Ok, so a lot of this isn't refined and it took several goes of bouncing around the paralysis debuff until I could get all the 10-hit combo chases.
I'm so happy I'm bouncing!!!
Lvl 79, 31k power.
Uses Great Ninja War ninjas, so sorry if you don't have them. Yes there is a Gold Summon (Rhino) but it will also work with Bull (as you only need to li
nk from knockdown to repulse once to start the majority of the damage)
Beat it with the following lineup:


Turn 1 - GNW Tenten should knockdown Kakashi's clone and the chase kills it. If you have Rhino, Kiba will also knockdown Asuma and you get some great damage off of the chase, Tenten will paralyse two of their team (hope for Kakashi and Guy). You c*e Sasuke's jutsu but you dont need it.
Turn 2 - Use Main to clear debuffs off of your team (specifically paralysis and blindness) and also activate Kiba targetting Guy so his jutsu cooldown is refreshed. Asuma will go before Kiba. You will probably lose your main at this point
Turn 3 - Use GNW Tenten's mystery to finish off Guy and either flat out kill Asuma and Kakashi or bring them close to death so tai attacks finish them off.
Turn 4 - Kill Kurenai and anyone else left with Kiba's jutsu and tai attacks.
Shout, scream, announce your love from the world and vent the frustration.