Since you have Tenten already, go for Ningendo. Yes, you can farm him in 80 elite but that will take you over a month to get him. Plus, Tenten will get buff later so this version isn't that good, i mean she has a lot of disadvantages. She's spec is 60, so she can't do nothing by 3rd round and by that she can easily be killed. Of course, other option is to put some ninjas that can somehow give you chakra so she can cast 2nd round. On the other side, Ningedo works with a lot of different teams and he doesn't depend with other Pains. And he has a lot of cc, both from his spec and his chase. And Tenten will be added later in shops and as a monthly ninja.
Of course if you have a team for her for a long run, you can get her 4*, but 3* isn't bad either. This post was last edited by PervySage at 2016-11-11 12:56