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[ Events ] How it should've been [Fun thread]


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On 2016-11-21 10:58:47Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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This thread is for fun, everyone can discuss about it but don't expect anything to be change ingame.
Hello as we know there are plenty of skills that doesn't fit the character in this game. So I'd like to make this thread for everyone to post their "how it should've been" version of that ninja.
I'll go first, this is how normal Itachi should've been in this game imo:
: Tsukiyomi
Active first time to creat Tsukiyomi barrier, increase 100 chakra each round.
Active again while barrier is up to cause heavy damage on entire enemy team, cause and to the target enemy for 2 rounds.
: Keep
: Change to Super Explosion Clone Jutsu
Creat a super explosion clone before each action, at the end of the round the clone will attack and explode to deal damage and to front target.
: Keep
: Keep

What you guys think?

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On 2016-11-21 11:16:21Show this Author Only
The clone is too powerful. I like the mystery. Keep the dodge clone and Make it so instead of being immune to reflect. That is my thoughts. Another little Gem not talked about should be Tayuya and Jirobo.

Mystery Should at the start of the round before any actions siphon off 20 chakra and give your team 20 chakra.

Tayuya should summon puppets with her mystery.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-11-21 23:43:22Show this Author Only
I'd love to see Sakura's standard be a double heal like Kabuto, and her mystery be Cherry Blossom Impact. There's already plenty of other healers in game, and past 70 you generally don't see anyone use Sakura except for maybe SA or Ninja Exam. Giving her a powerful attack would take her from purely a weak support (honestly all the other healers generally do a better job of keeping you alive) to closer to her manga counter part.

I'd also like to see a more offensive Hinata, where her evade is more like Neji's and her mystery would be some sort of twin lion fist. It could either be one big offensive attack, or a power up for a 2~ rounds where her standard attacks do an automatic crit and lightening damage with an in use byakugan and her lion shaped chakra palms. Could also give a crit bonus to Naruto for those rounds.
She doesn't really use protective trigrams nearly often enough to be her mystery, or at the very least it should do more damage to the enemies that attack her. In the Bandai Ninja Storm 4 her trigram can hit 64 times to an attack and it does decent but not crazy damage. The ~30 damage she does to people hitting her in only 1 round is nothing. It should at least scale with level.
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On 2016-11-22 01:14:59Show this Author Only
  • Nara Temari On 2016-11-21 23:43:22
  • I'd love to see Sakura's standard be a double heal like Kabuto, and her mystery be Cherry Blossom Impact. There's already plenty of other healers in game, and past 70 you generally don't see anyone use Sakura except for maybe SA or Ninja Exam. Giving her a powerful attack would take her from purely a weak support (honestly all the other healers generally do a better job of keeping you alive) to closer to her manga counter part.

    I'd also like to see a more offensive Hinata, where her evade is more like Neji's and her mystery would be some sort of twin lion fist. It could either be one big offensive attack, or a power up for a 2~ rounds where her standard attacks do an automatic crit and lightening damage with an in use byakugan and her lion shaped chakra palms. Could also give a crit bonus to Naruto for those rounds.
    She doesn't really use protective trigrams nearly often enough to be her mystery, or at the very least it should do more damage to the enemies that attack her. In the Bandai Ninja Storm 4 her trigram can hit 64 times to an attack and it does decent but not crazy damage. The ~30 damage she does to people hitting her in only 1 round is nothing. It should at least scale with level.
There is a hinata like that in china. Shes from the naruto movie where the personalities were switched.
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On 2016-11-22 10:34:39Show this Author Only
  • Ryuuta On 2016-11-22 01:14:59
  • There is a hinata like that in china. Shes from the naruto movie where the personalities were switched.
I believe this should be the "Road to Ninja" ver. of Hinata.
Her mystery is like GNW Neji's with 16hit, acupuncture and repulse to 1 target. If said target is already acupuntured, the mystery hits for 32hits.
This will gel with her new chase on 30hits to attack entire enemy team for 3hits each and reduce her mystery cd by 1turn.
She loses her repulse-acupuncture chase but gains a 13% atk & nin per female ninja in team passive, effectively making her a mini-Empress. So essentially, the pro-offensive Hinata for all our high damage needs. Of course... when she comes to our shores is subject to the ever-changing winds of life.

This post was last edited by Durs at 2016-11-22 10:45
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On 2016-11-22 20:04:31Show this Author Only
: Summoning Jutsu - Raining Spider
Does the same thing it does now just add Immobile or Blindness (Debuff) to this but the Debuffs will only proc on two random ninjas instead of the enemy's entire team.

: Keep
: Just add in that it will also cause a Crit with the Poison.
: Keep
: Add as he gets damaged and buffed the animation he turns into there 2nd Stage Form.

Ukon & Sakon
: Summoning Jutsu - Ras*n
Lets turn it into a move and make it do the same status effect it does but add it as a Interrupt skill. (Like Orochimaru used or Hashirama used to direct those super attacks in the Anime/Manga).
: Keep
: Keep
: Keep
: Add as they get damaged and buffed they turn into there 2nd Stage Cursed Form and make them split apart and make Sakon another body (Clone etc.) same Attributes as the orignal his brother. (Sorry if worded incorrectly lol)

: Earth Sytle Barrier - Earth Prison
His Barrier is awesome one of the few Barrier User's I use in my comps but lets add one tweak in this which I would like to "suggest" as long as is his Barrier is active he summons a dummy golem nothing crazy it can have crap HP.
: Keep
: Keep
: Add on if Jirobo is attacked by Taijustsu Attacks he also Siphons 5%.
: Add as he gets damaged and buffed he turns into his 2nd Stage Cursed Form.

: Keep
: Demon Flute - Phantom Wave and Her 1st Passive (Demon Flute Finale) lets combine them and open up a free slot for a new Passive.
: Demon Flute - Doki Love
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On 2016-11-22 20:56:01Show this Author Only
Jiraiya Sage Mode: Keep everything and add one more passive: Possibilty to evade standard attack and do the animation of him covered by his hair, which makes him more tankier.
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On 2016-11-23 00:33:55Show this Author Only
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On 2016-11-23 00:51:55Show this Author Only
i would like kabuto summon 2 stronger good souls wich can make high damage
other passive skills keep
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On 2016-11-23 00:53:17Show this Author Only
i would like kabuto summon 2 stronger good souls wich can make high damage
other passive skills keep
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On 2016-11-23 19:08:20Show this Author Only
  • Kage Sound On 2016-11-22 20:04:31
  • Kidomaru
    : Summoning Jutsu - Raining Spider
    Does the same thing it does now just add Immobile or Blindness (Debuff) to this but the Debuffs will only proc on two random ninjas instead of the enemy's entire team.

    : Keep
    : Just add in that it will also cause a Crit with the Poison.
    : Keep
    : Add as he gets damaged and buffed the animation he turns into there 2nd Stage Form.

    Ukon & Sakon
    : Summoning Jutsu - Ras*n
    Lets turn it into a move and make it do the same status effect it does but add it as a Interrupt skill. (Like Orochimaru used or Hashirama used to direct those super attacks in the Anime/Manga).
    : Keep
    : Keep
    : Keep
    : Add as they get damaged and buffed they turn into there 2nd Stage Cursed Form and make them split apart and make Sakon another body (Clone etc.) same Attributes as the orignal his brother. (Sorry if worded incorrectly lol)

    : Earth Sytle Barrier - Earth Prison
    His Barrier is awesome one of the few Barrier User's I use in my comps but lets add one tweak in this which I would like to "suggest" as long as is his Barrier is active he summons a dummy golem nothing crazy it can have crap HP.
    : Keep
    : Keep
    : Add on if Jirobo is attacked by Taijustsu Attacks he also Siphons 5%.
    : Add as he gets damaged and buffed he turns into his 2nd Stage Cursed Form.

    : Keep
    : Demon Flute - Phantom Wave and Her 1st Passive (Demon Flute Finale) lets combine them and open up a free slot for a new Passive.
    : Demon Flute - Doki Love
Yea I hope they show some love for the sound four ninja too. They have so much potential but most of them are underrated. This post was last edited by Kouka at 2016-11-24 09:24
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-11-23 22:09:30Show this Author Only
  • Kouka On 2016-11-23 19:08:20
  • Yea I hope they show some love for the sound four ninja too. They have so much potential but most of them are underrated. This post was last edited by Kouka at 2016-11-24 09:24
Yeah True and Thank You Appreciated.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-11-25 04:08:24Show this Author Only
Speaking of underrated ninja, Choji XD I just realized I've been fire from the start and I guess I used him once and gave up on him. What about that move in the series where he straps all those weapons on him and rolls? He has the potential to be an area damage beast, but no one on my server uses him, so I guess he's not T_T
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