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[ Player Guide ] Beating Mains, or Why No One's Broken


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On 2016-10-21 06:35:06Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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I mean, have whatever opinion you want, but every team is beatable if you're within power and level, and sometimes even when you're not.

(This is how I'd do it; lemme know if there's a better way or if I should add anything. Also, how do you make the text different colors? For some reason it doesn't work for me.)

AZURE: That heal's scary XD requires a heck of a lot of strategy to fight, but don't they all?

Megaheal or Passive Heal: interrupt the mystery heal; and if you can't, kill the main first; and if you can't do that, pick off ninja one by one with high-power targeted attacks. Don't rely on debuffs since the megaheal lifts all of them - except ignite, which cancels out the passive heal and can kill off the lower life ninja so you can focus elsewhere. Same with all debuffs, I guess. Just watch the frequency of the heal.

Healing Tips: Ignite, then take out all of the medics on the team - either focus on one and ignite the rest, or ignite all (like with GNW Kankuro) and go for area damage.

Poison Fog, Poison Tai: Sakura's not the best choice in general for like 40 or 50+, level-wise, but she is reeeeeally helpful against poison teams (like the Hanzo SA). I use Kabuto/Ino/fire main in my stall/control team with the Death Mirage (clears 2 debuffs) talent on my main, so like no debuffs ever XD but even a little debuff clearing is helpful. Look around in the talents of medics for debuff clears, or if you have the Pain that clears debuffs (I forget who) use him. For Poison Tai, use anyone who can dodge/block, or is immune; or use chaos so they self-destruct; or go for either sturdy or many clones.

Neurotoxin: Hinata, or debuff clears.

CRIMSON: Probably the most feared main on my server. That shield-every-round thing is annoying, yeah.

Lightened Boulder or Super Lightened Boulder: Hinata, or Chaos. Keep track of when Crimson c*e it and wait until it's actually activated for Hinata - don't jump the gun! Use area damage to get rid of attacking clones. Use Blindness if you have it (Zabuza, Asuma, probably others).

Super Duper Shield thing: Chaos! I love it. In Survival use fire main across from him with the sleep passive, and Ino with him; basically no shields. (Make sure Scarlet's sleeping Crimson after the shield so chaos carries to the next round.) If no fire, at least try to get Crimson under control every other round or something. For shields in general, use debuffs, especially ignite (so no healing under shield).

1st Round Immunity: just don't target him then, and don't use any taijutsu mysteries.

Unyielding: save targeted attacks when he's low and use them after he comes back.

BREEZE: People say she's weak but her area damage's pretty lethal for clones.

Dance of Impetus: Interrupt the Impetus itself, or interrupt the resulting jutsu, or steal chakra.

Clone spam: Area damage with GNW Kiba, Kankuro, etc. Take them out fast-ish. Thankfully they're pretty weak so with high attack stats you can get rid of them without a mystery, mostly.

Area damage: This is why I call Kabuto a deity. The heal XD Without Kabuto, try ninja that heal themselves (Sasori, GNW Kiba, leechers) to make up for the damage.

Queen's Momentum Lineup: Hard to know who to target, but interrupt Karin, ignite Hinata 1st round; then kill Hinata and damage Kurenai second - or control Hinata with fire's sleep + chaos. That's what I do, anyway. (It's Karin/Hinata/Kurenai, right...?) (edit: Belerephon says to target the main and the team will do no damage.)

Shields: Debuffs (see Earth)

SCARLET: my main of choice, and people say he's really balanced. In my opinion it's easiest to *sings* FIGHT FIRE WITH FIRE (*ahem*)

High Damage Dragon Mystery: don't bring Kankuro/Sasori's puppet back until you know Scarlet has to wait 4 rounds before using this mystery again; same with Sai/Kabuto.

Ignite in general: Debuff clears are awesome here, or use control to prevent the ignite in the first place.

Interrupt: (this goes for all interrupts) - on Auto, you can fairly easily predict interrupts, and with fire it's easy since it's going to be every 3 rounds every time (chakra consumption is 0). With Auto the computer waits until the opponent hits a mystery and then activates it; if you don't until after the first attack or whatever it gets "impatient" and throws it at someone with the lowest life, I think. If the fight's PvP, you can wait for the other guy to get impatient, or you c*e a jutsu you don't really need (like bringing back GNW Kankuto's puppet, which has guarding, when you have Hinata's shieldy-thing, which is near-invincible) as a decoy and then go for your actual mystery of choice once the interrupt is used. All this requires high refines, chakra, patience, and RNG/luck. Don't auto against Scarlet's interrupt.

Feather Illusion: Hinata or Blindness. This is an awesome technique from Scarlet users' perspective and a really annoying one from everyone else's.

Genjitsu Mirror: again, very awesome in my opinion. Either have your own mirror (Scarlet or Kurenai or one of the Pains) or have someone who can clear debuffs. Since Scarlet can sleep/immobile/ignite/reflect it's good in general to have debuff immunity or clearing.

Bani Chakra: see above; more or less same thing.

Death Mirage: wait to throw debuffs until after it's used for that round. Again, no Auto.


Lightning Armor, AKA It Never Stops: Hinata, Kimimaro/blockers/shielders/dodgers, clones. Anything with lower life than your crucial players to distract him. Don't bother with debuffs while it's activated.

Super Duper Paralyze: don't use your combo-starting attacks while you're paralyzed, or don't rely too heavily on combos in the first place, or bring a ton of debuff clearers. This one's a pain to deal with in my opinion since I do nothing without my combos XD.

Root of Warrior: kill the sword guys.

Leech: Ignite, and if you can't take Midnight out fast. If he has like a Lee/Gai/Midnight team there's not much of a choice but to ignite.

In general: Shields: use debuffs. Invincibility: don't focus during that round. Buffs: there's a Pain for that right? (There's an app for that XD) or disable the buffed ninja.

And last but not least - HOW TO BEAT ANY MAIN: kill him/her XD
This post was last edited by Aokawa at 2016-10-21 14:07 This post was last edited by Aokawa at 2016-10-21 14:11
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-10-21 07:08:10Show this Author Only
Lol "There's a Pain for that right?"
Ask Shukaku he'd know. :lol
But really that's Gakido, yep.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-10-21 07:31:30Show this Author Only
ive never had a problem beating any main unless they p2w
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On 2016-10-21 09:10:18Show this Author Only
  • Harambe On 2016-10-21 07:31:30
  • ive never had a problem beating any main unless they p2w
This is more in response to the complaints of brokenness I see. I dunno. XD
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On 2016-10-21 09:26:04Show this Author Only
  • Harambe On 2016-10-21 07:31:30
  • ive never had a problem beating any main unless they p2w
How to beat fire who use seal?
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On 2016-10-21 13:14:55Show this Author Only
Use ninjas that can interrupt on round 1 e.g. GNW Neji, Neji, Iruka.
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On 2016-10-21 18:49:56Show this Author Only
  • Overmain On 2016-10-21 09:26:04
  • How to beat fire who use seal?
Either let the fire use it and clear it, or stop the fire with round 1 interrupts like Yuusuke said; the second one's riskier because you're crossing your fingers that their refines are lower than yours. When I fight fire I just avoid making any moves rounds 1 and 3 until 1. they waste it or 2. they're using another technique. If they don't use it round 1 at all, it means they're secretly Shkamaru with an IQ of over 200 and you're praying to the gods of RNG XD
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On 2016-10-21 18:55:08Show this Author Only
you highlight the words and pick colour for the text :3
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-10-21 19:57:15Show this Author Only
So your answer to beating fire is essentially playing fire or having pain with the clear just wow Also pretty much any wind can be 1 shotted in turn 2 by other teams of same power. Also saying queen momentum hard to know who to target means you have no idea how wind actually plays queen momentum team means you target the main then that team does no dmg. I'm sorry but that guide is terrible no offence.
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On 2016-10-22 03:03:46Show this Author Only
  • Goddess Chii On 2016-10-21 18:55:08
  • you highlight the words and pick colour for the text :3
Trying but it's not working for some reason.

(edit) So I highlight and pick the color, and in the font box it says "Font" instead of "Tahoma", but when I hit "save" there's no color.
This post was last edited by Aokawa at 2016-10-21 14:12
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-10-22 03:07:07Show this Author Only
  • Belerephon On 2016-10-21 19:57:15
  • So your answer to beating fire is essentially playing fire or having pain with the clear just wow Also pretty much any wind can be 1 shotted in turn 2 by other teams of same power. Also saying queen momentum hard to know who to target means you have no idea how wind actually plays queen momentum team means you target the main then that team does no dmg. I'm sorry but that guide is terrible no offence.
Or having anyone else who clears, like Sakura/Kabuto/Ino/Shizune I think, which are fairly easy-to-get ninja. I feel you guys, honestly; I'm F2P and I don't even have any Akatsuki at level 74 besides Kisame. Please don't assume that's what I meant.

I can rework it, and thank you for telling me this - I truthfully appreciate it - but don't call something that someone put some work into "terrible" and then add on an insincere "no offense"; it's rude and unnecessary. Either provide some useful information respectfuly, or don't say anything. This post was last edited by Aokawa at 2016-10-21 14:09
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On 2016-10-22 04:24:39Show this Author Only
  • Iarusu Fakod On 2016-10-22 03:07:07
  • Or having anyone else who clears, like Sakura/Kabuto/Ino/Shizune I think, which are fairly easy-to-get ninja. I feel you guys, honestly; I'm F2P and I don't even have any Akatsuki at level 74 besides Kisame. Please don't assume that's what I meant.

    I can rework it, and thank you for telling me this - I truthfully appreciate it - but don't call something that someone put some work into "terrible" and then add on an insincere "no offense"; it's rude and unnecessary. Either provide some useful information respectfuly, or don't say anything. This post was last edited by Aokawa at 2016-10-21 14:09
I meant no offence is that i didnt post it to try to offend you but because i thought you guide was actually bad.
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On 2016-10-23 12:49:54Show this Author Only
its not bad , but its enough info to help out beginners
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On 2016-10-23 13:58:05Show this Author Only
  • Belerephon On 2016-10-22 04:24:39
  • I meant no offence is that i didnt post it to try to offend you but because i thought you guide was actually bad.
There's literally no reason why wind can't win against a fire team.
If you manage to interrupt all their mysteries, and cleanse the debuffs, even if fire is super effective against wind, you should be able to win.
As a lightning user, if something like that really was the case, then I would lose to wind users every time, but this does not happen.
If you're not winning, then there's something you're doing wrong, or rather, not doing.
Don't blame the guide.
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