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[ Strategy Share ] [Strategy Collection] Lineup Roles


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On 2016-10-27 10:06:06Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Hi guys! I'm not the best player or most knowledgable or anything, but I thought I'd just go ahead and share some strategy ideas I have!

I'll jump right in: I see a lot of argument and discussion about specific lineups, but I think what makes a good lineup relies more greatly on the power roles of each ninja rather than one particular ninja over the other.

When I'm talking about power roles, I mean a format that's used in a lot of video games that I've sort of retrofitted to apply to this one. In many battle teams, there's a tank, a healer, a damage dealer, and sometimes a power controller.

Tanks usually are characters that are placed in the front, middle row, or around there. They take a lot of damage and have great defense, their role is to draw the attack to them and away from the other team members.

I've found that Chiyo makes a great tank, as she can take a lot of damage and her two puppets both protect her and do damage themselves, so she doesn't have to be put in the front. Plus, she can revive other characters, so that's awesome. I'm still playing around with some other tank ideas as I get more characters. Choji is also a pretty good tank I've found, and Kurenai c*so be a healer, but she doubles as a tank as well. Neji and Hinata make great tanks because their ninjutsu makes them hard to hit.

Healers' role is pretty straight forward, to heal other team members. If the healer c*so do some damage, that's great. Healers are usually in the back behind another ninja, because they're very important and if possible should always be the last ones to go down. Personally, I enjoy Sakura as my healer, but some other good ones are Kabuto, Kurenai, and Karen. Kabuto heals more but less often, and Karen doesn't heal as much, but she deals the enemy a lot of poison, which is helpful.

Damage Dealers make up most characters of the game. Their job is in their name: deal damage. They also should somewhat guard the healer. Personally, Kakashi is one of my favorite of these. Not all DDs are strong, but there are plenty of him. Some other good ones are Naruto, Kiba, Guy, Lee, Sasuke, etc. There are usually 1-3 DDs on a team (I recommend no more than 2), and they're placed behind the tank or on either side.

Power Controllers in this case, don't have a huge part in the game. The power, being chakra. Any character that restores or uses minimal chakra in this case could be a controller. I don't know if there's really a good example in this game because I haven't unlocked that many characters yet, but both Sai and Lee are good because they don't use chakra for their mystery power, and they don't have a long move waiting period.

I AM BY NO MEANS AN EXPERT! I'm probably wrong about a lot of things, so please don't get upset if you disagree with all of this! Simply let me know what you think! Thanks for reading! Hope I helped maybe put some ideas in your mind!

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On 2016-10-27 10:09:30Show this Author Only
good job :D
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On 2016-10-27 10:15:51Show this Author Only
Your thoughts are sound in theory, flawed in a few places, up for discussion in others (Chiyo as a tank for one).

I can help out, if you want to edit your own topic, on the last subject.

In the game there are two kinds of power (chakra) manipulators, either giving you more, or stealing the enemy's.

Some actually fit into other categories as their 'primary' role, like Asuma and Obito, who give you some free chakra right at the start of the game, but are themselves damage dealers.

Orochimaru and Pain - Jigokudo ramp up your chakra every time a character or clone dies, and can get you to bigger mysteries early, or let you cast more smaller ones very quickly, as soon as turn 1.

Kisame and Shino 'steal' chakra from your opponent, denying them of its use and giving you more to play with at the same time.
There are others, but those are just a couple of examples each.
This post was last edited by Tzatziki at 2016-10-27 10:16
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On 2016-10-27 10:52:54Show this Author Only
I guess you could also add a "tank" sub-category - "summoners" or something like that - referring to characters who have summons or clones or puppets and rely on those to be tankier. But I'm not sure if there are enough of those to make a subcategory of that...

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On 2016-11-02 18:10:16Show this Author Only
all deppending from our ninja. what we need for win or have strong line up.
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On 2016-11-02 18:38:18Show this Author Only
Besides the ones on top I'd include these as well, mostly as secondary roles(some have been already mentioned):

Fodder Generator: Ninjas that can consistently spawn clones that soak up damage from the enemy team. Examples are Naruto, Sai, Kabuto, Wind Main etc

Utility ninjas: This is a very wide and ranged category including all those ninjas that provide something to your own team. It can be broken down to multiple sub-categories like "Shielders"(Gakido, Kurenai, Iruka etc), Chakra Manipulators that were mentioned above, Buffers(Guy, field effect ninjas, Iruka, all the Pains etc), Wind Main with her refresh mystery and all that shenanigans

C***blockers as I call them: ninja with interruption skills like Iruka, Anko, Shurado, Guy etc.

Status Machines: Ninjas who primarily exist to inflict something on their opponents. Two major subcategories here, DoT infliction(GNW kankuro, Jiraiya, Karin) and Control Infiction(Itachi, Ningendo, Tsunade)

And lastly the Everlasting: Reviving Ninjas, which right now only includes Orochimaru and Hidan.

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On 2016-11-08 18:36:50Show this Author Only
I think you could add "DISABLERS".. Such as intterrupt, accupuncture, chaos, immobile, sleep, etc. They didnt really act as a tank, healer, or damage dealer but their presence is very helpful
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On 2016-12-05 11:15:18Show this Author Only
So much info to take in. Ino happens to be a somewhat good disabler. With her passive chaos and her mystery chaos too.
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