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[ Strategy Share ] Strategy Collection + Strategy Themes: Mid game team rec (for all classes)


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On 2016-08-03 08:33:24Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Team recommendations (for all classes)
As many people have gotten more familiar with the game along with the introduction to more ninjas released after updates,I would like to share a few teams for each class that will work well for mid game or even for a longer time with ninjas that are comparatively easy to get.
Q: Are they the best teams for these classes?
A: Of course not, but they are good teams.
Q: Do these teams work for mid/late game?
A: Yes, I see people still using these at lvl 80
Q: May I sub in other ninjas for the ones you have shown here?
A: Yes of course, team formation is all about experimenting, these are just to give you some ideas. The included ninjas are all currently available in the game, so when new ninjas are released there will definitely be other variations.
1) Breeze dancer
2) Azure fang
3) Scarlet blaze
4) Crimson fist
5) midnight blade

Note: I did not make up the names of these teams, so please disregard their weirdness http://4.bp.blo*.com/-v7z_C2JrYEQ/UZVbDcOolMI/AAAAAAAAD9I/uyFIcKesiI4/s1600/emoticon-crying-tears-of-joy.png

1) Breeze dancer
The typical Empress/ Queen team
Talents and summoning pet:
Highest combo: 8
Wind main + Hinata + Kurenai + Karin

Where to obtain these ninjas:
● Kurenai and Karin are both available for exchange from the Redemption Merchant.
● Hinata fragments may be gathered from the power gift pack, elite instances and the ranked battle shop.

Reasons for recommendation:
● The two passive talents of the wind class - Flower Guard and Queen Momemtun- synergizes perfectly with the team, providing a "shield on each female ninja of your team and increase ninjutsu by 30%." and also a buff for that "Each female ninja on your team will increase a percentage of ninjutsu and attack attributes for you."● Consists of a medic capable of causing an posion effect that does ac*ulative damage to the entire opposing team.
● With Hinata as the tank, she may also control your opponent with her chase attack, which may be triggered by
all the normal attacks of your team.

Alternate Empress Team
A downside of the typical empress team is that most damages caused by the team is dependent on the wind main, without her the team may be fairly weak, therefore I have came up with *ternate version which may compensate its weaknesses.
Sorry no word count left, Please refer to:

2) Azure fang
The typical Poison Kiba team
Talents and summoning pet:
(I suggest having at least one healing talent)
Highest combo: 6
Water main + Great war Kiba + Konan + Chikushodo

Where to obtain these ninjas:
● GWKiba is the free sign-in ninja of the month!
● Konan can be drawn from the Seal treasure, and unlocked in the group shop at level 60
● Chikushodo can be drawn from the Tendo treasure unlocked at level 50.

Reasons for recommendation:
● High survivability - Konan and Chikushodo will both have shields due to Konan's passive skill that adds a shield to akatsuki members.- Chikushodo summons a panda in front of Konan that works as a non-attacking clone with high life points for protection.- Akamaru can recover life points after he has taken an action.- Water main's healing abilities will boost the survivability of the team.● The passive talent of Poison Tai causes Stackable poisoning effect every time when your team uses taijutsu attack. This is also the reason why it is recommended to use the chameleon as the summoning pet, because of its area chase attack.● Chikushodo works well with Konan because Chikuhodo's mystery tags 4 enemy units, and Konan's mystery attacks up to 9 enemy units with tags.

To give you an idea of how this team works, feel free to watch this
Important Sidenote!!
When dragging ninjas onto your team from the right side, BE SURE to drag in Chikushodo BEFORE Konan, because all buffs and
non-attacking passive skills are activated in the order that they are dragged onto your team. By draging in Chikushodo before Konan,
Chikushodo will summon her panda first before Konan shields the team, this way the panda will also have a shield.

The typical Water playboy team
Talents and summoning pet:
(I suggest having at least one healing talent)
Highest combo: 6 (Chameleon) 7 (crow)
Water main + Sasuke (Playboy) + Konan + Chikushodo

Where to obtain these ninjas:
● Sasuke was available from the lucky wheels event

Reasons for recommendation:
● An upgraded version of the Poison Kiba/Water Poison team, read above for more details.
● Sasuke shields up to 6 female ninjas on your side of the battle field, which is stackable with Konan's shield (as all shields are stackable.)
● His passive skill also buffs taijutsu and ninjutsu of your up to 6 female ninjas.
● If the illusion crow is used as the summoning pet, this team is also capable of causing the ignition condition asides from posion, up to a total of 4 conditions (immobility, tagged, poison, ignition) that counter ninjas with passive healing skills that only removes 1 condition per heal.
This post was last edited by moumin at 2016-8-20 06:57
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-08-03 08:33:25Show this Author Only
The typical Water Curse Tag team
Talents and summoning pet:
(Healing skills may be replaced with sharkbomb or flowing whip, but I suggest having at least one healing talent)
Highest combo: 8
Water main + Jugo + 3 star Kimimaro + 3 star Sasuke

Where to obtain these ninjas:
● Kimimaro is given out as a free ninja for clearing all Ch 5 Instances, and c*so be obtained from the Elite Instances.
● Sasuke fragments can be obtained from the Elite Instances.
● Jugo may be drawn from the Seal treasure or from Survival Trials.

Reasons for recommendation:
● Jugo's passive skill buffs and shields all ninjas on the team with the curse tag label.
You can see the tags of your ninjas by going to their page.

● Azure Fang's passive skill neurotoxin and Jugo's Mystery are capable of controlling your opponents.
● The passive talent of Poison Tai causes Stackable poisoning effect every time when your team uses taijutsu attack.
● Has area attacks, and tanks in the front.
● Triggers 8 combo with control for every damage causing mystery and standard attack!

3) Scarlet Blaze
The typical Bomb team
Talents and summoning pet:
Highest combo: 6
Fire main + Konan + Tobi +Deidara

Where to obtain these ninjas:
● Konan can be drawn from the Seal treasure, and unlocked in the group shop at level 60
● Tobi is available from the survival trial shop
● Deidara can be drawn from the Seal treasure, (highly likely to be unlocked in the shops later)

Reasons for recommendation:
● Has the fastest kills!
● Causes high damages.
● Works exceptionally well in teams especially in the great war, because deidara's mystery (requires 0 charkra)
attacks all those with the ignition status, therefore with your main's Pheonix fire justsu + Konan's first attack triggering your main and deidara's chases with the ignition effect + Tobi's normal attack which causes ignition = you can bomb all of your opponents at once (12 units)
● Front ninjas are capable of dodging first attacks.
● Konan provides a shield to all akatsuki members, and your clone will be in front which takes damages going to her.
To give you a more visual idea of how this team has the fastest kills, high damage and works well with others,
watch from 1:00 to 4:00

4) Crimson Fist
The typical Rogue team (lol or it c*so be called the Six Paths Rinnegan team)
Talents and summoning pet:
Highest combo: 10
Earth main + Ningendo + Shurado + Gakido

Where to obtain these ninjas:
● The Pains may be obtained from the Tendo Chest, unlocked at lvl 50.

Reasons for recommendation:
● Out of all 5 classes, Earth definitely is the tankiest one. With the Petrifying jutsu, an ac*ulative shield is added to 2 units on your team for each round, which means that it is possible for you have like a shield with 10k life points! http://4.bp.blo*.com/-v7z_C2JrYEQ/UZVbDcOolMI/AAAAAAAAD9I/uyFIcKesiI4/s1600/emoticon-crying-tears-of-joy.png● Gakido clears off conditions caused by your opponent on your team, and this passive skill may be triggered twice per round.
● Has great control over your opponent with mysteries causing interruption and chaos.
● Each of the six paths has a buff for every pain on the team, and have chase attacks that may be triggered twice per round.
● High combo for all normal attacks + mysteries

This post was last edited by moumin at 2016-8-14 07:16 This post was last edited by moumin at 2016-8-14 07:17
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On 2016-08-03 08:46:47Show this Author Only
5) Midnight Blade

The lightning class is a class that is considered to have the highest damage, and as the main damage causing ninja on the team,team buffs and having a high initiative are crucial to fully utilize his skills, or he may be very squishy. Most lightning teams are named after their own talents rather than their formation for these reasons.
The typical Kitchen knife team ;P
Talents: depending on your team)
Lightning main on move 1 (or 2)

Reasons for recommendation:
● The lightning armour has a critical hit bonus and allows you to launch 3 standard attacks, and with bloodthirsty demon, it allows you to launch a total of 4 standard attacks. In most senarios you will be able to kill at least one of your enemy which allows you to launch another standard attack because bloodthirsty demon permits you to attack again upon the death of your enemy (clones/summons included!!)
● The effect of the kitchen knife team may not be as obvious in pvp if your stats are not high enough and if your opponent has a high defense/resistance (this is why you need buffs for your team,) however you'll be able to see the effect more vividly in the team instances, normal instances, and when battling lower levels.
➟ It is possible to solo and defeat all 12 enemy units in the team instance/team battle with one mystery.

The typical Root of Warrior team
Lightning main + 2 other sword bearing ninjas.

Reason for recommendation:
● Root of warrior allows you and two other sword bearing ninjas to be imune to conditions for 2 rounds and increases your attack by 20%. This is exceptionally effective in the face of condition causing/control teams such as the poison kiba team and the bomb team, although the catch is you must try to defeat their condition causing ninja before the effect runs out.

Sword bearing ninjas:
● Here are some examples of good sword bearing ninjas to use for the lightning class: 3 star sasuke, 3 star kimimaro, Mifune, Asuma (wind blade)

Recommended ninjas for the lightning class:
● Iruka, 3 star sasuke, 3 star kimimaro, Asuma (wind blade), Guy sensei, Mifune, Hinata

The typical Invincible (Kitchen knife)Lightning team
Talents and summoning pet:
(summon depends on which talents you are using, cat and white snake will work in general as well as many others.
check the simulator to see which one fits your team the most with your chosen talents: Simulator)
Highest combo: 8
Lightning main + Asuma (wind blade) + Guy + Shurado
or Lightning main + Asuma (wind blade) + 3 star Sasuke + Guy

Where to obtain these ninjas:
● Shurado can be obtained from the tendo treasure.
● Asuma (wind blade) is available in the shops.
● Guy can be found in the seal treasure, Elite instances and survival trials.

Reasons for recommendation:
● The "Invicinble" part of the name came from Asuma's passive skill Power of Invincibility, which significantly increases nin and taijutsu of your team with full health. Having Guy on your team who permits you to leech helps to fully utilize this skill.
● With your main's lightning buff, Guy's taijutsu buff, power of invincibility, and if you're using sasuke, his lighting barrier, you will be able to maximize the damage caused by your team, just as mentioned above that Lightning is a class that looks specifically into BUFFS.
● Has interruption.
● Lightning + Sasuke + Guy + Asuma(wind blade) + tonton = perfect team for World Boss!

The typical Lightning Curse Tag + Root of Warrior team
Talents and summoning pet:
Highest combo: 8
Lightning main + Jugo + 3 star Kimimaro + 3 star Sasuke

Where to obtain these ninjas:
● Refer to the Water Curse Team

Reasons for recommendation:
● Jugo's passive skill buffs and shields all ninjas on the team with the curse tag label.
● Has area attacks, and tank in the front.
● Immune to all conditions for 2 rounds.
● High damage causing team.

Hi guys, these teams may not apply to you at the moment but they are just ideas that you can take for future references (as we all have different definitions for mid game,) when deciding what class you are interested of switching to, what fragments to exchange for etc. It's always good to know what direction you want to go toward! Thank you!
Creds to all those legendary oldies of the CN server for sharing their knowledge. http://2.bp.blo*.com/-zW6WedAnF6M/UZPVkzteegI/AAAAAAAADvI/1cFohhPjVPE/s1600/two-hands-reaching-up.png
I also have a thread here that explains how attacking order works if you are interested (not just initiative but other factors.) I hope it helps!

This post was last edited by moumin at 2016-8-24 14:13
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On 2016-08-03 08:53:25Show this Author Only
"Ninjas are comparatively easy to get", then goes on to list ninjas that take awhile to get using seal scrolls in Tendo treasure...
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On 2016-08-03 08:57:58Show this Author Only
  • GalaxyRed On 2016-08-03 08:53:25
  • "Ninjas are comparatively easy to get", then goes on to list ninjas that take awhile to get using seal scrolls in Tendo treasure...
Please note that I'm talking about mid game here, some of the severs just started a few days ago.
Also in the first few servers, many players have already unlocked the tendo treasure and have gotten some of these ninjas.

Yes they are comparatively easy to get in comparison to the Five kages, jinchuurikis and all the other yet to be released ninjas, and they are all F2P unlike some that you'll need to buy with coupons or ingots.
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On 2016-08-03 09:01:01Show this Author Only
Mid game as in what? I'm level 53. I was only able to do one Tendo treasure so far, and all I got was a Zabuza Mist Seven Swordsman.
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On 2016-08-03 09:10:39Show this Author Only
  • GalaxyRed On 2016-08-03 09:01:01
  • Mid game as in what? I'm level 53. I was only able to do one Tendo treasure so far, and all I got was a Zabuza Mist Seven Swordsman.
Mid game as in when you have moved on from starter ninjas like konoha 11, kakashi and such.
At a higher level more ninjas will be released in the shops, I'm just not 100% sure if ninjas like deidara and six paths will be added to the shops like the Taiwanese and Chinese version that's why I didn't include that, but it is highly likely. This post was last edited by moumin at 2016-8-5 11:56
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On 2016-08-03 09:18:00Show this Author Only
The thing is, those teams you have listed, though, are not for people that are in their 50's. If anything, it's for people that are around level 60 or higher. If you have mid game listed, and obviously you mean mid game as in after Tendo treasure is accessible, then you shouldn't be listing characters that are nearly impossible for people to have unless they're in the mid to high 60's. Or they spent money to buy seal scrolls and draw ten like they have money growing on trees.
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On 2016-08-03 09:25:13Show this Author Only
Id say mid is like 40 atm
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On 2016-08-03 09:31:54Show this Author Only
  • GalaxyRed On 2016-08-03 09:18:00
  • The thing is, those teams you have listed, though, are not for people that are in their 50's. If anything, it's for people that are around level 60 or higher. If you have mid game listed, and obviously you mean mid game as in after Tendo treasure is accessible, then you shouldn't be listing characters that are nearly impossible for people to have unless they're in the mid to high 60's. Or they spent money to buy seal scrolls and draw ten like they have money growing on trees.
It really depends on how you define mid game, where personally I consider lvl 6x to be mid game.

Also this thread is just to give people an idea of what direction they may want to go toward for future references, and what ninjas they may want to exchange for from the shops, not teams that you can form instantly.

These characters are definitely not nearly impossible to get, it takes time and patience to get them. I have already seen players with these ninjas and have one of these recommended teams.
As you are more than a few weeks into the game you'll know that these ninjas are actually considered to be easy to get in comparison to a whole lot of others ones.
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On 2016-08-04 16:59:11Show this Author Only
  • moumin On 2016-08-03 09:31:54
  • It really depends on how you define mid game, where personally I consider lvl 6x to be mid game.

    Also this thread is just to give people an idea of what direction they may want to go toward for future references, and what ninjas they may want to exchange for from the shops, not teams that you can form instantly.

    These characters are definitely not nearly impossible to get, it takes time and patience to get them. I have already seen players with these ninjas and have one of these recommended teams.
    As you are more than a few weeks into the game you'll know that these ninjas are actually considered to be easy to get in comparison to a whole lot of others ones.
you listed some really OP formations. They all look awesome. But it seems as though wind got the least exciting of them all. Are there any other formations for wind that you would recommend? <:3_54:>
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On 2016-08-04 19:16:42Show this Author Only
I better team for Earth with Ninjas fairly easy to get would be Kabuto, Kurenai, and Kakashi. This post was last edited by Tezu at 2016-8-4 19:17
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On 2016-08-04 22:24:20Show this Author Only
  • moumin On 2016-08-03 09:10:39
  • Mid game as in when you have moved on from starter ninjas like konoha 11, kakashi and such.
    At a higher level more ninjas will be released in the shops, I'm just not 100% sure if ninjas like deidara and six paths will be added to the shops like the Taiwanese and Chinese version that's why I didn't include that, but it is highly likely. This post was last edited by moumin at 2016-8-5 11:56
guess, im not at the mid game stage yet. Nice ideas nonetheless.
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On 2016-08-05 09:07:49Show this Author Only
Nice teams idea. Very informative, thank you. :)
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On 2016-08-05 10:33:24Show this Author Only
This is awesome, thanks for posting. Some really cool set up's. Hope to see more posts like this.
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On 2016-08-05 12:23:13Show this Author Only
  • Mito U On 2016-08-04 16:59:11
  • you listed some really OP formations. They all look awesome. But it seems as though wind got the least exciting of them all. Are there any other formations for wind that you would recommend? <:3_54:>
Thanks http://4.bp.blo*.com/-sRjxDP9C4-k/U2M2aPWY6OI/AAAAAAAAG3Y/9Dm0a7NbX_M/s1600/happy-smiley-blushing.png

Some of the other teams have ninjas that have yet to be released and are quite hard to get, that's why i didn't include them and have named this thread mid game team recs lol, but i'll probably make a thread about late/end game in the future when they are c;

you can definitely have different variations of these teams, they are just here to get you started, and give you a general idea of how you may fully utilize the strengths of your class to make up for your weaknesses

such as for the empress team, you can sub in chikushodo and konan for hinata and karin
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On 2016-08-05 14:07:39Show this Author Only
  • moumin On 2016-08-05 12:23:13
  • Thanks http://4.bp.blo*.com/-sRjxDP9C4-k/U2M2aPWY6OI/AAAAAAAAG3Y/9Dm0a7NbX_M/s1600/happy-smiley-blushing.png

    Some of the other teams have ninjas that have yet to be released and are quite hard to get, that's why i didn't include them and have named this thread mid game team recs lol, but i'll probably make a thread about late/end game in the future when they are c;

    you can definitely have different variations of these teams, they are just here to get you started, and give you a general idea of how you may fully utilize the strengths of your class to make up for your weaknesses

    such as for the empress team, you can sub in chikushodo and konan for hinata and karin
that sounds cool! thank you. I kinda left like wind, was being left behind lmao> after seeing those builds for other elements it really made me question why the wind main is so popular on CN. But now it makes perfect sense. Thanks.

Furthermore, is it a good strategy to use Wind mains cleanse with the level 50 skill Gust blade (i think it's called) because it seems really ineffective to use with shadow clones lol. I'm nearly level 50 now and am trying to prepare a solid strategy with my empress team.

The worst thing is that right now my main is the damage dealer. So if i lose her skill then i do pretty much no damage since my combo starts from her skill. My other team members are failing to start the combo and it feels like they are just tapping the opponent. Most teams are running hinata now, so matches take a while to get going. But the worst thing i have faced is a scarlet blaze with an OP formation. <:3_63:>

x, x, x
Kankuro 3* , x , Hinata 3*
Kakashi 3*, Fire Main, Kakashi clone

The combo hits for 8 hits and wipes out my main straight away before kurenai gets a chance to shield her. If she lives she is inflicted with accupuncture and so she is effectively out of the fight anyway. Im not sure why Karin isn't dispelling the debuff when my main clearly has the lowest health after this combo. It is doing my head in trying to figure out a counter with the empress team. Ive increased initiative/resistance/defence and still suffer the same outcome. So, if there is no main in the fight, then there is no damage. Do you have any ideas? <:3_54:>

My format is the empress team in the squares that you always recommend.

The sad thing is that this player is weaker than me. I thought that with the empress team, the formation would lead to glory after having no combos for the first 40 levels of this game as a wind main lol. I love the formation, but it seems really easily countered unless i am building them wrong.

Any help would be greatly appreciated! thanks! <:3_59:> This post was last edited by ffr*** at 2016-8-5 14:11 This post was last edited by ffr*** at 2016-8-5 14:33
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On 2016-08-05 15:03:21Show this Author Only
  • Mito U On 2016-08-05 14:07:39
  • that sounds cool! thank you. I kinda left like wind, was being left behind lmao> after seeing those builds for other elements it really made me question why the wind main is so popular on CN. But now it makes perfect sense. Thanks.

    Furthermore, is it a good strategy to use Wind mains cleanse with the level 50 skill Gust blade (i think it's called) because it seems really ineffective to use with shadow clones lol. I'm nearly level 50 now and am trying to prepare a solid strategy with my empress team.

    The worst thing is that right now my main is the damage dealer. So if i lose her skill then i do pretty much no damage since my combo starts from her skill. My other team members are failing to start the combo and it feels like they are just tapping the opponent. Most teams are running hinata now, so matches take a while to get going. But the worst thing i have faced is a scarlet blaze with an OP formation. <:3_63:>

    x, x, x
    Kankuro 3* , x , Hinata 3*
    Kakashi 3*, Fire Main, Kakashi clone

    The combo hits for 8 hits and wipes out my main straight away before kurenai gets a chance to shield her. If she lives she is inflicted with accupuncture and so she is effectively out of the fight anyway. Im not sure why Karin isn't dispelling the debuff when my main clearly has the lowest health after this combo. It is doing my head in trying to figure out a counter with the empress team. Ive increased initiative/resistance/defence and still suffer the same outcome. So, if there is no main in the fight, then there is no damage. Do you have any ideas? <:3_54:>

    My format is the empress team in the squares that you always recommend.

    The sad thing is that this player is weaker than me. I thought that with the empress team, the formation would lead to glory after having no combos for the first 40 levels of this game as a wind main lol. I love the formation, but it seems really easily countered unless i am building them wrong.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated! thanks! <:3_59:> This post was last edited by ffr*** at 2016-8-5 14:11 This post was last edited by ffr*** at 2016-8-5 14:33
If you want to make more damage you can try subbing in temari 3* for kurenai once summonings unlocked for you

whose combo hits for 8 hits? the fire main?
then he must have been using the dragon fire jutsu because pheonix fire does not have chases,
well if that's the case, the cd for dragon fire jutsu when battle first starts is 1,
so in the first round, the only mystery he could use is hinatas.

in this case use temari's mystery (which has 0 cd when battle starts) on him, followed by hinata's chase he'll be controlled. In the second round, he'll then either use kankuro or kakashi because he cannot use his fire mains mystery.

Now the cd for your rasengan is gone, you can attack who ever that is preparing to cast their mystery (they will light up,) and hinata's chase will control them again preventing them from attacking you. I will assume that they have chosen to use kankuros because his mystery is an condition causing area attack, that requires 40 charkra, so then he c*e both his (40 charkra) and kakashi's (20 charkra) for the next round (the 3rd round has 60 charkra)

Since both temari and your main's mysteries are chased by karin's poison, they should all be half dead, or at least their fire main and kankuro should be.

Now since poison is stackable, and they have no healer on the team, use karins and hinatas mystery while you're waiting for yours and temaris to cool down, and once they are, concentrate on firing their fire main if hes not dead yet, followed by kankuro and kakashi

sometimes you just need to be a little more tactical lol
and also it'll help alot if you have a good understanding of all the talents of each class, so you know how to react when you face them.

such as if you see a lightning main, you should prob use hinata's mystery first instead.

Also even with the shown empress set up, you should be fine though, use karin's first, then rasengan in the second round to control their fire main. never use auto in pvp, and don't forget to select your target and click fast;P
always look at their team first before you decide whose mystery to use first (karin/hinata)
This post was last edited by moumin at 2016-8-5 15:05
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On 2016-08-05 15:27:10Show this Author Only
  • moumin On 2016-08-05 15:03:21
  • If you want to make more damage you can try subbing in temari 3* for kurenai once summonings unlocked for you

    whose combo hits for 8 hits? the fire main?
    then he must have been using the dragon fire jutsu because pheonix fire does not have chases,
    well if that's the case, the cd for dragon fire jutsu when battle first starts is 1,
    so in the first round, the only mystery he could use is hinatas.

    in this case use temari's mystery (which has 0 cd when battle starts) on him, followed by hinata's chase he'll be controlled. In the second round, he'll then either use kankuro or kakashi because he cannot use his fire mains mystery.

    Now the cd for your rasengan is gone, you can attack who ever that is preparing to cast their mystery (they will light up,) and hinata's chase will control them again preventing them from attacking you. I will assume that they have chosen to use kankuros because his mystery is an condition causing area attack, that requires 40 charkra, so then he c*e both his (40 charkra) and kakashi's (20 charkra) for the next round (the 3rd round has 60 charkra)

    Since both temari and your main's mysteries are chased by karin's poison, they should all be half dead, or at least their fire main and kankuro should be.

    Now since poison is stackable, and they have no healer on the team, use karins and hinatas mystery while you're waiting for yours and temaris to cool down, and once they are, concentrate on firing their fire main if hes not dead yet, followed by kankuro and kakashi

    sometimes you just need to be a little more tactical lol
    and also it'll help alot if you have a good understanding of all the talents of each class, so you know how to react when you face them.

    such as if you see a lightning main, you should prob use hinata's mystery first instead.

    Also even with the shown empress set up, you should be fine though, use karin's first, then rasengan in the second round to control their fire main. never use auto in pvp, and don't forget to select your target and click fast;P
    always look at their team first before you decide whose mystery to use first (karin/hinata)
    This post was last edited by moumin at 2016-8-5 15:05
great advice! thank you so much. However, does that mean i should use a different composition in Ranked battle since that is always auto? cause i can't control anything there lol. I will definitely get temari to 3* now!
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-08-08 23:12:25Show this Author Only
Thank you for the advice! Question though, how good is that Poison Kiba Tai team in PvP? Is it bursty or is it slow and over time damage? Thank's for your time.

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