Sorry but fire mains and lightning mains will eat this team up, if you want a better squad take out Darui and Sub in PB Sasuke then take out Iruka and sub in Mabui, change your passives to poison tai and neurotoxin... trust me thats the squad i run on my water and its unbeatable atm, this the reason why, the squad i mentioned poses a dilemna for any CC team, they have to choose who atk/cc if they choose sasuske or ten, ur healers will debuff the cc every round. mabui can debuff so can ur main and they can both heal. mabui will give chakra so ten or sasuke mystery will always be up. if they choose to CC ur healers then u can just nuke the hell out of their team and break their chases because PB Sasuke myster paralyzes the entire team, also gnw ten chase has a paralyze that will break combos without them even realizing it. Also a bonus is sasuke will give shields to every female in the squad and mabui will give sasuke a shield. This post was last edited by 101***@facebook at 2016-12-9 07:36