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[ Player Guide ] Naruto Online Status Dictionary 2.0


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On 2016-11-08 19:32:00Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Hello guys so i wanted to make a dictionary for beginners that has no clue about the status effects and some way to get a understanding of this game but also be able to making teams. If it is some information that i might have missed or if i am not clear with my text since english is not my mother tounge.However i hope you guys will like this peace. :D
Note: I did some changes and maked this more updated for 2.0

Poison = The enemy becomes poisoned and takes damage for 3 rounds during the end of the game round.
Ignite = The enemy becomes burned and takes damage for 1 round during the end of the Round. But also Ignite makes the enemy losing their Debuff for the next round.
Debuff = An Debuff is a form of a status "bad status". Let say for an example Poison or Ignite which is a status that has the effect to do additional damage towards your charakter or charakters.
Paralyze = When the opponent becomes paralyzed it stops the enemies Chase patters. In other words it stops character from performing combos or following an attack combo for 1 round.
Blind = When a character becomes blind which means they can´t use their standard attacks for 1 round.
Immobile = A form of a stun attack that both cancel out a mystery skill and standard attack for 1 or 2 rounds.
Chaos = Chaos is also one type of stun but the difference from immobile is that chaos makes the opponent or opponent’s character attack their own teammates. However chaos like immobile stops mystery skill and standard.Also chaos goes off after 1 or 2 rounds.
Tag = Tag is a form debuff that has the ability to reduce the opponents defence and resistance. But also has the potential to trigger addional effects on some jutsu. Also attacks makes 30% more damadge towards that target.This can get stacked from 1 round to 2 rounds. Sleeping = Sleeping is a form of stun that prevents the opponent from using mystery skill and standard attack. However physical attacks can wake the opponent up and the sleeping effect normaly last 1 or 2 rounds.
Acupuncture = It is a form of an attack that stops the enemy from using mystery skill for 3 rounds.
Interruption = It is a form of an attack that stops the enemy from using mystery skill however some charakters can ignore this form of interuption like Ao for example.

Slow = Makes the enemy to cast their mystery much later on the round and also affects for 3 rounds.
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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-11-08 20:40:19Show this Author Only
Acupuncture and Iterruption = same description.. u could just go for "acupuncture/interruption ="
Sadly you are wrong, interruption may sometimes not work as some skills are immune to interruption.
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On 2016-11-08 20:43:19Show this Author Only
  • Ormazd-Sama On 2016-11-08 20:40:19
  • Acupuncture and Iterruption = same description.. u could just go for "acupuncture/interruption ="
    Sadly you are wrong, interruption may sometimes not work as some skills are immune to interruption.
Interruption through the word itself only interrupts the charging mystery. Acupuncture on the other hand prevents enemies to use skill for 3 rounds. Thats the difference.
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On 2016-11-08 20:47:58Show this Author Only
  • Sanamabits On 2016-11-08 20:43:19
  • Interruption through the word itself only interrupts the charging mystery. Acupuncture on the other hand prevents enemies to use skill for 3 rounds. Thats the difference.
Dosent that only occur with hinata i mean if u check at Neji war it says his Acupuncture is only for 1 round.
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On 2016-11-08 20:52:56Show this Author Only
  • Deisuke1234 On 2016-11-08 20:47:58
  • Dosent that only occur with hinata i mean if u check at Neji war it says his Acupuncture is only for 1 round.
After using mystery skill of GNW Neji, his own evasion rate increases by 20% for one round.
Acupuncture stays there for 3 rounds if you are unlucky enough to not have healer in ur team :D
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On 2016-11-08 20:58:24Show this Author Only
  • Deisuke1234 On 2016-11-08 20:47:58
  • Dosent that only occur with hinata i mean if u check at Neji war it says his Acupuncture is only for 1 round.
His chase acupuncture stays for 3 rounds.
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On 2016-11-09 06:39:22Show this Author Only
Should also add that Ignite prevents healing on the target
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On 2016-11-09 07:33:49Show this Author Only
You care if I post this in Spanish and give you credit?
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On 2016-11-09 08:19:31Show this Author Only
Huh, I always thought that poison/ignition applied at beginning of round. There is no practical difference most of the time, but might affect interaction between ignite and begin-of-round-self-heal ninjas. It also might affect death-by-DoT oorochi/hidan rez timing. Can someone check and verify?

Sleep can be awaken by an attack, I'm not sure if it last shorter than the other stuns thou if not awakened by attacks.
Stun in general have an odd duration. Specifically, IF the target have NOT performed his normal attack YET, then it will end at end of round.
Otherwise, it will end it the end of NEXT round. This means if you are using fire main, it's best to use his stun on a char in the middle of turn as opposed to start(unless you need to interrupt an enemy mystery with it)
Fairly sure that paralysis works the same way, thou usually those are applied at beginning of turn so the enemy can't do a mystery chase chain, so the extra round thing is rarely seen.
Furthermore, all stuns also prevent chase skills from being used, this was not mentioned.

It is worthy to note that acupuncture carries an interrupt within it. This is important when the acupuncture itself is reflected or the target is immune to status effect, the skill will be interrupted nevertheless. I have not, however, tested if you have Hidan, who is immune to interrupt, on a team with Kurenai or fire main, who can reflect the status and what happens when Hidan get acupuncture. Because I know that acupuncture that *S will stop his skill, as he is only immune to interrupt, but if the acupuncture doesn't *, I don't know if his skill will be stopped. (note not *ing is DIFFERENT than *ing then get removed)

on a side note, chaos on a ninja that doesn't have a regular attack can be quite interesting....
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On 2016-11-09 17:59:59Show this Author Only
Here's a bit of info you can add to the list:

A) Turns: Turns are usually when the ninja is set to make a Standard attack during that Round. It is based on Move Order. If your ninja's turn is up, they will make a standard attack. Note that TURNS are Different from ROUNDS. Turns are Part of the Round. Example: 4 Ninjas in your team, Turn 1 calls Move 1 ninja to attack if you have Higher Initiative than Enemy's Move 1. Turn 2 calls Enemy Move 1 Ninja to attack if they have Lower Initiative than your Move 1. Turn 3 and above follows this pattern. Note: A lower Move Order Ninja like a Move 2 Ninja can NEVER beat a Move 1 Ninja in terms of Speed. Turn order does not affect when you c*e Mysteries. However if a turn has passed, any Non- Mystery will consume the current round's chakra and can only be casted next Round when their Turn is up again.
1) Acupuncture : It revents Ninja from using their Mystery for 3 Rounds starting from when it was applied. Example: Acupuncture used on Round 1, the Acupuncture will run out when it hits Round 4. Thus Mystery can be used in Round 4 unless duration has been refreshed. Lower Debuff Removal Priority than Immobile or Sleep and possibly Paralyze and Blind.

2) Poison : Lasts 3 Rounds and does damage at the end of those rounds. It can be stacked to increase damage and refresh the duration. Example: Applied Poison in Round 1, Will do Damage in at ends of Round 1, 2 and 3 and will disappear at start of Round 4. If Reapplied on round 3, it will refresh the duration and do more damage during Rounds 3, 4 and 5 then run out at 6 unless process is repeated. It has lower debuff removal priority th*l disables and usually lower than Ignite unless you stacked enough poison then it will take precedence.

3) Ignite : Prevents healing from taking place until removed and deals damage at the end of the round. Usually lasts 1 round except in special ninja (mostly higher tier Uchihas) that can last up till 3 rounds until removed. Has lower Debuff Removal Priority th*l disables and usually has higher priority than Poison unless Poison is stacked.
4) Paralyze : It prevents Ninja from using Chase Skill until removed or cleared automatically a round after the turn has passed. Example: Sakura can Chase Repulse and then Cause High Float from it, but she's paralyzed; The Enemy is Repulsed but nothing happens unless you have another Ninja that can Chase Repulse that isn't Paralyzed. For more information, read guides on Chase Skill. If applied AFTER a ninja's turn has been made, will last until next round if not removed. Has lower Debuff Removal Priority than most other disables.

5) Blind : Ninjas cannot use Standard attacks BUT c*e Chase Skill and Mystery. When Blind is Removed, they can still attack during THAT ROUND so long as their turn hasn't been used. Example: Ninja is Blinded Round 2 before Standard Attack; Blind is Removed During Round 2; Ninja uses his Standard Attack During Round 2. If Applied AFTER a turn has been made, will last until next round unless removed. Has higher Debuff Removal Priority than Ignite or Poison but lower than most other disables.

6) Immobile : Ninjas cannot make any action including Mystery or Chase for 1 Turn until removed. Once turn has passed, cannot get standard attack back via debuff removal and turn will be consumed. Example: Immobile Applied Round 1 on a Move 4 Ninja; Move 3 healer removes Immobile During Round 1; Move 4 Ninja is allowed to use Standard Attack. Example 2: Immobile Applied Round 1 on Move 1 Ninja; Move 3 Healer Removes Immobile During Round 1; Move 1 Ninja is NOT allowed to use Standard attack. If Applied after a standard attack, will carry on to next round unless removed. Has highest Debuff removal priority alongside Sleep and Chaos. Cannot be stacked with Chaos or Sleep. Whichever is applied last will be dominant.

7) Chaos : Chaos makes Ninjas use Single Target Standard Attacks against a random body on their team for 1 turn and also acts like Immobile. If ninja does not have a valid standard attack such as Healing Standard Attack or Multiple Body Standard Attack (Kabuto and Choji are good Examples) they will not take any action and acts like Immobile. Just like Immobile, while it is applied they are not allowed to use Mystery or Chase Skill but their Standard attack, if valid, will be used against a random body in your team. This also applies to your entire ranked team, no single target is free to escape traitors. Just like Immobile, if removed before the ninja's turn, they are allowed to take a turn but if applied AFTER they use their turn, will last till next round. A Special Note: If your Standard attack is NOT VALID (Choji Attack, Earth Main Shield), Chaos will act like Blind where removing it while the ninja has not made a Turn, they will be allowed to take a Turn in the same round. Has highest Debuff Removal Priority Alongside Sleep and Immobile. Cannot be stacked with Sleep or Immobile. Whichever is applied last will be dominant.

8) Sleep : Sleep acts exactly like Immobile except for small differences. Refer to immobile for basic info. Sleep can be removed when attacked by any Taijutsu Damage. This includes Hybrid Ninjutsu and Taijutsu Damage. Sleep is NOT removed when ninja is damaged by pure ninjutsu attacks. Sleep has the Highest Debuff Removal Priority Alongside Chaos and immobile. Whichever is applied last will be dominant.

9) Tag : As stated in the Author's post. Lowers your defensive stats by a small amount and allows special Mystery and Effects to happen to Tagged ninjas. Has Lowest Debuff Removal Priority following Ignite and Poison. Unknown how long they last because usually the target dies. Estimated to be 3 rounds as well.

10) Interrupt : This does not fit into the definition of a debuff. During the round, if a mystery is still being cast, will cancel mystery unless immune. Example: Move 4 Kankuro Casts Mystery in Round 2; Move 1 Earth Main Interrupts Kankuro; Move 4 Kankuro Mystery is cancelled. Example 2: Move 1 Gaara Casts Mystery; Move 4 Earth Main attempts to interrupt; Move 1 Gaara uses Mystery and thus is no longer casting; Move 4 Earth Main attacks but is too slow to interrupt and only deals damage. Example 3: Move 1 Hidan casts Non-Prompt Mystery; Move 1 Earth Main Uses Mystery with Interrupt; Earth Main Mystery lands but Hidan's Mystery is immune to Interrupt; Hidan resumes attack with Mystery.

It is possible to pull off an interrupt technique using Acupuncture and Immobile.
Example: Move 1 Hidan Casts Mystery which is technically immune to interrupt; Move 1 Neji Acupunctures Hidan; Hidan's mystery is cancelled since Acupuncture State does not allow Mystery to be Cast.

11) Fire Branding/Imprison? : This debuff when applied causes ninjas that use mystery to take ignite damage when successfully casting their Mystery until removed or disappears after 3 rounds. Duration can be refreshed and damage is only applied when mystery is used. If mystery is cancelled, no damage is taken from Fire branding debuff. Example: Round 2 Kabuto is branded and is casting clones; Enemy Neji acupunctures Kabuto and cancels mystery before clones are spawned; No damage is taken from Fire Branding. Example 2: Kabuto is branded and is casting clones; Clones are successfully casted; Takes ignite damage. Fire branding has the lowest Debuff Removal Priority alongside Tag.

Hope this helps the author and anyone reading it,
P.S. There are some bits of info missing but i'm sure you guys can handle it.

This post was last edited by SIFIcychiller at 2016-11-10 19:30
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On 2016-11-10 01:07:53Show this Author Only
For the record, I believe I've seen Sage Naruto under chaos w/o a clone up summon a clone.
It might be interesting to note that as far as I know, there is only one way to attack out of turn: if the ninja was resurrected after its turn
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On 2016-11-10 08:55:46Show this Author Only
  • PraiseLuka On 2016-11-10 01:07:53
  • For the record, I believe I've seen Sage Naruto under chaos w/o a clone up summon a clone.
    It might be interesting to note that as far as I know, there is only one way to attack out of turn: if the ninja was resurrected after its turn
That is only because their turn hasn't been used. If the ninja got a standard attack off before dying and resurrecting in the same round, they will not attack again, so in a sense Death Debuff is like Blind Debuff but harder to remove.

It is quite interesting about Sage Naruto, since I've never seen regular Naruto do it and I've been testing it in Group Instances with Sage Naruto in them. Might have missed it though.
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On 2016-11-10 16:28:11Show this Author Only
  • Ormazd-Sama On 2016-11-08 20:40:19
  • Acupuncture and Iterruption = same description.. u could just go for "acupuncture/interruption ="
    Sadly you are wrong, interruption may sometimes not work as some skills are immune to interruption.
I think the reason he separated the two is because not all interruption has an acupuncture. In example, Shurado. He interrupts but doesn't acupuncture. Neji, on the other hand, does both. So as the chase skill of Hinata.
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On 2016-11-13 16:40:34Show this Author Only
acupuncture should really read: interrupts then prevents mastery from being used for 3 rounds.
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On 2016-11-14 12:08:12Show this Author Only
  • moneal On 2016-11-13 16:40:34
  • acupuncture should really read: interrupts then prevents mastery from being used for 3 rounds.
There are cases where it interrupts abilities that cannot be interrupted even when they are immune state. So Interrupt wouldn't be a good word to use hahahaha.
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On 2016-11-29 04:02:06Show this Author Only
allright so guys if i got it right what do u want me to change exactly sorry
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On 2016-12-08 08:13:02Show this Author Only
a little bit of something ... A tagged ninja takes 30%more dmg
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On 2016-12-11 23:15:45Show this Author Only
  • SIFIcychiller On 2016-11-09 17:59:59
  • Here's a bit of info you can add to the list:

    A) Turns: Turns are usually when the ninja is set to make a Standard attack during that Round. It is based on Move Order. If your ninja's turn is up, they will make a standard attack. Note that TURNS are Different from ROUNDS. Turns are Part of the Round. Example: 4 Ninjas in your team, Turn 1 calls Move 1 ninja to attack if you have Higher Initiative than Enemy's Move 1. Turn 2 calls Enemy Move 1 Ninja to attack if they have Lower Initiative than your Move 1. Turn 3 and above follows this pattern. Note: A lower Move Order Ninja like a Move 2 Ninja can NEVER beat a Move 1 Ninja in terms of Speed. Turn order does not affect when you c*e Mysteries. However if a turn has passed, any Non- Mystery will consume the current round's chakra and can only be casted next Round when their Turn is up again.
    1) Acupuncture : It revents Ninja from using their Mystery for 3 Rounds starting from when it was applied. Example: Acupuncture used on Round 1, the Acupuncture will run out when it hits Round 4. Thus Mystery can be used in Round 4 unless duration has been refreshed. Lower Debuff Removal Priority than Immobile or Sleep and possibly Paralyze and Blind.

    2) Poison : Lasts 3 Rounds and does damage at the end of those rounds. It can be stacked to increase damage and refresh the duration. Example: Applied Poison in Round 1, Will do Damage in at ends of Round 1, 2 and 3 and will disappear at start of Round 4. If Reapplied on round 3, it will refresh the duration and do more damage during Rounds 3, 4 and 5 then run out at 6 unless process is repeated. It has lower debuff removal priority th*l disables and usually lower than Ignite unless you stacked enough poison then it will take precedence.

    3) Ignite : Prevents healing from taking place until removed and deals damage at the end of the round. Usually lasts 1 round except in special ninja (mostly higher tier Uchihas) that can last up till 3 rounds until removed. Has lower Debuff Removal Priority th*l disables and usually has higher priority than Poison unless Poison is stacked.
    4) Paralyze : It prevents Ninja from using Chase Skill until removed or cleared automatically a round after the turn has passed. Example: Sakura can Chase Repulse and then Cause High Float from it, but she's paralyzed; The Enemy is Repulsed but nothing happens unless you have another Ninja that can Chase Repulse that isn't Paralyzed. For more information, read guides on Chase Skill. If applied AFTER a ninja's turn has been made, will last until next round if not removed. Has lower Debuff Removal Priority than most other disables.

    5) Blind : Ninjas cannot use Standard attacks BUT c*e Chase Skill and Mystery. When Blind is Removed, they can still attack during THAT ROUND so long as their turn hasn't been used. Example: Ninja is Blinded Round 2 before Standard Attack; Blind is Removed During Round 2; Ninja uses his Standard Attack During Round 2. If Applied AFTER a turn has been made, will last until next round unless removed. Has higher Debuff Removal Priority than Ignite or Poison but lower than most other disables.

    6) Immobile : Ninjas cannot make any action including Mystery or Chase for 1 Turn until removed. Once turn has passed, cannot get standard attack back via debuff removal and turn will be consumed. Example: Immobile Applied Round 1 on a Move 4 Ninja; Move 3 healer removes Immobile During Round 1; Move 4 Ninja is allowed to use Standard Attack. Example 2: Immobile Applied Round 1 on Move 1 Ninja; Move 3 Healer Removes Immobile During Round 1; Move 1 Ninja is NOT allowed to use Standard attack. If Applied after a standard attack, will carry on to next round unless removed. Has highest Debuff removal priority alongside Sleep and Chaos. Cannot be stacked with Chaos or Sleep. Whichever is applied last will be dominant.

    7) Chaos : Chaos makes Ninjas use Single Target Standard Attacks against a random body on their team for 1 turn and also acts like Immobile. If ninja does not have a valid standard attack such as Healing Standard Attack or Multiple Body Standard Attack (Kabuto and Choji are good Examples) they will not take any action and acts like Immobile. Just like Immobile, while it is applied they are not allowed to use Mystery or Chase Skill but their Standard attack, if valid, will be used against a random body in your team. This also applies to your entire ranked team, no single target is free to escape traitors. Just like Immobile, if removed before the ninja's turn, they are allowed to take a turn but if applied AFTER they use their turn, will last till next round. A Special Note: If your Standard attack is NOT VALID (Choji Attack, Earth Main Shield), Chaos will act like Blind where removing it while the ninja has not made a Turn, they will be allowed to take a Turn in the same round. Has highest Debuff Removal Priority Alongside Sleep and Immobile. Cannot be stacked with Sleep or Immobile. Whichever is applied last will be dominant.

    8) Sleep : Sleep acts exactly like Immobile except for small differences. Refer to immobile for basic info. Sleep can be removed when attacked by any Taijutsu Damage. This includes Hybrid Ninjutsu and Taijutsu Damage. Sleep is NOT removed when ninja is damaged by pure ninjutsu attacks. Sleep has the Highest Debuff Removal Priority Alongside Chaos and immobile. Whichever is applied last will be dominant.

    9) Tag : As stated in the Author's post. Lowers your defensive stats by a small amount and allows special Mystery and Effects to happen to Tagged ninjas. Has Lowest Debuff Removal Priority following Ignite and Poison. Unknown how long they last because usually the target dies. Estimated to be 3 rounds as well.

    10) Interrupt : This does not fit into the definition of a debuff. During the round, if a mystery is still being cast, will cancel mystery unless immune. Example: Move 4 Kankuro Casts Mystery in Round 2; Move 1 Earth Main Interrupts Kankuro; Move 4 Kankuro Mystery is cancelled. Example 2: Move 1 Gaara Casts Mystery; Move 4 Earth Main attempts to interrupt; Move 1 Gaara uses Mystery and thus is no longer casting; Move 4 Earth Main attacks but is too slow to interrupt and only deals damage. Example 3: Move 1 Hidan casts Non-Prompt Mystery; Move 1 Earth Main Uses Mystery with Interrupt; Earth Main Mystery lands but Hidan's Mystery is immune to Interrupt; Hidan resumes attack with Mystery.

    It is possible to pull off an interrupt technique using Acupuncture and Immobile.
    Example: Move 1 Hidan Casts Mystery which is technically immune to interrupt; Move 1 Neji Acupunctures Hidan; Hidan's mystery is cancelled since Acupuncture State does not allow Mystery to be Cast.

    11) Fire Branding/Imprison? : This debuff when applied causes ninjas that use mystery to take ignite damage when successfully casting their Mystery until removed or disappears after 3 rounds. Duration can be refreshed and damage is only applied when mystery is used. If mystery is cancelled, no damage is taken from Fire branding debuff. Example: Round 2 Kabuto is branded and is casting clones; Enemy Neji acupunctures Kabuto and cancels mystery before clones are spawned; No damage is taken from Fire Branding. Example 2: Kabuto is branded and is casting clones; Clones are successfully casted; Takes ignite damage. Fire branding has the lowest Debuff Removal Priority alongside Tag.

    Hope this helps the author and anyone reading it,
    P.S. There are some bits of info missing but i'm sure you guys can handle it.

    This post was last edited by SIFIcychiller at 2016-11-10 19:30
Excelent guide.
11. Imprison: take damage on mistery, only if mistery costs chakra, if it is 0 cost, then no damage is taken.
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On 2016-12-16 11:07:53Show this Author Only
So, if fire main uses his immobile mystery on turn 1, can my turn 1 ninja use mystery at the beginning of turn 2?
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On 2016-12-18 02:56:43Show this Author Only
idk i dont think so unless u remove that debuff of somehow
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