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2017-07-24 19:06:54
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2020-07-20 17:19:22
Misbehaviour thread
1: all this pictures about people plundering or attakcing your red circles for coins have nothing to do with me i never even heard ot the IGN "fantasy" lmao2: listen i told you already yet you are carrying it on saying i camped and camped you bla bla bla.... if you wanna be camped so badly why didnt you just say so... because i have never camped you before so i dont know what you mean if you think taking someone streaks all the time is camping then your drunk clearly i take streaks of all players i can kill as it gives most points but hey you wanna carry on right? you wanna keep opening your mouth and talk about things you dont know? you wanna accuse me of doing something i havent done about camping you? and you wanna report me and share the screenshots and report me and not show the full conversation where you have started all this? then do not blame me for what happens next you have brought all this problem on yourself if you just knew how to stop talking non of this will happen enjoy your game time :) i hope we will get a long and meet in the future and my fellow cluster player i cant wait.... i guess your just asking for trouble 3: and i know how your server is i have dealt them with few of yours server members because they are just toxic or they love running their mouth and making things public and getting people involved in something for no reason so i hope to see you in the futuremuch love from Ban :) i hope you will enjoy your time playing this game as much as i do.
Bugs & Support
2022-05-31 10:36:34
Misbehaviour thread
are you hearing yourself you legit said your defending yourself? but didnt you initiate all this first? by trying to get smoke to click me? bruh think before you speak because i never camped you or tried to attack you i attack every1 in sage world battlefield. its part of the event right? attack anyone you see the event is based on killing enemies fast so you can get higher place but your too delusional to see i attack others more than you because you dont really get streaks but i can ..always show you what it really feels like being attacked if thats what you looking forward to :) so just a head up think before you speak again and dont make the same mistake like other players did... just 1 last time in capital letters so you will get it clear ----->ITS PART OF THE EVENT TO ATTACK ANYONE THATS THE REASON <---- oasis made the event that you can attack everyone so dont have a go at me :) and talking about me making your server toxic.. your server has been toxic ffor days i know your server and all your people so i know what they are really like so dont blame it on me that your server has been toxic since like day 1 xd just people crying over something little... so another heads up.. pls do some research before you start speaking non sense again?? it will also help you in life
Bugs & Support
2022-05-31 10:36:34
Aburame Clan's Buggy Challenge - Celebrating Naruto Online EN's 4th Anniversary
i think there are 7 shino bugs.... might be a trick question so giving it a try as 2 bugs are different colours so they might be someone elses xd ;p Server : 776IGN: BanUID: 200000084006270
Bugs & Support
2020-07-22 18:15:21
Misbehaviour thread
how about this? where you ask a certain player to attack me too? hmmmm interesting how you do something first then complain when someone does something what you do kinda sad, go do something better with your life :) much love man from Ban ;p
Bugs & Support
2022-05-31 10:36:34
Please Add % tactics soon in the game
ok man "players like you are the ones who donate real money for this game" i have no idea what money has to do with this but if you think that really matters then i recharged too in this game on 2 accounts. your saying levels features becomes not attractive? but yet you said " more story to improve the game play" which requires to level up your character, and also this is an online game the story is so useless and pointless, they can legit delete the story line and it wont change anything at all. and we can get many power ups for free already from grocery. Ninjas you say? we already have so many ninjas as they are adding them so fast especially the bt ninjas the only ninja we are pretty much missing out is minato edo bt, which they will release him soon at this point so ninjas are the last thing we should be worrying about. the game play cant be fixed and thats a fact everyone knows the damage in this game makes no sense and thats the most important thing and the biggest problem in the game, 700k cant 1 shot 200k? if thats the case imagine similar power going against each other like today i did 800 dmg with my pos 1 but other times i did 3-4k dmg with no crit but crit dmg does like 20-30k the diff so much. also how control works ruins the game play too how is a 140k controlling me with pos 2 and his pos 4 ? but a 220-240k pos 2 manage to control fail me so many times, this pvp is all about RNG and RNG isnt skill. so you may have money and donate but that dont mean you got knowledge about the game
Bugs & Support
2019-09-29 14:48:26
Please Add % tactics soon in the game
Ehhh could you please tell me who said that we are not going to use it all we said was more updates on power up means players will have to spend wiser and smarter to be stronger than one another, can you please read before u speak, players like you ruin the game with your comments :) let others enjoy the game too dont be selfish
Bugs & Support
2019-09-29 14:48:26
Please Add % tactics soon in the game
So true, players always get mad about updates because let's be honest mostly players always afk in swb and other events they hate grinding so even if they quit who cares they barely play the game just like whales use bots so won't affect those players a single bit, they should play solo games if they don't like competitive games and don't like grinding, so if they afk why do they get mad about the game lol makes no sense, please add % tactic
Bugs & Support
2019-09-29 14:48:26