Most players I see either put magatama evenly across all their ninja : all ninja with level 4s on all slots, some level 5s, or they put top magatama into the main: Fire main with level 6s Life, level 6s Attack, etc.
Both of these approaches are fundamentally wrong.
Why is that ?
Well first of all, you need to learn about your ninja in order to complement their individual strengths.
Mostly you should put Ninjutsu magatama in ninja who have high Ninjutsu growth rate, and Attack magatama in Taijutsu based ninja.So instead of everyone getting level 4s, you should combine into some level 5s for individuals who can make the most out of them.
For all the other types of magatama except the 2 mentioned above, you should do the exact opposite of the above strategy.
If a ninja has high Life growth, then there is no need to give it more Life magatama, instead put some high levels into a poor health ninja.
If a ninja has high Defense growth, then skip Defense for him.
I a ninja has high Resistance growth, then skip Resistance for him.
A few examples:
Tobi -> give him maximum Ninjutsu, maximum Defence; no Resistance needed, Life is optional.
Fire Main: -> give him maximum Defence and maximum Resistance; no Life required, no Attack required, Ninjutsu is optional.
Sage Naruto -> give him maximum Defence and Maximum Resistance; No Life required, Ninjutsu and Attack are optional.
Of course all of this applies to choosing a proper mood as well.
This post was last edited by lex*** at 2016-11-20 22:06 This post was last edited by lex*** at 2016-12-16 03:31