This build involves having Pain - Ningendo which after a couple of Draws you SHOULD at least see it once. I was lucky enough to find him.
This build works best with Certain Hit Combo ninjas such as Kankuro and Naruto.
This build works best with Kankuro . So be sure to get him this month.
Depending on your Main Character this build work better with Dog of Hell Summon. It is possible without it.
Depending on your Certain Hit Ninja, Earth Main may be best for this build.
Why Pain - Ningendo?
This is the best Pain for 1v1 battles in Sage World Battlefield, Arena and Fighting Matsuri Challenge. He has Genjutsu - Mirror Return which reflects the first debuff on your team. He has Immobile in his chase that can be triggered TWICE. He also has Chaos in the mystery which helps deals with pesky Earth Mains. Between cooldowns. All in all, he's Number 1 and far more practical combat-wise than every other Pain. The next best would be Pain - Gakido.
Why Kankuro ?
Other than his Certain hit that Ignites the front target and 1 random body as well as cause Low Float with his puppet, he also causes Poison in his Chase and his Mystery practically wipes out the entire enemy team with its Ignite and Poison. It doesn't matter if it's against another one of those solid Earth Mains, the Ignite still burns through their shields. In this team he is the most important because you really want to stack the Ignite and Poison as fast a possible. If you don't have Kankuro you c*e Kankuro .
Why Crimson Fist ?
Because he's the only one with Chase High Float and Cause Knockdown from Initial Lotus. This is extremely important in breaking the combo. It'll be explained later. Earth Main's Shield also helps keep Kankuro's Puppet alive longer. Not even a Fire Main Mystery can kill it in 1 shot. Please not that Earth Main is not 100% Needed.
The Formation
Now that we have covered the 2 most important ninja, let's look at the placements.
Type 1: Defensive (Good Against All Teams)

This lineup ensures that if the Kabuto Clones goes off the Puppet will have extra protection. Kabuto also has one of the highest heals in this game especially since he heals 2 people for the same amount.
Why it works:
This is one of my strongest teams because on an even level, hardly anyone can stop it unless they have specifically devised another team to counter it. And knowing most players there aren't that many that would go out of their way to do so. Other than that, this team works so well because it has an opportunity to Immobile 2 Opponents in 1 round and possibly keep that one ninja (Except Gaara and Earth Mains with the right passive) under lockdown. To further explain, refer to the combos shown below.
Knockdown Initiated Combo: Pain used 1 Chase

Low Float Initiated Combo: Pain used 2 Chase

High Float Initiated Combo: Pain used 1 Chase

As you can see, so long as the Combo doesn't start with Low Float or Repulse you only use Pain - Ningendo's chase once no matter what. There is no need to immobile the same guy twice now is there? Thus you have 1 more chase left for when either Pain or Kankuro causes a Low Float, which is why you need 2 Low Float -> Repulse chases and thus the Dog of Hell. And counting on Kankuro, you'll pretty much be Guaranteed that Low Float.
The end result? 2 Immobile enemies with a bunch of them poisoned and on fire. This is why it's also important to have Earth Main because of the High Float -> Knockdown and doesn't cause any extra Low Floats and trigger Pain's Chase twice in 1 combo.
Pain is also in Move 2 because you can interrupt more Mysteries and because Kankuro's puppet dies faster in the front line which is why Kankuro is in Move 3. This team is expected to wipe out or nearly kill everyone in the Enemy team within 2 or 3 rounds so having Kankuro in Move 3 doesn't affect the Combo Continuity at all.
Type 2: Offensive (Best against Earth Mains)
This lineup focuses more on dishing out damage using poisons.

Why it works:
Because Karin stacks poison so fast, most of them drop dead before Round 3. Kankuro doesn't consistently stack poison because he only poisons in his Chase which means Earth Mains are practically immune to it and die much more slowly. The Earth Shield should protect the puppet for a while, but won't last long under constant fire.
Combo Routine
Round 1:
Just use Kabuto Clones. Against an Earth Main with no direct line to any of their ninjas, use Karin's Mystery AFTER Kankuro's attack. GNW Kankuro's attack does 3 hits on 2 targets bringing it up to 6 and Karin's Mystery does 1 to 4 targets and you end up with 10 combo instantly. This also applies to Regular 3 Star Kankuro.
VERY IMPORTANT: Note when everyone uses their Standard Move in this Round. It will help you determine if your ninjas have Higher Initiative than the opponent team.
Round 2:
-If there's a possible Move 1 Initiator, use your Earth Main Mystery. If they are faster (Higher Initiative) than you BUT have no paralyze, use Earth Main Mystery on their Healer and combo from there. If they have no healer, take out a priority target (High Chase, Irritating Debuffs, High Damage, that sort of thing).
-If all the Move 1 and possibly Move 2 initiators have been immobiled or you KNOW that their team can ONLY use 20 Chakra mystery in Move 2 or more, use Ningendo to start the combo. Afterwards if you have taken an extra 20 Chakra, just use Kankuro's Mystery and watch them DoTs kill.
-If they only have Move 3 and 4 Initiators (I've seen it before) and you know Kankuro is faster than them, use Kankuro Mystery to start the combo.
Important: You must either stop them from using a mystery or just reduce their combo. The best case for damaging them back in that case is to target their healer that can remove debuffs.
Round 3:
Depending on what went down in Round 2, some of your enemies should be dead or close to dead. Either use Pain's Mystery if you still have it or summon Kabuto clones. But if you're using Karin you c*e Pain's Mystery in this round if you haven't the previous round. From here on out, you're on your own but it should be easier if you target their healer first but priority goes to whoever is using a mystery that you CAN COMBO.
-Main under Control cannot use Mystery and may cost you initiative and combo depending on what debuff the Main Suffers because the Dog of Hell is very important in stopping them. However they will still suffer ignite from kankuro.
-Puppet dies and you lose a lot of damage. So Kabuto will be very important against these types of opponents.
-Pain or Kankuro dies you lose part of your combo. But really as an Earth Main, you really only ever need Kabuto and your Shield to survive through most stuff. As long as they don't die too early on you will win if you can take out their healer first.
-Faster Initiative opponents c*e their combo on you. If you are facing Chaos, Immobile or Paralyze, wait until your healer removes the debuff before starting the combo.
-Double Control can stop the important ninjas but then again every ninja is an important ninja in a way isn't it?
-Etc. I can't think of everything now can I?
-Double Immobile (2 Down 2 to go)
-Debuff Reflect (Woot! Imma Fiya Mayne!)
-Ignite and Poison in 1 Combo (Prevents removal of Poison unless Sakura, Pain or Revives)
-Hard to Stop without Control (Why is this a strength? Because most teams don't have 2 control moves.)
-People tend to target Pains first. (BURN FROM THE RAGE OF KANKURO!!!)
Nothing much to say except this team helped me beat almost every Elite/Plot Instance and so far no one except a Fire Main came close to even defeating it. To have enough control debuffs and place them in the right order so it doesn't get reflected is EXTREMELY difficult. This team c*so be used in Ninja Exams that don't have very specific ways to beat them (Boss Battles and Round 1 Killers).
So if you ever get GNW Kankuro, Pain - Ningendo and a nice Dog of Hell. This team is very satisfying. But this team can be viable even without GNW Kankuro, Dog of Hell or Earth Main. As long as Pain -Ningendo is there, you can adjust accordingly. Feel free to twist and adjust this team as you see fit.
JunichiKoson S74
This post was last edited by SIFIcychiller at 2016-10-21 14:42