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thatboy's Cuzzo
thatboy's Cuzzo
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Topics 10 |Posts 22
2019-08-06 15:06:01
Last Login:
2020-02-22 15:25:57
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2020-02-22 15:25:55
ways to make the game better
@Broken Screen Not really. They could just limit group Raids by Group level. Even if it becomes unbalanced, it shouldn't matter. They could turn people's BP's into Arena Type BP's During a Raid. That way everyone has a fair chance during a Raid.
General Discussion
thatboy's Cuzzo
2020-02-21 16:32:26
Water main, Non- Breakthrough Edo Deirdara OP Teams?
Thanks for the support, guys. I'm so happy for all the replies
2019-11-07 03:05:03
Replace Sage World BattleFields with Arena Sage World Battlefields
But, Regular SGW is fun at times. Its usually not fun when there is not enough weakilings to go around. Then it becomes fustrating. I guess if they could somehow balance each SGW to make sure each one has enough weaklings, it would always be fun. Arena version is more fun to me because I'm not a whale. Regular version for me means constantly running away from whales while killing off the little guys. I can admit Regular SGW is more fun than arena when there is enough weaklings for me to kill. But that isn't always how it is. So sometimes its soul crushingly bad. And makes me want to cry and never play SGW again. The arena SGW is fun because you have a legitmate chance at killing anyone as long as you have good ninja. The downside is depending on your team, the battles will take much longer. I think one thing is for certain, though. We need to replace Fighting Matsuri with Arena Fighting Matsuri. Its rare fighting matsuri is ever fair.
General Discussion
2019-11-06 20:35:50
Oasis made a title for Pokémon.
Just like the people who Made The cool Dream World sasuke and Sailor Sakura lost their free adverti*t, being * hurt over the skins being used in game. I honestly wish they settled on a small fee and moved on, because suit sasuke and cloak sakura just dont look cool at all. They were literally too of the coolest characters in the game before the copyright claim. Edit: Why isn't the picture showing up???
General Discussion
thatboy's Cuzzo
2019-09-19 15:59:49
OP Sage Kabuto Water Main Teams?
============== aye, bruh. im not dumb enough to spend on kabuto. Oasis gave em to me on a free pull in lucky wheel. Also @pomp, thanks breh breh. Dont have Kisame yet, but I have and love summer sakura. I actually spent on her before they gave her away for free. >:p
2019-09-19 15:01:32
Don't spend 30K for this week's Fukurokumaru Deals.
Thanks for the honesty. I was honestly a little dissapointed he was the ninja in fuku. I'm spending a ton of coupons on lucky board. Wish fuku was a bit better, but better than no fuku at all at least.
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2019-09-18 19:27:05
Ahhh. Had no idea that existed. Thanks. When i get some sleep, i might. Hopefully someoneone else will do it for me though. I'm tired as censorship.
General Discussion
thatboy's Cuzzo
2019-09-14 08:18:28
Moving Great Ninja War to Sundays
I disagree. I feel most people on the forums probably have the free time, especially considering they use the forums in the first place- an indicator they have the time. I don't feel I'm in the Minority. Most people just dont have the time for this game. It is very demanding. That's why a lot school kids stop playing when school starts back. They love the game, but dont have the capacity to attend the events at the same time every day. The only reason I stayed so long is because i love the game, and i dont really play any other video games at all, whatsover. I had actually given up video games before I got *ed into this game. I feel most people would favor at least the Great Ninja War being moved to sundays. But of course most people arent on the forums. People who have the freedom for Great Ninja War on Saturdays are the ones that are more likely to use the forums, because they have the free time to. But hey. it is what it is. I;'ll just have to accept that i cant attend Great Ninja War as often as i used to.
General Discussion
2019-08-29 13:21:16
Moving Great Ninja War to Sundays
Okay, I guess since no one is taking me seriously, I will just end up like everyone else in my server, not aattending ninja wars! The Majority of the Whales in our server have pilots! That's crazy! The biggest groups in my server and the merged servers all have a bunch of piloted accounts attend the Great Ninja War. And half of the whales are still around. They just dont do the war or other events because they have other things going on! Can you imagine if you could only play in a death match on other video games on saturday afternoons? Like first peson shooters, etc? I'm sure you could after playing this game. I really dont want to miss great ninja war every week, but I guess that's just part of life. Even my group's leader barely ever makes Great Ninja Wars. It is what it is. Maybe one day the game will change. I'm sure It can still make tons of money with a more flexible schedule. Whales would participate more often.
General Discussion
2019-08-29 13:21:16
Moving Great Ninja War to Sundays
My Lord! I guess my server is the only server full of people with active lives outside of the game. No offense meant by that, but I'm saying most of the powerful leaders and seniors of groups cant even make it to war most of the time! Someone always has to log in for them. We're all less likely to be doing anything outside of our homes on Sunday afternoons which its why its so much more ideal. I can't even promise to make it to GNW anymore, but I'm always ffree on sunday, and so is most other people in my experience. Who spends all Saturday every Saturday indoors? I can't fit that into my schedule. Even if I was no lifing it, I'm bound to have some family event, or something else I'd have to do on a saturday afternoon. I don't get why it has to start midday, either. and go into the night. That's the time people are most likely to be busy. I guess its less likely I'll run into like-minded people on the forums. But I know this is why a lot of people have quit in my server and my merged servers.
General Discussion
2019-08-29 13:21:16