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[ Suggestions ] Chapter 7, Life Threatening Battle Blue Seal Fight


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-11-04 20:31:09Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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The developers need to exampine the blue seal battle of Chapter Seven Life Threatening Battle... I think they made an error, and if they didn't, they need to re-examine it anyway, because they brutally misjudged the difficulty of the battle, if they did it that way intentionally.

I have had people tell me that 25,000 power is barely enough to beat that fight when you are lucky, there are 6 enemies, broken into 2 groups of 2, with each multi-target high damage output attacks (except for hiden who has an uninterruptable death attack), 3 independant Chakra pools, multi-chain chases, immunity to status effects, attack effects that cause accupuncture and paralasys, and the way they are divided up, the most damaging of all the enemies aren't even the ones you can focus your first round of primary attacks on...

This is, by intention or a accident, extremely poor game design, i realize that the battle is supposed to be challenging, as its a "Difficult battle" in the instance but i haven't encountered any other "difficult battle" in the game, that has been so disproportionatately OP compaired to the rest of the battles in the instance...

And if anybody comes here and tells me they beat that battle with less then 23500 power (Which is the ABSOLUTE lowest that i have EVER seen anybody claim to beat that), you are a liar, and you need to have your larnix and fingers surgically removed...

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On 2016-11-04 23:47:50Show this Author Only
I beat it as 22k~, a lot of my group mates beat it 20k~ cause we told them what to do. Maybe you should have spent the time writing this using search function to find a guide, because there is a a lot already with screenshots or videos of people beating it under 25k.
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On 2016-11-05 00:00:17Show this Author Only
u dont know how to play :)
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On 2016-11-05 01:53:37Show this Author Only

This post was last edited by Skreedhun. at 2016-11-5 02:04
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On 2016-11-05 02:23:22Show this Author Only
i beat it under 18k


it can be done with less
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On 2016-11-05 02:24:29Show this Author Only
i bit it when i was around 19.5k power, the difficulty is there because the reward is 80 cuppons.

if you are having such difficulty i will make it easy and link this topic with strategies for almost if not all main classes
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On 2016-11-05 03:56:39Show this Author Only
The blue battles were supposed to be hard, according to the pop up. The fact that most blue battle can be brute forced easily instead of using some specialized team at the minimal level required to enter the instance is the REAL problem.

Personally, as I had no immediate need for coupon and that's all it really gives (other than an equipment upgrade mat that I can't sweep for as a result but I had no use for it because the game refuse to drop sages for me, I've cleared 80 for about 2 month now, only 2 drop. wth game! /endrant), so I delayed until I leveled up a bit more, I think I beat it 2 levels later or so easily w/o using any special team, probably around 23/24k at the time. And yes, there are special tactics that focus on interrupt etc that will pass it even earlier. There is nothing wrong with it.
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On 2016-11-06 05:32:56Show this Author Only

it is all about your play style, ninjas and their abilities. It is not impossible to beat with right team.
Quicky Post

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