Ok, so I wasn't entirely sure what topic to put this under.
I had a battle with another player who's team consisted of a Crimson Fist, Pain - Ningendo, Pain - Gakido, and Pain - Tendo. I've battled this player (or this lineup, anyway) multiple times, and I've noticed that one of my ninjas would become immobilized during this person's chase/combo every time. I've looked over all of the ninjas multiple times, and I can't seem to find where the immobilizing is coming from. The earth main only has one chase that can create a debuff, which is ignition. I know that Ningendo can cause Chaos, but only through his mystery; his chase does not state any debuffs happening. I'm also aware that Ningendo can reflect one debuff, but my own chase/combo does not have immobile. Gakido does not create any debuffs, but removes them through his mystery. Again, his chase does not list any kind of debuffs. Tendo can create accupuncture in one of his chases, but does not create any other debuffs from his other chase.
I know that I'm not mistaking the immobile for accupuncture. As the status effects cycle on the effected ninja, I'll see the ninja be a blue tint for the accupuncture, but then a black tint for immobile. Also, the effected ninja will not use his or her standard attack, which is relevant to the immobile debuff, and not accupuncture.
Am I missing something? Is there a debuff missing from the description of one of these ninjas? Is it something that's not supposed to be happening? Is it some secret passive that is created when three Pain ninjas are put together?