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2022-07-07 12:39:31
Strategy Anniversary Event
The reason why I like this team is because it has Drunken Lee, I havent used this team but I am planning too It was so funny when Lee was drunk and he was such a better fighter LOL ! I feel like the team is good because really its logical to focus Orochimaru or the main because Orochimaru will buff my team as well as dealing Enfeeble to the other person team which is a big problem, the only reason where the team would be that good is if Naruto has Breakthrough The gamemode which this team would be useful is Arena I feel like my strategy is to deal high amounts of damage with no punishment but really this team is flawed if Orochimaru were to not be able to summon in round too but i like the team :D I call this team the Zombie Team This team is great because Madara is just such an POWERHOUSE !!! Madara breakthrough is amazing and I dont have him and really wish I did, ive seen people use him and he so good, The reason the team is called the Zombie team is because Orochimaru revives the previous Hokages and Kakuzu revives and his team if they have fallen This team is also good because it would so annoying to defeat because of the revival of the team constantly happening because of Kakuzu This team is a called " PowerHouse" This team is really strong and really hard to defeat None of the characters that are here are ones that I have but ive seen teams and fought people with this team and I couldnt stand a chance because of Obitos and Shisui's breakthrough's. Plus kakuzu to top things off if you kill even one of the units will just revive them HAHA But yeah those are my favorite teams even though most of the characters here I dont have I really like the teams I have created and I hope people really have a thought of using any of the teams. Server 1201: Debut Slash: HK IGN: ItamaSenju: UID: 300015503107557
2022-07-29 06:21:58
Naruto Anniversary Contest
Hi My name is Itama and I really am delighted to share my favorite story ark myself. My favorite story ark is the Great Ninja War ark, the reason being is the edgy moments of the war in itself and it has so much amazing moments that are just so amazing such as seeing the legendary ninjas of the past and seeing them in action and the amount of power that they held. It was great to see such characters develop like Naruto, Kakashi, Sasuke, and even Sakura. One of the greatest moments of the GNW was when Minato joined the war to help along side Naruto and to see his power and strength even knowledge was so amazing. The Great Ninja War gave me a great sense for the villains of the story to come closer to just think that they are just the coolest characters such as Nagato, and Madara and Kabuto. In the war Madara and Kabuto's presence kept me on my toes and the edge of my seat wondering how would they be stopped only to come realize that Madara cant be and Kabuto only to be beaten by Sasuke and Itachi which made such a great fight, that fight showed how versatile and skilled of a shinobi Itachi is, the fight against Kabuto really made Itachi stand further more out than the rest of the characters of the show. The dominance of Madara in the war was amazing and showing the dimensions of plans that he had made and the precautions he has layed out manipulating Obito to cause this to have a full spiral. Deaths in the war was so heartbreaking and just really meant the emotions were so deep for theses characters and it showed so much depth of the story. Really the Great Ninja War was a masterpiece of all story arks. Server 1201: Debut Slash: HK: Itama: UID: 300015503107557
2022-07-22 23:46:45
Event Cycle - May 23rd
Don't quit think what Naruto would've done. XD
2020-04-23 18:06:40