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[ Strategy Share ] Strategy Collection + Strategy Themes: Mid game team rec (for all classes)


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On 2016-08-19 09:30:39Show this Author Only
tks, i'll try it.
btw, could u pick a list of heroes (my team) for Survival Trial ? and Rank Battle as well xD
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On 2016-08-19 10:21:44Show this Author Only
Just want to ask, is Gaara or Hinata better guys?
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On 2016-08-19 10:43:53Show this Author Only
  • LeeKull On 2016-08-19 09:30:39
  • tks, i'll try it.
    btw, could u pick a list of heroes (my team) for Survival Trial ? and Rank Battle as well xD
try to get naruto to 3 star, hes really useful in ninja exams, and also neji to 2 star

you can try the following
x x x
sasuke gnwkiba x
sakura x neji

x x x
kabuto gaara x
kurenai zabuza x

it's also a good idea to level anko because she's the one to use for kyuubi for the fire class
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On 2016-08-19 10:45:44Show this Author Only
  • On 2016-08-19 10:21:44
  • Just want to ask, is Gaara or Hinata better guys?
depends on what class you are, what you are doing (kyuubi, pvp, ninja exam, ranked etc,) and the ninjas on your team. one is not necessarily better than the other.
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On 2016-08-19 13:58:22Show this Author Only
Asuma wind blade is available in tendo treasure only? or what do you mean "shop"?
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On 2016-08-19 14:19:15Show this Author Only
  • KitaiSuru On 2016-08-19 13:58:22
  • Asuma wind blade is available in tendo treasure only? or what do you mean "shop"?
i think he can be unlocked in the shops from the redemption merchant when you level, not 100% sure because i don't play the english version, but i have seen many people with it, so i'm assuming it is the same as the version that i play. Not too sure though, sorry, i'll need to have someone who knows to kindly update me on that
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On 2016-08-19 14:24:33Show this Author Only
just like tobi? at what level will he be unlocked? ^^
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On 2016-08-19 17:26:53Show this Author Only
  • moumin On 2016-08-19 07:40:18
  • interruption is not exactly a condition, so no.
    also you can still control them and cancel their mystery, it's just that the condition wouldn't last,
    so it's more of a counter for the fire class that focuses on the ignition status, and the poison of the water class
awesome thanks for the info! any tips to counter neji or guy from interrupts? they always seem to go first even if i know i have a higher initiative stat :S
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On 2016-08-19 17:44:01Show this Author Only
  • richrasta On 2016-08-19 17:26:53
  • awesome thanks for the info! any tips to counter neji or guy from interrupts? they always seem to go first even if i know i have a higher initiative stat :S

Normally this is all in the timing of your own skills. You can avoid neji taking out one of your skills in the first round by waiting for his turn to be over, then you can activate the skill that you want.

It's almost the same thing with Gai. A safe time to activate a skill is while the ninja who's skill you want to perform is using their standard attack. The skill should be performed immediately after without a window open to interruption.

Hope that helped!

Cheers! :victory:
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On 2016-08-20 04:31:23Show this Author Only
  • moumin On 2016-08-18 05:45:29
  • i find it more difficult to form teams with the wind class for mid stages because of the lack of available ninjas, there are def other wind teams but they require a lot of ninjas that are very rare and often requires lots of coupons/ingots to obtain, so for now i don't have any other wind teams for rec.

    or you may also try the alt version of the empress team with chikushodo and konan
what should i change to put in animal pain and konan?
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On 2016-08-20 06:12:51Show this Author Only
  • KitaiSuru On 2016-08-19 14:24:33
  • just like tobi? at what level will he be unlocked? ^^
I think hes unlocked in pretty early stages because a lot of people have been talking about exchanging for him, again i'm not sure at what level, so check the shops regularly.
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On 2016-08-20 06:12:53Show this Author Only
I just realized that the one listed for Crimson Fist in this thread early on is using an old picture for the summon beast. I think it's supposed to be the Bull, but it's hard to tell with that picture. I tried comparing it with all of the summons listed in-game, and none of the others match it, so I'd imagine it's supposed to be the Bull. You might need to update that picture, so you don't confuse people.
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On 2016-08-20 06:17:37Show this Author Only
  • richrasta On 2016-08-19 17:26:53
  • awesome thanks for the info! any tips to counter neji or guy from interrupts? they always seem to go first even if i know i have a higher initiative stat :S
like what nala said, it's all about timing, and also if they have a higher moving order, you cannot act before them even if your initiative is higher.So if that's the case, wait for them to cast their mysteries first, or if you have two mysteries that you c*e for that round, you can trick them to control your other ninja lol
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On 2016-08-20 06:27:05Show this Author Only
  • xRMKx On 2016-08-20 04:31:23
  • what should i change to put in animal pain and konan?
i would keep hinata for her control

x wind main hinata
animal konan x
x x x

23312 purple ox/bull
also drag/place animal path onto your team before konan for her panda to be shielded
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On 2016-08-20 06:31:40Show this Author Only
  • GalaxyRed On 2016-08-20 06:12:53
  • I just realized that the one listed for Crimson Fist in this thread early on is using an old picture for the summon beast. I think it's supposed to be the Bull, but it's hard to tell with that picture. I tried comparing it with all of the summons listed in-game, and none of the others match it, so I'd imagine it's supposed to be the Bull. You might need to update that picture, so you don't confuse people.
yes it's the bull, all the pictures were directly taken from the team simulator, I have no other sources to their pictures so sorry i won't be able to update it. I'll see if i have word count left to directly specify what they are, thanks.
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On 2016-08-20 06:33:22Show this Author Only
Umm, you have another source, you know. Screenshot in the game.. This post was last edited by GalaxyRed at 2016-8-20 06:48
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On 2016-08-20 06:45:39Show this Author Only
  • GalaxyRed On 2016-08-20 06:33:22
  • Umm, you have another source, you know. Screenshot in the game.. This post was last edited by GalaxyRed at 2016-8-20 06:48
I don't play the english version, I'm only lvl 30 something on here. The version that i play have the same pictures as the simulator.
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On 2016-08-20 06:49:27Show this Author Only
  • moumin On 2016-08-20 06:45:39
  • I don't play the english version, I'm only lvl 30 something on here. The version that i play have the same pictures as the simulator.
I just realized the problem. The summon beast does use the same picture, but only if you select it on the talent page. It has a different look in the Summon menu.

EDIT: By the way, it might be best to also tell people what order the skills of the characters should go on the team page. It's usually not the same as having their order on the gird (like 1, 2, 3, and 4). This post was last edited by GalaxyRed at 2016-8-20 06:54
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On 2016-08-20 07:53:34Show this Author Only
  • GalaxyRed On 2016-08-20 06:49:27
  • I just realized the problem. The summon beast does use the same picture, but only if you select it on the talent page. It has a different look in the Summon menu.

    EDIT: By the way, it might be best to also tell people what order the skills of the characters should go on the team page. It's usually not the same as having their order on the gird (like 1, 2, 3, and 4). This post was last edited by GalaxyRed at 2016-8-20 06:54
you mean what mystery to cast? well, i'll let people to play around to figure that out themselves ;P;P

sometimes it also depends on your opponents formation so there isn't really a specific order, such as the empress build, i would use hinata's when facing a lightning, but karins when facing a fire. Same as the kitchen knife one for the lightning class, if the opponent has a hinata on their team, i wouldnt use his lightning armour mystery the first round etc.

thanks for your suggestion though, my biggest problem is that i'm at my max word limit for all three posts lol http://4.bp.blo*.com/-v7z_C2JrYEQ/UZVbDcOolMI/AAAAAAAAD9I/uyFIcKesiI4/s1600/emoticon-crying-tears-of-joy.png

This post was last edited by moumin at 2016-8-20 07:54
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On 2016-08-20 12:28:49Show this Author Only
I appreciate the effort you have put to share all these team combinations, they helped me and others a lot.

As a fire main, have a question. Konan doesn't unlock in shop at leve 60. Does she unlock at higher level or seal/elite is the only way?

also, need suggestion for nine tail event. I use anko, guy and tenten, and have order so that anko's barries is always on whenever MC makes any attack. However, I am a bit confused about guy/tenten. Ninjutsu does more dmg to kurama, and MC/ankohave all attack based on ninjtsu. so, guy/tenten is the only one using taijutsu attack and they aren't fire typr, so does way less dmg. Tenten buffs crit chance, but thats only for 2 round. i.e half the battle duaration.
Who else do you think can be a good substituion for them? I know iruka/asuma(wb) is anyon'es fav but I dont have them. so please suggest other ninja, preferably fire ninja, since MC passive and anko barrier gives 80% bonus to fire type.
I was thinking about karin/kurenai, but since you can't combo on nine tail, they have little uses there. Tobi will dodge/revive tailed beast bomb, then be only one standing, overall wasting your time. Going for hidan from shop, still dont have enough fragments yet.
I'm so confused about setup. Any advice/suggestion will be appreciated.
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