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[ Ninja Profile ] Completely outclassed characters?


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-10-27 11:23:39Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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I've seen a lot of discussion about the more "meta" or "better" characters such as Hinata, Tobi, et cetera.

But what about the other end of the spectrum - the "less useful" or "outclassed" characters? Who do you think isn't worth cultivating right now? And is there anyone who's too overspecialized to be useful?

**Updated to add everyone else's opinions.**
Shizune - kinda feels midway between Sakura and Karin, but is outclassed by both.
Shikamaru - useful in certain situations (like a Fire main disruption team), but less useful in general due to a lack of damage
Ino - chaos is good, but compatibility is severely limited due to the lack of solid chases
Choji - outclassed by Hinata and Choza - the self heal, heal buffs, and full-column attack don't really make up for it
Shino - no chases. Standard attack interruption isn't as useful as it sounds, and the chakra stealing doesn't seem that useful (in my opinion). Apparently outclassed by Kisame.
Asuma - while he can dish out some damage, he's easily replaceable by others
Kakuzu - too squishy
Kisame - too squishy and easily countered, apparently
Enma - good in theory, but bad in pvp. rip harambe (oh yes I did...)
Zabuza - his mystery can be really detrimental if you have the wrong team, and his tankiness doesn't make up for it
Konohamaru and Co - joke characters, just for funzies
Boy Obito - apparently also a joke character...

*Note that 95% of the GNW ninjas outclass their regular counterparts.*

Yeah...any thoughts?

This post was last edited by Dosu at 2016-10-30 01:19
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On 2016-10-27 11:28:17Show this Author Only
Enma, enough said lol
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-10-27 11:36:56Show this Author Only
well here are my opinions on Useless ninjas ATM:

Shikamaru ( tho only the normal one )
Ino ( also only the normalone )
Shizune ( #whorsthealinthegame )
Kisame (for real he is the whorst ... unless your oponent is AFK and not on auto ...he is just bad )
Shino ( normal one )
Zabuza ( talking about normal zabu, tho he is a loot better than kisame and his clone actualy tanks his mistery only makes him usable in very special teams ... and those aremost of the time not able to compete in pvp )
Enma ( nice in theory ... but just bad in pvp )
Konohamaru and konohamaru corps ( - fanservice characters corps usable for trollteams but just bad )
Asuma ( normal one - he actualy does decent dmg and has a useable chase ...but other f2p characters replace him easily )
Kakuzu ( to squishy for pvp )
Obito ( another fanservice character ... taht has n place in pvp)
Kiba ( if you ever thinkin about using Kiba ...just use GNW kiba )
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On 2016-10-27 11:37:14Show this Author Only
  • Dragonfire14 On 2016-10-27 11:28:17
  • Enma, enough said lol
Totally with this. I even got laughed at when the reward ticker told my whole server I had just gotten him. Thanks guys!
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On 2016-10-27 11:38:40Show this Author Only
Ino is actually used in a ton of F2P ninja exam teams
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On 2016-10-27 12:37:16Show this Author Only
Shizune - She is currently outclassed by healers such as the Water MC and Karin.

Shikamaru - He is very, very useful in certain teams like with the Fire MC for a straight-out control team.

Ino - It seems she is only useful when pitted with Shikamaru and is weak compared to the other healers.

Choji - Chozu just dominates his son in every way.

Shino - Kisame outclasses Shino unfortunately. However, GNW Shino is a great replacement.

Some of my 2 cents.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-10-27 14:47:16Show this Author Only
Konohamaru corps sadly. I always use them in GNW, but they are really bad.
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