I appreciate the effort you have put to share all these team combinations, they helped me and others a lot.
As a fire main, have a question. Konan doesn't unlock in shop at leve 60. Does she unlock at higher level or seal/elite is the only way?
also, need suggestion for nine tail event. I use anko, guy and tenten, and have order so that anko's barries is always on whenever MC makes any attack. However, I am a bit confused about guy/tenten. Ninjutsu does more dmg to kurama, and MC/ankohave all attack based on ninjtsu. so, guy/tenten is the only one using taijutsu attack and they aren't fire typr, so does way less dmg. Tenten buffs crit chance, but thats only for 2 round. i.e half the battle duaration.
Who else do you think can be a good substituion for them? I know iruka/asuma(wb) is anyon'es fav but I dont have them. so please suggest other ninja, preferably fire ninja, since MC passive and anko barrier gives 80% bonus to fire type.
I was thinking about karin/kurenai, but since you can't combo on nine tail, they have little uses there. Tobi will dodge/revive tailed beast bomb, then be only one standing, overall wasting your time. Going for hidan from shop, still dont have enough fragments yet.
I'm so confused about setup. Any advice/suggestion will be appreciated.