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[ Ninja Exam ] Ninja Exam 100 [Earth Main + Kankuro] General Strategy


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-11-09 16:16:04Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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First off, this is a General Strategy guide. Unless you are lucky enough to have all the resources I do, you will have to come up with your own lineup. Doing this Exam on Earth Main is EXTREMELY difficult because you have no Control abilities and therefore you need to rely on your other ninjas unlike Fire or Water Mains. That being said here are the Requirements if you want to use my lineup:

1) Pain - Ningendo
2) Kankuro GNW
3) Dog of Hell Summon 4) A little bit of luck

Really this build is based off my 'Showstopper' lineup which allows Double Immobile or Immobile on 2 different Targets.


28k Power FTW.

Round by Round Moves

Note all Targets and Names are based on Exam Names even though Fourth is Namikaze Minato. This is to avoid confusion.
Round 1:
-Pray that Fourth/Minato gets the Blind that is Reflected by Ningendo, if not Use Hinata's Mystery after Second/Tobirama attacks.
-Your Kankuro should stop First/Hashirama before his Barrier goes off, from here on he will not be able to do anything because of Ningendo's Immobile will always be triggered from Kankuro's combo if you do it right. This will allow you to receive 40% less damage........ technically.

Round 2:
-Use Ningendo on Fourth and get him Chaos. If Chaos does not land, you may want to retreat but you can push on if Hinata is tanky enough. If you 100% can't get Chaos to land, try refining your equipment more or give the most refined equipment to Ningendo. Either way, Fourth MUST be under Acupuncture at this point.
-Use Earth Main Mystery on Second. This is to mitigate damage. If you believe your Earth Main can tank a lot more damage than mine, go ahead and use your Kankuro's Mystery instead. But let me warn you, Third/Hiruzen crits A LOT so it is recommended to use Earth Main Mystery this round.

Round 3:
-Depending on what you have used in Round 2, either use Earth Main Msytery or Kankuro on Second, this should Acupuncture him but MUST stop his Mystery otherwise you will be wiped.
-If Fourth was Blinded in Round 1, your Hinata Mystery can be used this round if you feel like you need it.

Round 4:
-Most of their buffs are gone this round.
-Alternating between your Earth Main Mystery and Kankuro's Mystery, use either one on Third now to Acupuncture him.
-If your Hinata used her Mystery in Round 1 it will be Available here. Use if needed.
-If you did not land your Acupuncture on Fourth, you will probably take a lot of damage on 1 Ninja, no worries it SHOULD be a single target Rasengan. (P.S. Tell me if it's not)

Round 5 and Above:
-Use whatever Mystery you have on Fourth, they should all be low at this point. The Combo will Acupuncture him again. If it doesn't your whole team is taking a Rasengan to the face. (Again it SHOULD be another Team Rasengan. But either way just stop him because he's dangerous.) The Fourth should be under Chaos because the cooldown for Ningendo will be over this round.

If you did everything right, you should clear this in Round 6/7 with only Hinata dead.

General Strategy

The Main parts of this build that leads to success are these:

A) Stop Hashirama/First
40% bonus on top of 4k damage is NOT a joke. It is a nightmare. If you let him get that barrier up you better * well hope you have a * ton of health and defensive stats. Or a really good Hinata. To stop him, you need either Acupuncture, Immobile or just plain Interrupt. Best case is having Naruto/Kankuro in Move 2 so you can start an acupuncture combo on him. Another method is having another barrier user at Move 3 or 4. You may not believe it but you will see a great difference in how long you can survive without that barrier up. Especially against crits.

B) Damage Dodging/Prevention
Because you sure can't tank damage forever, especially from the likes of Namikaze Minato/Fourth. The Fourth has 2 Mysteries AND 2 Standard attacks as well as a Chase 10. 1 is a Regular Mystery you read about all the time: if target is tagged, explodes the team. The other mystery........just explodes the team without the tag requirement and then tags everyone anyway. How do I know this? Because I immobiled his first Rasengan and then next round he had another that slammed my team; Third was on cleanup duty that round. You do not want that.
Having Hinata to Tank Damage and Acupuncture them is a very useful tool. On the other hand, having Zabuza will prevent everyone except the Second from using their Standard attacks which should buy you some time. Having Tendo or Kimimaro may help inprove your chances but Fourth has 2 Attacks and the Middle row is pretty much a kill zone.

C) 2 Combos, 1 Certain Combo
Since you aren't a Water Main who have Immobile or a Fire Main that can instantly Sleep, you need 2 Combos. 1 Combo needs to have a Certain combo, like Naruto or Kankuro. This is because these ninjas are generally not affected by Enma's Taunt passive. This way you can keep First/Hashirama under control. The second combo will focus on creating acupuncture being initiated by your Mystery in order to target and neutralize the Hokages' Mysteries.

D) Damage over Time
These guys are much too tough for you to burst down especially with their resistance buff from Fourth and Enma blocking your way. That is why a Stall tactic from an Earth Main is pretty much the only way for a low power to clear it. And for it to work, you need a good Damage over Time effect like Poison or constant Ignite every round. Following the above point, GNW Kankuro is practically the best choice for this Exam.


-For one, do not be afraid to NOT bring a Healer. Dodging damage and reducing it is much more important especially when underpowered.
-If you have a super tanky clone like Zabuza's like maybe Sage Naruto, it will DEFINITELY help.

Recommended Ninjas
-Hinata (2 Star+) ***
-GNW Kankuro/ Kankuro 3 Stars ***
-Pain Ningendo ***
-Zabuza (3 Star)
-Naruto (Any 3 Star+)
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-09 17:52:54Show this Author Only
Hello...can you help me with level 95 ninja exam? i can't get pass it right now...i'm currently lvl 79 with 27k++ BP...using Earth main, Ningendo, Kabuto, and Sasuke as my main team...only Ningendo is 3 stars...other 3 are 5 stars...really appreciate it if you can help me out...
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-02-05 01:07:09Show this Author Only
  • S-143<UchihaMin On 2017-01-09 17:52:54
  • Hello...can you help me with level 95 ninja exam? i can't get pass it right now...i'm currently lvl 79 with 27k++ BP...using Earth main, Ningendo, Kabuto, and Sasuke as my main team...only Ningendo is 3 stars...other 3 are 5 stars...really appreciate it if you can help me out...
Yo idk if you have done it here but here is some help for you.

Follow the instructions given in the video and check out my reply to that post on page 2 it will be more helpful with the formation in the video
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