This is a question with a suggestion: the thing is that every time i change my battle formation, my power change because the eigth gates are link to the formation; and i find this unconvinient; because i select my gate runes specifically for my main character. And sorry if im offend someone but; i think is * that the gates change just because at the begining the stat boost my main character that originally was in the position 2 change just because now is position 1 or 3 of the formation; make him weaker. Now if i use the same formation every time this wasn´t a problem for me, but at the time that i do ninja exams or strong approching usually everyone change formation or ninjas and at that moment i want that power bosst in the right stats, in the right ninja. If you can make that at least the gates of the main character don´t change that will be excelent. If this was programmed that way from the begining, i will just adapt to this minor tedious issue. Thanks for reading.:)