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[ Bugs ] Ninja Exam Lvl 95


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-11-05 05:53:52Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Not sure if this is an inherent design flaw, a known bug, or an on-purpose difficulty feature, but the Ninja Exam Level 95 has been irking me for quite some time, because it's completely a matter of luck whether or not you can beat it, due to the characters randomly being able to "resist" status effects, despite not doing so again for at least dozen subsequent runs.

Primarily the problem I have is with Kakashi and Asuma randomly being able to ignore Acupuncture and Immobile, despite being hit with them and Kurenai's ability already having been triggered.
i.e., Scarlet Blaze Clone hits Asuma for Repulse, Hinata chases Repulse into Knockdown + Acupuncture, and then Asuma can still use Chakra Blade on the next turn.Or the Kakashi clone dies, and Kakashi gets hit wtih the Sleeping attack from Scarlet Blaze, then ignores the effect at the start of the next turn and uses his Fanged Pursuit jutsu.

Is this done on purpose to just make the fight harder, or can we actually have an understanding as to why the characters are able to do that?

This post was last edited by 101***@facebook at 2016-11-5 05:56
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-11-05 05:57:13Show this Author Only
It has to do with your control and the control of the opponent as to why it won't *. If you don't have high control on the opponent, then it will be less likely to land on them.
Quicky Post

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