Ive been trying to work out a form for an annoying team and decided to try out using 3 ninjas that have the mirror passive, sadly the mirrors are not working as i had planned.
So the 3 ninjas im using are Kurenai, Nigendo and Beheading Kakashi.
What i noticed is that if a fire main applies his 3rd mystery the immobile + imprision and the fire main has the mirror skill himself, then the immobile will bounce once to him and then bounce back off him and apply the debuff to 1 of my ninjas. Also if another debuff is applied during the same turn my mirrors are apparently all used up allowing the debuff to go through onto 1 of my ninjas, an example of this would be Tobi's normal ignite attack.
I also ran another situation thinking maybe its because 2 debuffs are being applied, so i got someone to use Shikamaru + Kurenai. Ends up that Shikamaru's immobile will still debuff someone on my team if he applies it first even with multiple mirror ninjas.
Im unsure if this is an intended outcome where mirrors don't stack or if its bug but it would be nice to state somewhere that mirror passives don't stack.