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2017-07-24 19:57:32
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2017-07-24 22:13:44
Wind Line up
While I'm sure there are lots of ways to play this team, I find it's true power comes at level 85 when you can gain chakra from your mains chases. You're able to do Sage Naruto and Gaara's mystery on turn 2, then reset the cooldown and do them again turn 3. You want to combo as often as possible and with Sage Naruto in the first position with his clones high combo rate, you'll want something to chase 'Low Float'. You c*e Flood Dragon, Dog of Hell, Kirin or Wind's 2nd chase.I personally use Giant Katsuyu and the Wind's 2nd chase. It allows the main to chase 3 times off mystery and twice from standards, giving more than enough chakra for things to work. The fourth is really open to whoever you want or need at the time. Killer Bee gives 40% resist and 30% attack/ninjutsu to himself, Naruto and Gaara. Baki and Kage Temari are popular choices for extra damage if you don't have Bee. I prefer Gakido, Sailor Sakura or some sort of debuff clear as your the team really suffers from not being able to combo to gain chakra.GNW Kankuro could be good for additional poison/ignite damage. I haven't tried this, but Orochimaru and Wind clones would give you additional chakra and maybe make up for not having the 85 skills. Otherwise, you could try Baki or some sort of healer for the time being. Anyone that could use a mystery on turn 1 would be good right now as you have 40 just sitting there doing nothing. This post was last edited by Bojangle at 2017-6-25 21:14
2017-07-24 22:13:44
[Strong Approaching]
Itachi's Return (Difficult) Earth P2W
Very nice, I was able to succeed everytime once I figured out what to do.You can Auto up to Danzo, just try and have WB Asuma's mystery ready for the start of Danzo.Once you get to Danzo, use WB Asuma and target one of the side groups, but don't use Bee or CF's mystery yet. This should lower their health and keep Danzo's high enough that he casts his Izanagi on them. During round 2, use CF mystery and kill Danzo, easy after that.For Itachi and Sasuke, everyone kept getting Chaos during round 1. Round 2, use Bee first so he gets Chaos, then use CF, WB Asuma and SS mystery. Itachi should die this turn or the next turn and it's easy after that.
2017-07-24 22:11:31
[Player Guide]
New SA auto team hard earth
and was that on Difficult? Gakido is completely useless and doesn't clear debuffs nor does his immune to debuff work.
2017-07-24 22:11:04
[Crimson Fist]
First time as earth
I use WB Asuma, Gates Lee and Guy for coins and switch WB for Yamato on fox. 46k-47k power, but I'm not 85 so I can't comment on extreme, but I can clear expert coins with damage to spare. I'm sure you could find someone better thank Guy, I just like his heals during coins.x Yamato xx Main xGuy Lee x3/4/*/3/3/Tonton/Windmill for Foxx x xx Main xGuy Lee Asuma3/1/4/2/3/Serpent/Windmill for coins This post was last edited by Bojangle at 2017-6-10 11:47
General Discussion
2017-07-24 22:10:16
ninja exam 120-139 do not drop scroll of super sage as a random drop
The first 120 exams only dropped the scrolls that were listed so I find that unlikely. You are right though, it is a possibility which is why I made my post in General to try and gather more information from other users.I had posted again today with a screenshot showing another Scroll of Sages coming from exam 120 and now it's randomly locked by another moderator. sure why it was locked as like I said, I was simply trying to gather more information. I would understand if they had some clarification or statement about the situation, but to simply close it seems kinda odd.
Bugs & Support
2017-07-24 20:49:20
Has anyone received Super-Sage Scroll from exam 120-139?
Anyone get Super Sages yet? Still receiving regular Sages.
General Discussion
2017-07-24 22:09:12
Has anyone received Super-Sage Scroll from exam 120-139?
Yes, I am aware of this. My point is, none of the lower exams dropped a Scroll that wasn't listed. The fact that exam 120 dropped a regular Sages has me worried and given the stellar track record of bugs and issues, it would not surprise me if they inserted the wrong reward.As such, I simply want to try and confirm that someone has received the correct reward of Super-Sage scroll.
General Discussion
2017-07-24 22:09:12
'Complete 1 Time Nine Tails Invasion (0/5)' weekly quest is now impossible
I just finished my 5th mission so I can't take a screenshot, but I'm almost positive it did require 5 as I had 1/5. It wasn't the SS one which does only require one, it was one of the regular weekly missions.Hopefully someone can confirm I'm not crazy or hopefully I can get it again tomorrow with new weekly missions.
Bugs & Support
2017-07-24 22:06:58
Space time AI useless
Oh! Well let me go test that then, thank you very much! Since I can't 'remove' them, I tend to place my main first and would have never noticed this.
General Discussion
2017-07-24 22:08:14
Space time AI useless
So based on this post, there is no way to get Inner Gates Lee and Crimson Fist to work together? Better yet, if your main has a mystery with the same chakra as another ninja, will the other ninja always get priority due to the 'reverse' order?Super Lightened Boulder Justsu for double standards is 40 chakra as is Inner Gates Lee's Leaf Hurricane is also 40 chakra. Since you cannot replace your main, it will always go in reverse order due to them both being 40 chakra and cast Lee round 1, correct?For the poster above me, I believe whenever Auto is used, they tend to go for the target with the lowest amount of health. There is no perfect way to counter this unless you're able to land standards on the ninja you want to focus so they're the lowest. Using standards that deal damage to multiple ninjas can help, especially if they're using a tank. This post was last edited by Bojangle at 2017-5-17 03:51
General Discussion
2017-07-24 22:08:14