I've seen a lot of discussion about the more "meta" or "better" characters such as Hinata, Tobi, et cetera.
But what about the other end of the spectrum - the "less useful" or "outclassed" characters? Who do you think isn't worth cultivating right now? And is there anyone who's too overspecialized to be useful?
**Updated to add everyone else's opinions.**
Shizune - kinda feels midway between Sakura and Karin, but is outclassed by both.
Shikamaru - useful in certain situations (like a Fire main disruption team), but less useful in general due to a lack of damage
Ino - chaos is good, but compatibility is severely limited due to the lack of solid chases
Choji - outclassed by Hinata and Choza - the self heal, heal buffs, and full-column attack don't really make up for it
Shino - no chases. Standard attack interruption isn't as useful as it sounds, and the chakra stealing doesn't seem that useful (in my opinion). Apparently outclassed by Kisame.
Asuma - while he can dish out some damage, he's easily replaceable by others
Kakuzu - too squishy
Kisame - too squishy and easily countered, apparently
Enma - good in theory, but bad in pvp. rip harambe (oh yes I did...)
Zabuza - his mystery can be really detrimental if you have the wrong team, and his tankiness doesn't make up for it
Konohamaru and Co - joke characters, just for funzies
Boy Obito - apparently also a joke character...
*Note that 95% of the GNW ninjas outclass their regular counterparts.*
Yeah...any thoughts?
This post was last edited by Dosu at 2016-10-30 01:19