Source: Events | Elite Instance Level 60, 50, 40

Mystery: Living Wall Fist - Style Zero - Creates a shield that can interrupt a skill, then the shield disappears. In the next round, if the shield is eliminated, it will cause Taijutsu damage to the entire enemy's lineup, causing also Knockdown to a selected enemy.~Cooling Time: 3 Rounds~Battlefield Cooldown: 0 Round~Chakra Use: 20~Additional Status: Knockdown
Standard: Taijutsu Attack - Attacks the front enemy and has a chance of a Triple Combo and Low Float.
Chase: Living Wall Fist - Pressure Increase - Chase and Attack the Repulsed enemy and cause Knockdown.
Passive: Bloodthirsty - If one enemy individual is killed by a standard attack, Jugo will have one extra action.
Passive: The Power Of Curse Tag - At the beginning of a combat, increase Taijutsu Attack and Ninjutsu of all "Curse Tag" units in the team, and apply a shield ba
sed on your own resistance.
Opinion: Best with curse tag team | Front line ninja
*Please leave a comment with your thoughts about the ninja.
This post was last edited by Sanamabits at 2016-10-27 21:22