Hello, I'm Kisame from S36 and I will be showing a comp that can be used to clear SA Hanzo difficult level for f2p.
I cleared it at level 79 with 27k+ power.
This team comp relies on Yamato barrier to pass Shizune and Karin so keep in mind to have it up when Shizune/Karin wave comes in.
Round 1
- Like any other guide just minimize the damage you take and kill them as fast as possible.
- Make sure to have 2 clones up and Yamato barrier up going into the 2nd round.- Also wait for the poison from the enemy first before summoning the clones.
Round 2
- Here you need your Earth main to double attack either Yamato, Kakashi or Clones.
- Yamato should have his barrier up by now and will set off with the combo. (7 hits+Yamato auto = 8 hits).
- Summon Kabuto clones to make it 4. (4 hits)
- Now we have Kakashi auto which will make it up to 13 hits + double attack from either clones/Yamato/Kakashi = 14 hits overall.
- After the whole sequence plays out, cancel Shizune poison with earth main and use Kakashi mystery.
Round 3
- This is basically like round 2, just have 4 clones, Yamato barrier and Earth MC to double attack either clones/Yamato/Kakashi.
Round 4
- Should be easy from now on, cast whatever mystery is available.
- Cancel Jiraiya mystery on second round and everything plays out easily here.
Round 5
- Use w/e you want but save Earth MC cancel for round 3.
And that's it!
Pretty easy but you will fail it a bit until you get the knack for it.
This post was last edited by 102***@facebook at 2016-11-9 21:12
This post was last edited by 102***@facebook at 2016-11-9 21:14