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[ Strategy Share ] Strategy Collection + Strategy Themes: Mid game team rec (for all classes)


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On 2016-08-20 12:48:20Show this Author Only
  • ♥Nala On 2016-08-19 17:44:01
  • Yo!~

    Normally this is all in the timing of your own skills. You can avoid neji taking out one of your skills in the first round by waiting for his turn to be over, then you can activate the skill that you want.

    It's almost the same thing with Gai. A safe time to activate a skill is while the ninja who's skill you want to perform is using their standard attack. The skill should be performed immediately after without a window open to interruption.

    Hope that helped!

    Cheers! :victory:
Nala this helped a lot! thanks for the insight!! :)
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On 2016-08-20 12:49:09Show this Author Only
  • moumin On 2016-08-20 06:17:37
  • like what nala said, it's all about timing, and also if they have a higher moving order, you cannot act before them even if your initiative is higher.So if that's the case, wait for them to cast their mysteries first, or if you have two mysteries that you c*e for that round, you can trick them to control your other ninja lol
ohh i like that about tricking them! will give it a shot! thanks moumin!! :D
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On 2016-08-20 13:01:10Show this Author Only
  • richrasta On 2016-08-20 12:48:20
  • Nala this helped a lot! thanks for the insight!! :)
Hey no problem! :victory:
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On 2016-08-20 14:29:45Show this Author Only
  • Sourav On 2016-08-20 12:28:49
  • Hello,
    I appreciate the effort you have put to share all these team combinations, they helped me and others a lot.

    As a fire main, have a question. Konan doesn't unlock in shop at leve 60. Does she unlock at higher level or seal/elite is the only way?

    also, need suggestion for nine tail event. I use anko, guy and tenten, and have order so that anko's barries is always on whenever MC makes any attack. However, I am a bit confused about guy/tenten. Ninjutsu does more dmg to kurama, and MC/ankohave all attack based on ninjtsu. so, guy/tenten is the only one using taijutsu attack and they aren't fire typr, so does way less dmg. Tenten buffs crit chance, but thats only for 2 round. i.e half the battle duaration.
    Who else do you think can be a good substituion for them? I know iruka/asuma(wb) is anyon'es fav but I dont have them. so please suggest other ninja, preferably fire ninja, since MC passive and anko barrier gives 80% bonus to fire type.
    I was thinking about karin/kurenai, but since you can't combo on nine tail, they have little uses there. Tobi will dodge/revive tailed beast bomb, then be only one standing, overall wasting your time. Going for hidan from shop, still dont have enough fragments yet.
    I'm so confused about setup. Any advice/suggestion will be appreciated.
maybe it's because she has yet to be updated into the shops, but she should be in the group one. if not she'll be in the seal treasure, not from elite instances though.

well if you're looking at the bomb team, you don't necessarily have to use konan, it's just that without her you won't have a shield, so your team is not as safe.

oh lol sorry what's mc http://4.bp.blo*.com/-v7z_C2JrYEQ/UZVbDcOolMI/AAAAAAAAD9I/uyFIcKesiI4/s1600/emoticon-crying-tears-of-joy.png?
ninjutsu doesn't exactly do more damage to kyuubi, it may be because of your ninjas basic stats, that their ninjutsu happens to be higher than their taijutsu/attack.

karin and kurenai aren't great choices for this, not only that combos don't work on kyuubi, it's more because that they don't have direct damage causing mysteries. Kurenai's shield mystery has no use on kyuubi, and since you can't cause conditions to kyuubi, karins mystery doesn't have any advantage as well.

what you want to use for kyuubi are ninjas with damage causing mysteries, and optimally with passive buffs too. guy is good because he increases taijutsu of your entire team, thus buffing your standard attacks. hidan will not work so well for kyuubi as well because he normally does more damage to himself than his opponent.

if you are looking for fire ninjas that will synergize well with your fire enhancement, you can try choji/young obito, but keep in mind that it only buffs up to 3 fire ninjas (including your main) so you don't have to have a full team of fire ninjas. therefore ninjas such as kakashi, naruto etc will all work.

also if you get shurado in the future, he's the one to use cc;
for future reference, the typical kyuubi team for the fire class is shurado + anko + asuma wb/ iruka (if you can't survive through all 5 rounds)+ fire main

btw use tonton for your summon, it's the best to use out of all summoning pets regardless of your stats/colour, it has a bonus for world bosses. This post was last edited by moumin at 2016-8-21 04:03
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On 2016-08-20 14:54:55Show this Author Only
  • moumin On 2016-08-20 14:29:45
  • maybe it's because she has yet to be updated into the shops, but she should be in the group one. if not she'll be in the seal treasure, not from elite instances though.

    well if you're looking at the bomb team, you don't necessarily have to use konan, it's just that without her you won't have a shield, so your team is not as safe.

    oh lol sorry what's mc http://4.bp.blo*.com/-v7z_C2JrYEQ/UZVbDcOolMI/AAAAAAAAD9I/uyFIcKesiI4/s1600/emoticon-crying-tears-of-joy.png?
    ninjutsu doesn't exactly do more damage to kyuubi, it may be because of your ninjas basic stats, that their ninjutsu happens to be higher than their taijutsu/attack.

    karin and kurenai aren't great choices for this, not only that combos don't work on kyuubi, it's more because that they don't have direct damage causing mysteries. Kurenai's shield mystery has no use on kyuubi, and since you can't cause conditions to kyuubi, karins mystery doesn't have any advantage as well.

    what you want to use for kyuubi are ninjas with damage causing mysteries, and optimally with passive buffs too. guy is good because he increases taijutsu of your entire team, thus buffing your standard attacks. hidan will not work so well for kyuubi as well because he normally does more damage to himself than his opponent.

    if you are looking for fire ninjas that will synergize well with your fire enhancement, you can try choji/young obito, but keep in mind that it only buffs up to 3 fire ninjas (including your main) so you don't have to have a full team of fire ninjas. therefore ninjas such as kakashi, naruto etc will all work.

    also if you get shurado in the future, he's the one to use cc;
    for future reference, the typical kyuubi team for the fire class is shurado + anko + asuma wb/ iruka (if you can't survive through all 5 rounds)+ fire main

    btw use tonton for your summon, it's the best to use out of all summoning pets regardless of your stats/colour, it has a bonus for world bosses. This post was last edited by moumin at 2016-8-21 04:03
MC = Main Character

can u give the formation and talent for this lineup?
im currently use main fire,tenten,naruto,iruka
using iruka and my clone main fire as tank, put naruto in middle so naruto clone still alive from kyuubi claw attack, and then naruto c*e rasengan shuriken
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On 2016-08-20 23:46:26Show this Author Only
  • moumin On 2016-08-20 14:29:45
  • maybe it's because she has yet to be updated into the shops, but she should be in the group one. if not she'll be in the seal treasure, not from elite instances though.

    well if you're looking at the bomb team, you don't necessarily have to use konan, it's just that without her you won't have a shield, so your team is not as safe.

    oh lol sorry what's mc http://4.bp.blo*.com/-v7z_C2JrYEQ/UZVbDcOolMI/AAAAAAAAD9I/uyFIcKesiI4/s1600/emoticon-crying-tears-of-joy.png?
    ninjutsu doesn't exactly do more damage to kyuubi, it may be because of your ninjas basic stats, that their ninjutsu happens to be higher than their taijutsu/attack.

    karin and kurenai aren't great choices for this, not only that combos don't work on kyuubi, it's more because that they don't have direct damage causing mysteries. Kurenai's shield mystery has no use on kyuubi, and since you can't cause conditions to kyuubi, karins mystery doesn't have any advantage as well.

    what you want to use for kyuubi are ninjas with damage causing mysteries, and optimally with passive buffs too. guy is good because he increases taijutsu of your entire team, thus buffing your standard attacks. hidan will not work so well for kyuubi as well because he normally does more damage to himself than his opponent.

    if you are looking for fire ninjas that will synergize well with your fire enhancement, you can try choji/young obito, but keep in mind that it only buffs up to 3 fire ninjas (including your main) so you don't have to have a full team of fire ninjas. therefore ninjas such as kakashi, naruto etc will all work.

    also if you get shurado in the future, he's the one to use cc;
    for future reference, the typical kyuubi team for the fire class is shurado + anko + asuma wb/ iruka (if you can't survive through all 5 rounds)+ fire main

    btw use tonton for your summon, it's the best to use out of all summoning pets regardless of your stats/colour, it has a bonus for world bosses. This post was last edited by moumin at 2016-8-21 04:03
How is Shurado better than WB Asuma?
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On 2016-08-21 01:41:21Show this Author Only
*Does prayer to get Kurenai in survival*
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On 2016-08-21 03:59:54Show this Author Only
  • On 2016-08-20 23:46:26
  • How is Shurado better than WB Asuma?
for the fire class he is better, not necessarily for all classes.

- first because he is def one of the highest damage causing ninja in the game
- he buffs his own attack
- as a fire class he synergizes well with the fire mains fire enhancement which increases his ninjutsu that his buff is based on by 40%.
- synergizes well with ankos barrier that increases tai and ninjutsu of the fire class by 40%
- has short cd for mystery

or actually fire main + anko + shurado + asuma wb is even better
iruka is used in earlier stages so that you don't die off before the 5 rounds end

This post was last edited by moumin at 2016-8-21 04:04
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On 2016-08-21 04:13:26Show this Author Only
  • On 2016-08-20 14:54:55
  • MC = Main Character

    can u give the formation and talent for this lineup?
    im currently use main fire,tenten,naruto,iruka
    using iruka and my clone main fire as tank, put naruto in middle so naruto clone still alive from kyuubi claw attack, and then naruto c*e rasengan shuriken
your team also depends on your level/ power
if you are able to survive through all 5 rounds

x x x
fire main anko clone
tenten iruka x

if not you'll need clones
x x x
fire main anko clone
naruto iruka x

pheonix fire, flame jutsu, pheonix fire chase, clone, fire enhancement
you c*so use dragon flame but i think the cd for that is a bit too long
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On 2016-08-21 14:06:29Show this Author Only
  • moumin On 2016-08-21 04:13:26
  • your team also depends on your level/ power
    if you are able to survive through all 5 rounds

    x x x
    fire main anko clone
    tenten iruka x

    if not you'll need clones
    x x x
    fire main anko clone
    naruto iruka x

    pheonix fire, flame jutsu, pheonix fire chase, clone, fire enhancement
    you c*so use dragon flame but i think the cd for that is a bit too long
what i want to ask is the lineup+talent u using with shurado,fire main,anko, iruka

but thanks anyway, its good referance :D
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On 2016-08-21 21:13:36Show this Author Only
  • moumin On 2016-08-21 03:59:54
  • for the fire class he is better, not necessarily for all classes.

    - first because he is def one of the highest damage causing ninja in the game
    - he buffs his own attack
    - as a fire class he synergizes well with the fire mains fire enhancement which increases his ninjutsu that his buff is based on by 40%.
    - synergizes well with ankos barrier that increases tai and ninjutsu of the fire class by 40%
    - has short cd for mystery

    or actually fire main + anko + shurado + asuma wb is even better
    iruka is used in earlier stages so that you don't die off before the 5 rounds end

    This post was last edited by moumin at 2016-8-21 04:04
Well if you don't use Iruka you can't really use WB Asuma because 1 exploding hell from Kurama will nulify his buff and he is useless then right?
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On 2016-08-22 18:05:25Show this Author Only
for team Lightning main + Asuma (wind blade) + Guy + Shurado.
Is there any ninja what could replace asuma wind blade like only one what i lack since today got lucky with tendo and got shurado
Nvm: Using now hinata shurado guy main combo pretty decent :)
This post was last edited by Vartix at 2016-8-22 19:26
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On 2016-08-23 05:23:17Show this Author Only
nice guide =)
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On 2016-08-23 06:11:07Show this Author Only
  • Zaruba On 2016-08-21 14:06:29
  • what i want to ask is the lineup+talent u using with shurado,fire main,anko, iruka

    but thanks anyway, its good referance :D
anko on move 1, talents dragon fire, flame jutsu, pheonix fire chase, fire enhancement, clone, tonton for summon
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On 2016-08-23 06:16:56Show this Author Only
  • On 2016-08-21 21:13:36
  • Well if you don't use Iruka you can't really use WB Asuma because 1 exploding hell from Kurama will nulify his buff and he is useless then right?
wb asuma is good because other than his buff, his mystery also does multiple hits on kyuubi.
when you are at a higehr lvl, you'll be able to go through several rounds w/o losing life points because you regain life points every round. Also even if you're not at full health after the first round, out of a total of 5 rounds that you normally may fight kyuubi up to, having a full team buff for 1 round is already pretty good
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On 2016-08-23 06:25:42Show this Author Only
  • On 2016-08-22 18:05:25
  • for team Lightning main + Asuma (wind blade) + Guy + Shurado.
    Is there any ninja what could replace asuma wind blade like only one what i lack since today got lucky with tendo and got shurado
    Nvm: Using now hinata shurado guy main combo pretty decent :)
    This post was last edited by Vartix at 2016-8-22 19:26
hinata is good but since you need to place her in the front column for her protection for the whole team to work, she'll move your guy and shurados moving order back to move 3 and 4, so unless you are using chidori blade instead of lightning armour with chases that connects with hinata's controlling chase on move 1 or 2, you'll less likely be able to control your enemy then.
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On 2016-08-23 19:24:59Show this Author Only
Hey guys, there is no summon pet for the kitchen knife team. Is it the same as the other?

Also, what summons would you suggest for a lighting main. I got level 50 recently, and I am a bit overwhelmed by all the possible summons. Which ones should I start pursue first, and towards which one should i go after for late game?
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On 2016-08-24 14:17:20Show this Author Only
  • On 2016-08-23 19:24:59
  • Hey guys, there is no summon pet for the kitchen knife team. Is it the same as the other?

    Also, what summons would you suggest for a lighting main. I got level 50 recently, and I am a bit overwhelmed by all the possible summons. Which ones should I start pursue first, and towards which one should i go after for late game?
oh i forgot about that
w/ beam of light - white snake
w/ assassination sword - cat

it also depends on your chase attack too
check the simulator to see which one fits your team the most simulator

um well there isn't a specific summon that's recommended for a class since all summons work as combo connectors, so it depends not only on your main's talents but also the ninjas that you are using. go for the one that fits your team first, and the rest you'll be able to get them all in no time, it's not a long process.
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On 2016-08-24 20:38:55Show this Author Only
  • moumin On 2016-08-24 14:17:20
  • oh i forgot about that
    w/ beam of light - white snake
    w/ assassination sword - cat

    it also depends on your chase attack too
    check the simulator to see which one fits your team the most simulator

    um well there isn't a specific summon that's recommended for a class since all summons work as combo connectors, so it depends not only on your main's talents but also the ninjas that you are using. go for the one that fits your team first, and the rest you'll be able to get them all in no time, it's not a long process.
Ok, and what about the strengthening of the summons? Should i just throw all of the ones i have to strengthen the purple summons i will get. Or should i keep them, in case i get a golden someday?

Or just throw in everything and max like the 3 summons i use the most out?

Or maybe we should strengthen more than 3 summons, like 6-8.

I started playing, just reached 53, so i am kind of confused as to what is best. And i don't wanna just strengthen like 5-6 summons, and that it turns out on the long term i didn't need to do that.

Thanks a lot :D
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On 2016-08-25 06:12:59Show this Author Only
  • On 2016-08-24 20:38:55
  • Ok, and what about the strengthening of the summons? Should i just throw all of the ones i have to strengthen the purple summons i will get. Or should i keep them, in case i get a golden someday?

    Or just throw in everything and max like the 3 summons i use the most out?

    Or maybe we should strengthen more than 3 summons, like 6-8.

    I started playing, just reached 53, so i am kind of confused as to what is best. And i don't wanna just strengthen like 5-6 summons, and that it turns out on the long term i didn't need to do that.

    Thanks a lot :D
sorry i don't really know what you mean by that, are you referring to the runes?
if you are, the runes will stay the same regardless of the colour of your summon, and will strengthen your stats as a whole. they work the same as your equipments, such that you'll always have four sets, where they'll be equipped onto whichever ninja you put on your team, so runes are not summon specific.
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