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2019-04-29 07:33:31
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2025-01-03 09:38:07
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2025-01-03 09:07:16
New Event Cycle - July 18th
As you see, they can. Did you see any complain about a 110K fuku being missing this rotation?Answer is yes, alot. Ppl complaining about it here, on discord, on facebook. Everywhere.Would they complain if there was a 110K? No.Was the last years 110K fuku on Aug succesful? YesSo idk what you are on about, but allowing players plan their gameplay is the highest form of "pleasing everyone simontaniously".So if you guys missed on that, you either dont give a * or you dont know what you are doing.That form of punishment against ppl that play your game is weird af, ngl.I didnt have any intention of posting any commend but you guys seem to try and justify why this happened any way you can even tho it was wrong.
2024-07-24 18:22:54
New Event Cycle - July 18th
It does not seem lke you do or care though, cause you guys are the middlemen between us and OASIS and since we dont have a 110K fuku right now its either like you punish us because we where expecting it or you intentionally wanted to deny us of it because we where expecting it, like you dont want us to be able to predict. And you also mentioned that it might not happen either on Christmas? Why?Now, all the games and especially of that kind, need to have some sort of predictability, like a routine lets call it.That way players can spend their investments more effectively.If you take that predictability out of the equation, you deny them the chance to make a great play of out X months of investment and the only players you sorta care about its the "aimless whales" that will recharge no matter the event no matter the rotation, just for the hell of it and for pressing some *ons, flash their screen and get some cheap dose of dopamine.cheers, you aint fooling anyone
2024-07-24 18:22:54
New Event Cycle - February 22nd
You guys gave us Yugi NY as ninja of the month for January, you gave us Hidan HBP as the myoboku ninja the previous time. THEN you gave us the same Hidan again for the 3v3 event. Then you gave us the same Yugito inside the firework rewards AND another Hidan. And now you give us a another Yugito.Just how many Yugitos and Hidans you think we need ? xdd
2024-02-23 05:54:33
Server Merge Request - February 2024
1. Server ID: S2284 Forest of Death 2 3. Server Age: 2 months 4. Time taken to kill World Boss: - 5. World Boss HP on Tuesday: 7.6M 6. No. of the groups participating in Great Ninja War: 2 (barely) 7. Average Power Rank of Top 5, Top 10, Top 20: AVG Top 5: 340K ( the 2nd power Toru with 450K had quit for a week now) AVG Top 10: 217K ( the 2nd power Toru with 450K had quit for a week now)AVG Top 20: 132K ( the 2nd power Toru with 450K had quit for a week now)SAGE aint happening ever
2024-02-28 05:50:45
Events Cycle - September 5th
uhm we dont have Fuku with those plates, if you are able to read carefully you wont see any Fuku deals arround
2019-09-11 18:18:07
Decisive Bonds Needs to Be Fixed
You are wrong. There is no way the synergised team would win.. This 200K BP difference would make it impossible. When the dude with the 600K will strike you, its gonna really really hurt. and half of both teams will die. Ive been in that situation multiple times with less difference than 200K and it turned out to a loss. And believe me, my setup has alot of control, support, defence and dmg. You are just simply wrong on your saying or being delusional.
Bugs & Support
2019-07-31 02:48:57
Decisive Bonds Needs to Be Fixed
I completely agree with you. There are no much stuff you can do in this game and honestly PVP is the only reason someone would play this game at all. So if i cant enjoying playing PVP then whats left for me to do? DB could be the best content in the game but its balance makes it so annoying and worthless. Imo, they shouldn't even out levels or power, they should just make "groups" Since the event is 2v2, even if there is some slight power difference in the total power of both teams , lets say 20-30K , there is always the possibility to win if your focus is better and your setup is more effective. But when the power difference is more than 50K the loss is inevitable. By making groups, i mean power groups. For example, every 50K power you will queue up into different/next group (1st group: till 50K , next till 100K, etc) And the same group mechanism will prevent whales to boost lower accounts, if you have more than 50K difference in power you simply wont be able to party and queue up together. Cause lets face it, a person with 400K power has nothing to do with one at 20K power at decisive bonds. This would balance out somehow the event. Whales are gonna win anyway cause they are whales. Have you asked these whales tho if they actually enjoying win by default? By queue up with lowlies who dodge and they win without effort and no chance of battle ? I bet they don't like this either and that they would prefer to battle rather than win by default. SIDE SUGGESTION : Make 3v3 a permanent event !!!!!!!!!! Genially, just keep ppl inside the game! Let them play. When you have nothing to do, you get bored. Nothing to do=be unable to grind decisive bonds cause you're facing whales 24/7 and there is nothing you can do about it. And even if you decide to grind it, after a certain point, it gets annoying and exhausting to dodge 6 matches to play 1.
Bugs & Support
2019-07-31 02:48:57
Server Merge Requests - Week of July 1st
1.Server ID: S1220 2. Server Region: UK 3. Server Age: Estimated 3+ months (based on date opening to current date) 4. Time taken to kill World Boss: 6 minutes++ 5. World Boss HP on Tuesday: - 6. No. of group participating in Great Ninja War: 2 7. Average Power Rank of : Top 5 : 86K Top 10 : 73K Top 20 : 63K TOP 10 POWER TOP 20 POWER GUILDS GROUP RANKING & POWER NINE TAILS RANKING
2019-07-29 22:11:33
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