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2023-03-19 22:56:09
Bug or Oasis hitting new lows?
Oh sick you deleted every post from me, Aizen and Bukki that you didn't like even tho it was not a rant or other sh1t you are trying to say that said: She did indeed hit new lows, Guy made a proper thread with really good question and that's how he ended. No response, account perma forum muted. I am next and be careful Aizen you are most likely too since you ask real questions. I Agree with everything he said you are a joke in this community and every old player knows it. On discord if someone asks what naruto mod or GL is biggest Oasis s4ucker puppet everybody answers Tachibana. What's even more sad that after so many years of being loyal clown she still has nothing to say naruto related in inside circle. Talk about being pathetic. Have a nice day and my suggestion for you, dont mute like other guy just ban me unless you don't even have enaugh power to do that on this forum. Don't forget your copy pasta ""thank you for the suggestion i will send it" while you are at that.
Bugs & Support
Tachibana Saeko
2023-03-21 07:37:52
re: ranked arena
Arena removes power advantage and thats it. There is no information about that it is supposed to make f2p guy with no ninjas be able to compete with someone that has every ninja in the game especially those locked by 3000$ so your logic fails literally from beginning. Your "should be" is just wishful thinking that has nothing to do with reality. If you want equal ground go play Chess instead of Gacha games Zenith Arena could be rare timed event with out stup1d arena lock that I can agree with but everything else what you say doesn't make any sense to me. As for tips before I give example I really don't understand why people think that with lower initiative and garbo ninja they should be able to compete with Shisui or Pain. You are supposed to compete as f2p vs other f2p players and lose to others - simple as that. Also if you don't have meta f2p ninja that I will use in my example just don't waste my time and accept your account is mediocre not deserving 6 path ranking cuz if you want to compete with some out dated garbage like Shark Kisame then I'm sorry it's not happening. Now CAN you cheese wins against p2w ninjas YES and here is best option how since I won't bother making here 10 teams list with description about every single one of them. You can see some youtube channels like EggBoy that has very good f2p teams for arena. 1) Suit Sai BT with lions chakra lock + NY Hashirama with his standard lock - get those 2 ninjas going, build around them with best pos1 ninja you have, main character depending what your P1 needs and you clap every clown that relies on GNW Orochimaru or Shisui / Pain that won't be able to do single standard or mystery till round 3. Every f2p should have BT ETR Madara or Naruto so slap that with those 2 above and you will climb arena for sure if you know how to execute the team Im talking here from p2w perspective, those lions are the most annoying thing that was added since release of the game maybe outside of zetsu clones cheese.
2023-03-17 23:15:18
Bug or Oasis hitting new lows?
None of them ranted, vented or went off topic, You just don't like anything that actually makes you think and answer people instead of posting "i will send suggestion" and lock the thread like he said. Especially Aizen he just compared the event that is what the thread is about to brasil, what's wrong about it - the truth that our version is scuffed ? As for Bukki he was right, you didn't answer him in the last topic, now you delete the post. Just answer his question, why Oasis stopped converting ninjas from ingots to coupons for last 12 months. No need to delete posts, locking threads and saying someone is this or that. Like the op said seems like YES Oasis is hitting new lows. EDIT Don't you think that mod in charge of bug section having no idea about the inside decision of the game and having to ask someone for answers every time just shows how terribly Oasis is run? Even if it is a bug before you get your answer and present it to us it will be already at the point where it's not fixable. Like for real let's say it's a bug 3-4 days after event is released you get your answer from who knows who and then what - change it to 10 frags and tell everybody that pulled in it first 3 days well "unlucky" ? It's not personal attack against you don't get me wrong here. It's just that imo Bug section should be completly outside section and run by the DEV who actually can answer things immediately and has some admin in game account with every ninja to test things asked if needed. That's at least how it works in 99% of comapnies.
Bugs & Support
Tachibana Saeko
2023-03-21 07:37:52
re: ranked arena
Even tho I disagree with Tachibana a lot this time she is right. I don't understand why you think that everybody should hit 6paths rank in arena. It's game mode / event like any other. If you are not strong enaugh to be top1 Spacetime,top3 Sage World, 6paths in Decisive Bonds OR Ranked Arena then that's just how it is, get stronger toward your goal or accept that idk Jonin rank is where your general power level belongs. Ranked Arena as a game mode is easy to climb in general cuz of how winning streak works BUT in 2023 it's more of a time struggle vs queue times than enemies that I can agree with you. As for skill then imo 1) Initiative obviously helps a lot and can win you fights vs stronger enemy ninja teams. 2) Ninjas you have / Ability to make good teams -> There are many broken arena ninjas right now that people don't even think of using that can clap Shisui Susano who is nothing special in arena. 3) Execution of your setup, with some heavy control or nuke dmg teams knowing what you are doing it's possible to cheese your way up.
2023-03-17 23:15:18
what ninja i should spend coupons on
It is worth it. I would say that with Chinese addition of Kinkaku [Tailed Beast Mode] meta will heavly shift into Jinchuriki ninjas once again and as f2p 6path Naruto still will be one of the strongest options for f2p community to build around so in the future when we get all the ninjas coupon viable (we are looking at 6 months minimum from now) you should work toward teams like this: 1) 4star BT 6Path Naruto 2) 3star Kinkaku [Tailed Beast Mode] 3) This slot depending on your coupons saving optimally would be Gaara [Swimsuit] but can be any f2p solid jinchuriki like Edo Roshi BT, Edo Fu BT, Edo Yugito BT etc 4) Any Main you wan't to use doesn't really matter -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Before that 6 path Naruto BT works with a lot of ninjas depending what you have but yeah his value with Kinkaku will be above ETR Madara BT 100% OR Don't bother with old meta ninjas and completly focus on setup that will be coupon possible in the future so 1) 3star Killer Bee [Tailed Best Mode] 2) 3star Kinkaku [Tailed Beast Mode] 3) 3star Gaara [Swimsuit] 4) Any main but preferably one that gives chakra Much more fun in my opinion, don't need any skill breaks -> has future potential for example if Killer Bee gets skill trials. ~Late 2023 / Very early 2024 f2p buyable future meta setup imo.
2023-03-12 06:04:45
Bring back new basic things for coupons !
Im also pretty sure that Asian Style Neji was added before Itachi and I don't think I saw him single time for coupons in normal event so this might even go from 8 months to full year with out anything relevant to the game added for coupons for players to buy. Simply disgusting - Tailed Beast Mode Killer Bee and Kinkaku will be added mid 2024 for us to buy with coupons (that's being optimistic)
Bugs & Support
Tachibana Saeko
2023-03-18 23:28:47
Bring back new basic things for coupons !
Events cycles that don't make sense Bad Fukuromaru deals Super late or next day events posts Behind the schedule on BT ninjas compared to other servers Behind the schedule on ninja skill updates No conversion to coupons for everything like you said Bots everywhere - new servers or this forum with out any reaction Merged servers once per millenium Last year Oasis team accomplishments speak for themself. Buying froggy before was something I would do a lot to get ninjas like 6p Naruto but now getting those extra coupons is pointless. Nothing to buy.
Bugs & Support
Tachibana Saeko
2023-03-18 23:28:47
Event 23
Hey, It's not that easy to find mindless slaves that will do the job for pathetic amount of coupons these days. I know a lot of really good f2p players that wanted to become mods or GL's but because they were too smart insta no chance for the position. I mean just look at GL forum thread man. Position empty for 95% of servers but they keep toxic people like Jiburiru as supervisor. Of what tho her clear lack of any competence that empty spots show? People with any brain quit / got kicked from Oasis long time ago
Bugs & Support
Tachibana Saeko
2023-02-24 00:15:25
edo madara + sai combo
Pick your poison, get 1 tapped by buggy madara / sai or shisui standards. What happened to the gameplay in this game and fights lasting more than 1 max 2 rounds at equal power range I got clapped by Madara sai few times since yesterday as well
Bugs & Support
Tachibana Saeko
2023-02-13 23:35:02
Hashirama Final Battle, help
lol I guess with this company everything is possible that's next level clown fiesta then and my bad for suspecting you but outside of this idk how to even call it bug ? it was impossible to have this version of Hashi for cheap You got really lucky because this Hashirama got recently massive rework on chinese server that is not live yet for our client so expect him to be WAY stronger very soon. For the team as I said I would use Hashirama - Guy - Edo Madara for now and collect from events better supports for Hashirama over the time like Christmas Kushina / Toad Jirayia / GNW Orochimaru / Creation Kakuzu basicly whatever "meta" character you want to use with him.
2023-01-12 06:27:06
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