry its not what you want to hear but no, there is nothing in your power to change drop rates from treasures unless his frags come up in events and you are willing to drop coupons you are at the whims of oasis own brand of "random" number generator shennanigans
General Discussion
2022-07-31 20:02:47
Itachi cs why the hype?
I'm sorry but what are you talking about? edo itachi is clearly the better support for shisui and cs doesnt deal any damage based on life at least not as far as our in-game description or konoha proxy shows and as we both acknowledged he is a suport character not a main so outside of arena the damage his mysteries will do are not gonna swing things in your favour. The only thing he can consistently land is amaterasu which as said only cuts 1% off the enemies scaling which is negligble at best, a 6p scaling at 14% per attack instead of 15 or a shisui scaling at 5% per attacak dealt and 6% per attack suffered , they are still gonna do a ton of damage and the scaling will still heavily heavily outweigh itachi's amaterasu. It decreases def/res when they take damage but by a tiny amount so using it with a multiple attack ninja like shisui or tendo is a moot point since everytime shisui uses a standard or chase and every time tendo uses a mystery itachi cuts their damage by 15% overwriting the tiny amount of stat decrease the opponent has. Lets talk about a few commonly faced characters and what each itachi can do against them to try and explain my train of thought. Vs shisui Edo itachi: can increase mystery cost so he shisui cant mystery and lock one of your units down His chase works very well with his own shisui and doesnt weaken him in the process Itachi cs: Amaterasu Vs 6p Edo itachi: Increase mystery cost Cut damage from first 3 incoming standards in half Reflects the control of his chase Itachi cs: Amaterasu Vs Madara edo tensei release Edo itachi: Increase mystery cost Interrupt/control sasori Reflects his chases immobile Itachi cs: Amaterasu Fear but only if your team triggers a chase on madara ( which shisui wont do becasue madara is a front row character) before madara can mystery and give himself super armour Vs edo Zabuza Edo itachi: Can cause dream, shutting zabuza down completely Can intterrupt/control sasori/fire main, supprting characters that are there to remove debuffs from zabuza Itachi cs: Amaterasu Fear but only if the zabuza isnt supported by a mangetsu vs Oro gnw Edo itachi: Can cause dream, preventing oro from summoning more kages turning him into a piece of furniture Can reflect his mystery's immobile Itachi cs: Amaterasu Vs jiraiya toad chant Edo itachi: Can interrupt barrier or failing that can cause dream so jiraiya cant cause extreme chaos Can dodge chases to cut all these jiriaya chase-blitz teams short Reflects potentially both of jiriayas extreme chaos targets Itachi cs: Amaterasu Fear, if you target jiriaya with a specific mystery Against both stacked carry characters and back row supports edo itachi is a sure fire thing. His mystery combines control with mystery cost increase and is unavoidable, while he himself has a dodge, grants team wide mirrors, cuts first incoming nin damage in half, shisui leads into his chase with no downside. Whereas itachi chinese style seems to be purely decorational, all flash but no substance amaterasu is the only thing he has that you can rely on him landing, other than that the one and only useful tool in his arsenal is fear but it is impossible to land on 6p or shisui and can only affect madara if itachi lands a chase before madara gets to mystery and get super armour. His mysteries are a useless waste of chakra as all they do is inflict a debuff that his standard already deals to multiple units and you are using a character that weakens your own team more than he weakens the opponent and what do you get i exchange for playing with anchor holding you back? you get a character who buffs just 1 of his skills and it is the same skill that is useless against any pos 1 we currently encounter. So either you build your team around itachi cs, a subpar support character or you will have a team whose "support" character is actually a liability holding your other characters back, unless the team is tailor made for itachi and itachi alone then he is like a spy for the opponent because he does more to benefit them than he does his own team because his skilset is such a poor trade off.......... I really do not see the upside
General Discussion
2022-08-01 14:26:43