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[ Strategy Share ] Strategy Collection + Strategy Themes: Mid game team rec (for all classes)


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On 2016-08-16 21:04:58Show this Author Only
Right now I'm using this:

Kakashi, Tobi, Kakashi Clone
Fire Main (23331 Purple Snake Summon), Hinta, Fire Clone

I seem to be doing really well with it. But is there someone I should sub out for Kakashi, if so what summon should I use with the change? Also what about the Sealing Jutsu Seal of Red Lotus? It doesn't have a chase but it's good for control.
This post was last edited by com*** at 2016-8-16 21:17
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On 2016-08-17 05:55:54Show this Author Only
  • On 2016-08-16 21:04:58
  • Right now I'm using this:

    Kakashi, Tobi, Kakashi Clone
    Fire Main (23331 Purple Snake Summon), Hinta, Fire Clone

    I seem to be doing really well with it. But is there someone I should sub out for Kakashi, if so what summon should I use with the change? Also what about the Sealing Jutsu Seal of Red Lotus? It doesn't have a chase but it's good for control.
    This post was last edited by com*** at 2016-8-16 21:17
Hinata must be put in the front column for her protection of the whole team to work. Also i would put your main at a higher moving order because his mystery is an area attack that is more powerful than the others, and since tobis mystery doesn't combo, you can put him last. if you're thinking of using tobi as a tank since he dodges attacks and may be revived, you may try the following formation as well

kakashi main hinata
tobi clone clone
x x x

I don't know what ninjas you have, so can't give you any suggestions on who to sub in for kakashi.
since you have control with your mains standard attack, and also control for kakashi and your mains mystery due to hinatas chase, i would not use the sealing jutsu. i would only recommend you to use it when you have little to no control on your team, and your other 3 ninjas have damage causing mysteries.
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On 2016-08-17 10:29:49Show this Author Only
Two questions. 1) What do you mean Tobi's Mastery doesn't combo? He causes a 6-7 chain combo. 2) Are you saying placement effects combat order? So the further someone is up the quicker their action is?

Outside the Konaha 12 and other base starters you get in beginning stages I have:

GNW Shino
GNW Kiba
GNW Kankuro

On that note, who should I use for Demon Fox? This post was last edited by com*** at 2016-8-17 10:31 This post was last edited by com*** at 2016-8-17 10:35
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On 2016-08-17 17:17:40Show this Author Only
in empress team, is it okay to switch karin with shizune? i like shizune a lot more
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On 2016-08-17 18:04:45Show this Author Only
Hey Moumin,big fan of your strategies,i was wondering if there are other good teams on wind except the empress one,i feel like the combo is high ,but not tanky enough,after hinata dies the game is pretty much gg
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On 2016-08-17 20:24:25Show this Author Only
  • On 2016-08-17 10:29:49
  • Two questions. 1) What do you mean Tobi's Mastery doesn't combo? He causes a 6-7 chain combo. 2) Are you saying placement effects combat order? So the further someone is up the quicker their action is?

    Outside the Konaha 12 and other base starters you get in beginning stages I have:

    GNW Shino
    GNW Kiba
    GNW Kankuro

    On that note, who should I use for Demon Fox? This post was last edited by com*** at 2016-8-17 10:31 This post was last edited by com*** at 2016-8-17 10:35
oh right sorry i'm mistaken, he doesnt combo in the cn version. well in this case then
tobi x x
kakashi main hinata
x x x

yes of course placement affects combat order, they attack/cast mystery/launch chase attacks in their moving order, so you want to prioritize your stronger mysteries and ideally those w/ controlling chases attacks and a lower mystery cd by placing them for "move 1" or "move2." I have a short quide on attacking order here for more details

if you want to you c*e guy for more control, or kankuro for protection in front of your ninjas, and for his area attack w/ conditions.
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On 2016-08-17 20:42:04Show this Author Only
Do you mean Kankuro or GNW Kankuro? What summon should I use for best combos if I use Kankuro over Kakashi? I had no idea about the rest of the information you provided. I appreciate it very much.

With the ninja I have, what set up be best for 9 tails invasion? Again thank you for all the information.
This post was last edited by com*** at 2016-8-17 21:10
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On 2016-08-18 02:30:31Show this Author Only
For ranked battle 55 your allowed 3 teams, does the flower guard and queen's momentum work on just one team or with all 3? I ask because certain ninja's have limit while main character's doesn't really.
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On 2016-08-18 05:40:31Show this Author Only
  • Leesh On 2016-08-17 17:17:40
  • in empress team, is it okay to switch karin with shizune? i like shizune a lot more
sure, but the thing is shizune does not have standard attacks, where as karin both heals and attacks, and her posion chase attack helps with poision stacking
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On 2016-08-18 05:45:29Show this Author Only
  • xRMKx On 2016-08-17 18:04:45
  • Hey Moumin,big fan of your strategies,i was wondering if there are other good teams on wind except the empress one,i feel like the combo is high ,but not tanky enough,after hinata dies the game is pretty much gg
i find it more difficult to form teams with the wind class for mid stages because of the lack of available ninjas, there are def other wind teams but they require a lot of ninjas that are very rare and often requires lots of coupons/ingots to obtain, so for now i don't have any other wind teams for rec.

or you may also try the alt version of the empress team with chikushodo and konan
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On 2016-08-18 05:56:48Show this Author Only
  • On 2016-08-17 20:42:04
  • Do you mean Kankuro or GNW Kankuro? What summon should I use for best combos if I use Kankuro over Kakashi? I had no idea about the rest of the information you provided. I appreciate it very much.

    With the ninja I have, what set up be best for 9 tails invasion? Again thank you for all the information.
    This post was last edited by com*** at 2016-8-17 21:10
gnw kankuro, the gnw version for most ninjas is better, use white ape for your summon
here is a simulator that you can play around with to see the combos of your team
combo simulator

for the fire class use anko for her barrier, shurado when you have him in the future,
for now any ninja w/ damage causing mystery is fine because you can't cause status to kyuubi, therefore you cannot chase for most time

guy would be good for taijutsu buff, and bring tonton as summon
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On 2016-08-18 05:57:54Show this Author Only
  • On 2016-08-18 02:30:31
  • For ranked battle 55 your allowed 3 teams, does the flower guard and queen's momentum work on just one team or with all 3? I ask because certain ninja's have limit while main character's doesn't really.
just one team
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On 2016-08-18 09:47:08Show this Author Only
  • moumin On 2016-08-18 05:56:48
  • gnw kankuro, the gnw version for most ninjas is better, use white ape for your summon
    here is a simulator that you can play around with to see the combos of your team
    combo simulator

    for the fire class use anko for her barrier, shurado when you have him in the future,
    for now any ninja w/ damage causing mystery is fine because you can't cause status to kyuubi, therefore you cannot chase for most time

    guy would be good for taijutsu buff, and bring tonton as summon
I have no idea how to use that simulator lol. I was able to get the ninja, skills and summon selected but had no clue what to do from there. One of the *ons I clicked completely changed my formation and team.
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On 2016-08-18 10:21:03Show this Author Only
that's basically all you have to do
1) choose your class, or select the last one for forming a team w/o your main (ranked battle)
2) choose your talents
3)drag ninjas that you want to place on your team in
4)you will then be able to see your highest combo
5) you can see the combos made by your ninjas and their chase attacks
6)choose your summoning
7) if your combo is not very high, try again then with different ninjas, and talents (chase and normal attacks)

try to play around with it, it helps a lot w/ team formation especially when you get new ninjas, for ranked battle, and for ninja exams etc, i still use it whenever i change my team.

there may be a few slight errors though because the ninja skills of the eng version are a little different, but in general it helps a lot This post was last edited by moumin at 2016-8-18 10:25
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On 2016-08-18 10:28:39Show this Author Only
  • On 2016-08-18 09:47:08
  • I have no idea how to use that simulator lol. I was able to get the ninja, skills and summon selected but had no clue what to do from there. One of the *ons I clicked completely changed my formation and team.
sorry forgot to quote you, don't know how to fix it
http://4.bp.blo*.com/-v7z_C2JrYEQ/UZVbDcOolMI/AAAAAAAAD9I/uyFIcKesiI4/s1600/emoticon-crying-tears-of-joy.png please see above
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On 2016-08-18 12:16:30Show this Author Only
  • moumin On 2016-08-18 05:45:29
  • i find it more difficult to form teams with the wind class for mid stages because of the lack of available ninjas, there are def other wind teams but they require a lot of ninjas that are very rare and often requires lots of coupons/ingots to obtain, so for now i don't have any other wind teams for rec.

    or you may also try the alt version of the empress team with chikushodo and konan
Thanks moumin,I am at lvl 60 atm and i will unlock chiyo and others pretty soon so no problem bout the ninjas :)) i will try Konan and Chikushodo as soon as i can ,thanks alot :)
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On 2016-08-18 15:43:13Show this Author Only
Are you immune to interruption if you have the Root of Warrior skill?
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On 2016-08-18 21:55:18Show this Author Only
Moumin, could u give me some advices for my line-up and talent as well.. i'm confusing and don't know what should i choose, lol
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On 2016-08-19 07:40:18Show this Author Only
  • richrasta On 2016-08-18 15:43:13
  • Are you immune to interruption if you have the Root of Warrior skill?
interruption is not exactly a condition, so no.
also you can still control them and cancel their mystery, it's just that the condition wouldn't last,
so it's more of a counter for the fire class that focuses on the ignition status, and the poison of the water class
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On 2016-08-19 07:47:28Show this Author Only
  • LeeKull On 2016-08-18 21:55:18
  • Moumin, could u give me some advices for my line-up and talent as well.. i'm confusing and don't know what should i choose, lol
your current team works just fine, pretty balanced i would say
i would move your fire main behind hinata though, because kakashis clone is not tanky enough for protection. it's ok to have kankuros puppet summoned on the other row since it helps to disperse your enemys attacks. other than that it's good c; has control, tank, area attack and conditions

for talents use (left 1 mid 2 right 3) 2332, if you have yet to unlock feather illusion, the normal taijutsu attack is fine too.
Quicky Post

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